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Why Me? Why Us?

Guest beckyboo

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Heya! lol Great chapter!!

I'm sooo glad you came to your senses and found her not guilty and that was soo funny about Rachel not telling them that they were having twins lol

By the way I LOVE the name Charlie!!

Anyway get your butt MSN!!!

More soon before you go away.


Chapter 10-- sorry its not really long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but this is for everyone that has read it so far and now Emma and Laura stop harrasing me on MSN!!!!!!!!! Sian is the only one who hasen't harressed me!!!!!!!!!!

Jack had no idea how he had got his Dad, Beth, Luc and Maddie to mind the twins for a whole week while he took Martha on a surprise honeymoon seen as they never got one.

“Martha darling” Jack called up the stairs Martha knew he was being funny and answered him with a “what do you want Jack” “Pack you bags for a week and do the twins one to were going on our honeymoon” Jack smiled as he said it Martha’s reply was “oh great a honeymoon with two screaming babies just what we need” “oh but the babies aint coming there staying with Dad and Beth so hurry we have to drop them off.

Martha and Jack kissed there sons and were on the road when Martha finally asked Jack weir they were going! Jack had rented a little cottage in the middle of nowhere but close to home in case the twins were sick or something like that.

Once they got there they went for a walk and when they came back they sat by the fire and the started to talk about the old times before they were married like their nudie runs, drinking competitions and most of all the fake spider incident which they both came to the conclusion if that haven’t have happened then Jack and Martha may not be together and the twins would be none existent.

The next Martha was on the phone to Beth and then she went in to Jack crying that she missed the twins but Jack soon changed her mind with a long passionate kiss. When Martha eventually woke up she noticed Jack wasn’t beside her. She stood up and then Jack walked into the room and said to her to get dressed up and then come downstairs Martha agreed then got dressed.

She eventually came down and when she did she went weak at the knees as to what Jack had done for her. He had made the living room in to the same way as she had when she had proposed to him and then he got down on bended knee and asked Martha would she like to renew their wedding vows? Martha looked down at him and said “you just had to be the one to propose didt you” he looked up and laughed at her and said “no seriously you are the only person I can imagine spending my life with and I want the whole of the world if you say yes you wont be sorry” Martha looked down and smiled at him and said only “if I can pick were it is” Jack replied I wouldt have it any other way and presented her with another engagement ring only this time it was the one his mother had left to him and he remembered the day she gave him she had said to him “don’t give this ring to just anyone give it to the person you want to spend the rest of your life with” and to jack that person was Martha.


What does Martha have in store for Jack!!


Lol I didnt harrass you :) because I was saying loverly things about Jack lol

Great chapter that was so sweet and yeah Jack had to propose this time lol Also when he says that hi mum gave him the ring to give someone who you want to spend the rest of your life with that is so cute lol very Jack.

Have a good hols :) update soon Ms.Becky


What a great Fic hope to see some more will there be a death or something like that?


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