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Guest beckyboo

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You can't kill Jack or do anything nasty to him.

If you do, you won't here the end of it on MSN Becky. LOL

Keep up the great writing hun.

YES!! lol You will not hear the end of it fromme either, but I know you wouldnt kill him or hurt him :unsure: would you? lol

Great writing expect to see more soon.

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:o Oh my gawd!!! :o Don't you Dare let anything bad happen to Jack or Martha!! :angry: ....... :P

Hahaha I have wrote that on all the fics recently, they're all so shocking!


Chapter 8 Here is a little preview!!!!

Jack pulled up where he heard Martha and Steven arguing, Peter warned Jack that one wrong move could place Martha in danger.

Martha had somehow got hold of the gun when Steven he left the room, got in his car and drove away. Jack and Peter Ran in the abandoned shed and Martha heard someone coming she thought it was Steven so she held the gun and pointed it towards the door and when the door opened she aimed it at the persons leg and Bang before she knew it she had pulled the trigger.


Who has Martha shot!?


There ya go Sian and Emma!!!!!!!!! No more MSN bullying now please!!!!!!!!!!!

“Martha Jack yelled as he heard the gunshot when he finally got to the room all he could see was some man laying on the floor by the door he then realised Martha had shot one of the men that was helping Steven.

“Jack” Martha yelled and ran to him Jack just out his arms around her and told her everything would be alright he was just so relieved that his wife was okay!

At the hospital Jack asked Rachel if the baby was alright all Rachel could reply “lets wait and see what drugs are ion her body and then we will make an informed decision”. Constable Holden please can you wait outside he heard a voice behind him he turned round to be greeted with McGrath “sure” Jack replied “You be okay” he asked Martha “I will be fine she replied”.

Im sorry I have to do this Martha but Mrs. Martha Holden im arresting you on suspicion of murder you do not have anything but it may harm your defence and anything you do say may be given in evidence he said while handcuffing on hand to the bed.

Meanwhile outside

“I’m so sorry Jack the baby didt survive” Rachel said.

Jack heard all of what McGrath had said and stormed in screaming and shouting at his superior to get out he needed to talk to his wife “im sorry Jack you now that someone needs to stay with her at all times McGrath said “its not like im going anywhere is it and pointed to the handcuffs” replied Martha “fine 5 Minutes alone Holden that’s it”

Jack just held Martha in his arms and started to tell her about the baby.

Martha just lay there in silence not knowing what to say or what to do. Finally breaking the silence she replied “this is my entire fault, I should have fought hard enough the first time Steven grabbed me then we wouldt be in this mess.


Will Martha be found guilty or not?

When Jack catches up with Steven will he be held accountable for his actions against him!

Can miracals happen!?


:o Becky that was a great chapter!!!

You have to write more now. Now.

Aww poor Martha arrested and loosing her baby. Go on Jack go beat him up!! Steven that is lol

Looking forward to mroe :] x


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