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A Different Life

Guest Evil_gummy_shark

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I think this is a great fic. Its very interesting how it all fits together. It feels like I am actually watching Home and Away when reading this. Please keep updating as it's a story that has kept me hanging on your every word.

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  • 4 weeks later...

A/N: Ok guys, first off sorry about the time between updates, I’ve been swamped. I really appreciate what you guys said :) Seriously it made me feel great for days. Though the ‘ghost of the past’ is only a ‘two-part’ thing I plan to explore the ramification it has on a lot of the characters through out the story. I hope you enjoy it half as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Chapter Eight

Ghosts of the past - part two

Ric had by simple chance seen her, he had volunteered to pick up food from the diner when he saw her walking, carrying the backpack that was so clearly overstuffed. He could understand why Henry had been so worried because he could see it simple in how she walked with her head down, how she held herself.

“Belle” He said as he approached her.

“What do you want?” she snapped.

“You see that Callan was in town” She looked at her feet for a few moments before contuning to walk. “Where are you going?” He asked her.

“No where” She said, Ric knew better.

“What’s in the bag?” He asked “Clothes, money, anything you need to survive?” He snapped giving her a knowing look. ”You’re running again aren’t you?” Ric asked her, he seemed to be completely betrayed.

“I’m going to visit my cousin” She told him, hoping he would buy it

“The one you’ve never met?” Ric asked

“I did met him, about a month ago” She said

“I don’t buy it” Ric said “What the hell are you running from now?”

“Nothing” Belle said as she began to walk away, he put a hand on her shoulder and that action was what started it, finally she let go of the tears.

“Belle?” Ric asked confused, he had never seen Belle like that before. He tried to pull her into a hug.

“Don’t” She said, her voice was odd, terrified. “Please don’t” The look on her face, the terror reminded him of Cassie. The moment he tried to kiss her and she freaked out completely. At that moment it clicked, the night before she left in the city they went to a party that Callan was at, now he was at the bay and she was running.

“It’s Callan isn’t it” Ric asked her “He’s the one your afraid of”

“Ric don’t” Belle begged

“He…” Ric stopped

“What drugged me? Took me up to a room and had sex with me?” She asked, her voice scared and strained and the tears still running down her face.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked

“Her Dalby, your friend is a rapist” She said “For all I knew you where in on it”

“How could you think that?” Ric asked

“Some freak had just done god knows what to me while I was passed out, excuse me if I wasn’t thinking clearly!” She snapped

“Belle, you need to tell someone” Ric told her.

“What good would it do, it wouldn’t change what he did” She said

“It might stop him though” Ric said

“You really think anyone would believe me?” She asked.

“Is that what he told you, no one will believe you, people like him prey on our insecurities, use our mistakes to make us believe we have no way out” He told her “My father did it to me for years, don’t let Callan do the same to you” He said “Tell Peter”

“I can’t..” She began

“You can Belle, your strong I’ve seen it, and you’re a fighter” He began “Callan can’t change that” He sighed “and I’ll be with you”


Peter Baker looked up from his desk as he saw his niece enter with Ric Dalby, she looked like she had been crying and he quickly got up to see if she was ok. Belle had always been the tough kid, the one who didn’t cry when they hurt themselves or got yelled at. He had only seen her cry on a few occasions, something was seriously wrong.

“Can you wait outside?” She asked Ric

“Are you sure?” He asked in return

“Yeah..” She said

“I’ll be right outside” He told her, giving her once last look before walking outside.

“What’s going on?” He asked her.

“I need to tell you something” She told her “about a crime..” She paused

“Did you do something?” He asked, a small part of him hoped she did. The thought of anyone hurting her still bothered him, even if his brother had broken up with Amanda he still considered her his niece. Nothing could change that.

“No” She said as he saw the tears start, he didn’t know what to do or say.

“You should sit down” He said. Belle made no effort to move.

“There was a part back in the city” She told him. “I took a drink without thinking” She stopped, it was clear to him she was hoping that he would fill in the blanks. It was of course clear to Peter what she was saying. “He’s here” She then added. Those last words seemed to affect her more then anything and he pulled her into a hug. She accepted his gesture as she continued to cry.


When Peter saw the guy that Belle has described a rage ran through him. He was speaking with Matilda Hunter. He had to wonder if she had something to do with Belle coming forward, knowing that he might do it to her. He approached them and the boy glared at him.

“What?” He asked

“Callan, you’re under arrest” Peter told him, it had been a long time since Peter had taken such pleasure from those words.

“For what?” He snapped.

“For the Sexual assault of Belle Vale” He said as he pulled out his hand cuffs, he looked at Matilda for a second. She seemed terrified and shocked, like she was realizing just how close she came.

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