Traceve Posted July 12, 2006 Report Posted July 12, 2006 Previously... Rachael stared to silently cry, as Tracey tied the gag. She was scared, Sally was tied up on the floor, Kim was tied up and Jack was too scared to even help them. “What’s going to happen to us now,” Jack spoke up. Zoë using the gun she pointed towards the old grandfather clock. “Tick Tock,” Was all Zoë said. Chapter 21. Kim wriggled around in the chair trying to break free, but it just made his ropes pull tighter. “So, what are we going to do with you lot,” Zoë asked Jack, as he was the only one who could talk. “Let us go,” Jack said hopefully. “Nahh, I can’t do that,” Zoë turned to Tracey. They started to kiss passionately Jack turned away not really wanting to watch. “Shouldn’t we tie him up as well,” Tracey asked Zoë pulling away from there embrace. “Nah, he won’t go anywhere,” Zoë laughed. Zoë walked out of the room, the lock the back door. “Mmm…,” Rachael tried to talk but she couldn’t. Tracey took the gag from her mouth. “Why are you doing this?” Rachael asked Tracey with tears in her eyes. “Its all for you, Hun,” Was all Tracey said as she put Rachael’s gag back in her mouth. Tracey walked over to Sally still lying on the floor unable to move, she picked Sally up and put her on the couch next to Jack. Sally was crying, Jack tried to comfort her. “Why did you put Sally there,” Zoë asked Tracey walking back into the room. “I dunno,” Tracey said smiling. “Right,” Zoë said. “I shut all the blinds, so no-one can see in and I locked both the front and the back doors,” Zoë said to Tracey. Zoë held up the gun and pointed it at Jacks head. “It’s now 12 mid-day, so in exactly 3 more hours my final revenge will strike,” Zoë laughed. “Mmm..,” Rachael tried to talk but since the gag was still in her mouth, she failed. “What?” Zoë asked removing Rachael’s gag. “What’s going to happen to us?” Rachael asked her crying. “Well, lets just say that in about 3 more hours you will all be burnt to a crisp,” Tracey went over to were Sally lay, while Zoë had her back turned she got Sally’s attention and kissed her forehead and said, it will all be ok. “Zoë is this really necessary,” Tracey asked Zoë. “Babe, we have already been through this and it is,” Zoë said gently kissing her. “Tick Tock,” Zoë said pointing at the old, tall, grandfather clock. She walked over and opened it, and hidden inside the huge clock, was a bomb. “What do you think?” she asked them pointing to the bomb and laughing. “When the clock strikes 3, the bomb will explode,” Zoë said shutting the clock. “The bomb?” Jack asked. “Yes, stupid the bomb,” Tracey replied. Honestly she thought to her how stupid could he get, he reminded her of Peter. Kim tried to break free of the ropes again, as they pulled tightly around his wrists. “Tick Tock,” Zoë said laughing. Sally made the occasional attempt of breaking free of her ropes; Jack tried to calm her down as Rachael silently shot Tracey the odd look. Next Time.. Who will survive the blast?
Traceve Posted July 13, 2006 Report Posted July 13, 2006 Previously… “When the clock strikes 3, the bomb will explode,” Zoë said shutting the clock. “The bomb?” Jack asked. “Yes, stupid the bomb,” Tracey replied. Honestly she thought to her how stupid could he get, he reminded her of Peter. Kim tried to break free of the ropes again, as they pulled tightly around his wrists. “Tick Tock,” Zoë said laughing. Sally made the occasional attempt of breaking free of her ropes; Jack tried to calm her down as Rachael silently shot Tracey the odd look. Part.22. “Well, well well, aren’t we such a happy family,” Zoë mocked the group. Tracey silently muttered something under her breath while playing with her hair. “Zoë, im bored,” Tracey sighed. “Bored! Now!” Zoë yelled. “Yeah, well are we are doing is sitting around, like stuffed chickens, watching these guys, suffer,” Tracey said bluntly. Zoë glanced over at the clock. “Well we still have an hour to kill,” Zoë said impatiently. “Babe, don’t worry,” Tracey said gently patting her arm. Sally silently let out a few tears; Jack noticed so he did his best to comfort her, he gently patted her head. Zoë glanced over at Sally and Jack, and snorted. A potential couple, she thought to herself. Kim squirmed to get out of the chair, he had been picking at the rope with his long fingernails for the past hour, he had made it a lot thinner and easier to break free from, but it still wouldn’t break. “Tick Tock,” Zoë said pacing the room, back and forth. “Only 40 more minutes,” Tracey said glancing at the large grandfather clock. As Martha walked into the Dinner she bumped into her Granddad Alf. “Hey Grandad,” Martha said greeting him with a hug. “Have you heard or seen from Jack?” she asked him. “No, Love I haven’t,” Alf said. “He went to Rachel and Kim’s about 5 hours ago, and no one has heard or seen from him since,” Martha said concerned. “Im sure he is fine,” Alf then said goodbye and headed out to the surf club. Martha sat in a booth, pulled out her mobile and dialled Jacks number. Ring Ring Jacks phone started to ring, as he went to answer it, Zoë pointed the gun at him and said. “Don’t.” Jack hesitated grabbing his phone, but he changed his mind. He didn’t want to risk getting shot. The phone continued to ring until it had rang out. “20 more minutes,” Zoë said excitedly. “What’s going to happen to us?” Jack asked Zoë “Well,” Zoë said thinking. “You, Sally, Kim and Rachel, will be all burnt to a crisp,” Zoë said laughing. Tracey glanced at Rachael out of the corner of her eye when Zoë said that, she noticed that Rachael was blinking back tears. Tracey snap out of it, she thought to herself, you love Eve, so stop caring about Rachael! “Zoë why don’t you go and get us some drinks or something,” Tracey suggested to Zoë. “On one condition,” Zoë said to Tracey. “That you look after them,” Zoë said kissing Tracey on her way out. “Jack, undo Sally’s ropes,” Tracey said urgently to Jack. “What?” jack said shocked? “Just ****en do it!” Tracey said raising her voice. “Sally stay where you are, ok, we don’t want Eve, I mean Zoë knowing,” Tracey said in a rush. Jack undid them, but left them covered so Zoë wouldn’t notice. Tracey ran to wear Kim was, she undid his ropes. “Hold on to them and cover them best you can,” Tracey said quickly, she was just about to do Rachael’s when Zoë walked back in. “They haven’t got anything worth even drinking,” Zoë informed Tracey. “Oh trace look,” Zoë said pointing to the clock. They clock read 2:55. “I spose we better love you and leave you, Zoë laughed, she headed towards the door. “It has been a pleasure knowing you all,” She said with a grin across her face. “You coming, Trace?” Zoë asked Tracey. “No,” Tracey said looking at Rachael. “Why not?” Zoë asked Tracey. “Trace, if you don’t come now you will die in the blast, now we don’t want that happening, do we?” “No, we don’t,” Tracey said getting up. As Zoë turned her back, Jack leapt from the couch and pushed her to the ground. Sally got up from the lounge; she ran over to Rachael and started quickly untying the ropes. Kim ran to Jack and helped him. Tracey just stood there looking at the clock, with 1 minute to go she started to run towards the door, and then the bomb went off BOOM!! Next Time who survived?
Traceve Posted July 15, 2006 Report Posted July 15, 2006 Previously… As Zoë turned her back, Jack leapt from the couch and pushed her to the ground. Sally got up from the lounge; she ran over to Rachael and started quickly untying the ropes. Kim ran to Jack and helped him. Tracey just stood there looking at the clock, with 1 minute to go she started to run towards the door, and then the bomb went off BOOM!! Part.23 As Sally stirred, she opened her eyes, they immediately stung from the smoke, every breath she took she choked on, she could barley make out the figures around her. She saw Rachael still tied to the chair choking for air; the chair was on its side on the ground. The couch was on top of the chair which held Rachael. “Kim!” Sally screamed, as she tried to move the couch, but it wouldn’t budge. “Kim!” Sally screamed again. Kim awoke, he looked around, he could see Sally trying to move the couch, but why? “Oh ****,” Kim jumped out, he let out a cry of pain as he did, He went over to Sally and helped her move it. “Sally, get Rach, im going to try and find Jack. “Jack? Jack?” Kim asked moving furniture. As he went to towards the door, the curtains were on fire and fell in his way. He noticed Zoë was lying still on the ground, she hadn’t moved. Kim glanced around, and there was Jack laying still on the floor with a massive cut across his head. “Jack, mate come on, we have to get out of her,” He yelled, he touched Jack, Jack still didn’t stir. “Jack!” Kim yelled. Tracey opened her eyes, and rolled over, she couldn’t see much; only thick smoke was around her. “Zoë?” Tracey coughed on her words. Zoë was lying next to her, not moving. “Tracey?” Came a quiet mumble from Zoë. “Oh my god, Zoë” Tracey said quickly. She looked up at the roof, it was about to cave in. “Zoë, come-on, we need to get out of here, now!” Tracey sprang to her feet. “Trace, I can’t,” Zoë said weakly. “Yes, you can,” Tracey said firmly, picking Zoë up and racing to the back door. She kicked it open and went out to their car parked out front. “Jack! Wake up!” Kim shouted still unable to wake Jack. "Jack, this is no time for sleeping!" Kim picked Jack up gently and ran out of the house, he put Jack down. He looked around, the fire truck had arrived. But where were Rachael and Sally? “****!” Kim yelled, he ran back inside, Sally was trying to get Rachael out. “Go!” Kim yelled at Sally. “What? I can’t,” Sally said with tears. “Just go!” Kim screamed. Sally ran out. The roof was just about to cave in, the fire had spread. Kim and Rachael were trapped from the front, there only way out was the back door. “Kim get me out of her!” Rachael screamed still trapped. “Im trying, Kim said struggling. Tracey had driven the car towards the edge of town to get away from everything. She pulled over, and climbed into the back seat were barley conscious Zoë laid. “Zoë?” Tracey asked her, with tears in her eyes. She can’t die; Tracey thought to herself, I love her so much. Tracey gently put Zoë head on her lap and patted her hair. “Zoë, I... I love you,” Tracey said choking back tears. “I…” Zoë said weakly.
Traceve Posted July 16, 2006 Report Posted July 16, 2006 Previously… Tracey had driven the car towards the edge of town to get away from everything. She pulled over, and climbed into the back seat were barley conscious Zoë laid. “Zoë?” Tracey asked her, with tears in her eyes. She can’t die; Tracey thought to herself, I love her so much. Tracey gently put Zoë head on her lap and patted her hair. “Zoë, I... I love you,” Tracey said choking back tears. “I…” Zoë said weakly. Part.24. Kim had finally managed to break Rachael free from her ropes, Rachael sprung to her feet, and she let out a cry of pain as her ankle was broken. Kim put her arm around his shoulder as they tried to make it out of the house alive. Rachael hobbled unsteadily trying to walk. “Zoë please don’t do this, you need to wake up,” Tracey said sobbing and shaking Zoë. “Zoë please,” Tracey said crying now. Zoë opened her eyes, looked at Tracey and Smiled. “Zoë?” Tracey stopped crying, she just looked at Zoë. Zoë sat up and smiled at Tracey, its good to see you care that much. Zoë leant in to Kiss Tracey. Tracey backed away. “I thought you were dying!” Tracey yelled frustrated. “I just wanted to see if you loved me more then Rachael, don’t deny it, I saw you smiling at her before,” Zoë said looking Tracey in the eye. ‘It meant nothing, Zoë,” Tracey said bluntly. “I know,” Zoë said as she gave Tracey a long a passionate kiss. “Jack?” Sally asked urgently trying to wake him; he was still not with it. Sally checked him for a pulse. “Jack!” Sally yelled, Jack had no pulse. “Excuse me Mam,” A paramedic said, shoving Sally aside. He checked Jacks breathing and his pulse. “Mam, breathe into him on the count of 3,” the man said sternly to Sally. He started compressions, as Sally breathed into Jack every 3 seconds. “Its not working,” Sally said holding back tears. The paramedic stopped the CPR. “Time of death, 3.40pm,” He said to Sally putting a sheet over Jack. He walked off leaving a sobbing Sally left to ring Martha and tell her the bad news. Kim and Rachael finally appeared from the furnace. They made their way slowly to Sally. The roof caved in, the whole house was in flames. Rachael sat down gently not wanting to bring herself anymore pain. “Is he dead?” Kim asked Sally. “Yes,” Sally said she started to cry silently, Kim rubbed her back gently. Tracey and Zoë sat in the backseat holding each other. “is that enough revenge?” Tracey asked Zoë. “Yes it is,” Zoë said smiling. Tracey climbed into the front seat. “Drive?” She said smiling at Zoë. “Yes, lets go,” Zoë said laughing as Tracey put her foot down.
Traceve Posted July 16, 2006 Report Posted July 16, 2006 Previously… “Drive?” She said smiling at Zoë. “Yes, let’s go,” Zoë said laughing as Tracey put her foot down. “Time of death, 3.40pm,” He said to Sally putting a sheet over Jack. He walked off leaving a sobbing Sally left to ring Martha and tell her the bad news. “Is he dead?” Kim asked Sally. “Yes,” Sally said she started to cry silently, Kim rubbed her back gently Part.25. It had now been a year since the blast that claimed Jacks life and rocked the bay once again. “Kim, can you please go and get her?” Rachael asked, as their daughter started to cry, packing up the last of the kitchenware into the boxes. Rachael and Kim had finally had the baby the planed and now decided that the Bay wasn’t a safe place to raise a child. Kim came back into the room cradling a sleepy Ally is his arms. “Life is now, officially perfect,” Kim said kissing Rachael. “Yes it is, now go put Ally, back into her cot before she wakes,” Rachael said quietly. She giggled to herself as she continued packing the boxes. There was a knock at the door, Rachael went and answered it. “Leah!” Rachael exclaimed. Leah wrapped her best friend in a tight hug. “I wanted to see you before you left,” Leah said smiling. “I know, what you mean, Rachael said smiling back. “I can’t believe you’re going though,” Leah said still smiling as she remembered Rachael when she first came and the good times they had shared. “Yes me either, but with everything that has happened, I just don’t want to stay here anymore,” Rachael said looking at Leah. “When are you going?” Leah asked her best friend. “Later on this after noon,” Rachael said holding back tears. “There are so many memories here,” Rachael said as Leah hugged her tightly. “Keep in touch,” Rachael said as Leah left. “Wow, what have you done with my Rach?” Kim asked Rachael walking into the kitchen. “What do you mean,” Rachael said giggling, “Im not sure,” Kim said laughing. He walked over to her and pinned her against the wall. He looked into her eyes, he stared. “What?” Rachael asked him smiling. “It’s just that…” Kim said still staring at her. He lent forward to kiss her, but Rachael ducked out of his way and ran into the lounge room. He chased her, she stopped and Kim ran right into her, she fell onto the couch facing Kim she laughed. Kim lent forward and they shared a long passionate kiss. Things were getting a little out of hand when the movers showed up. They opened the front door. Rachael looked up from where she was positioned on the couch under Kim. She went bright red. Kim leapt up and grabbed his clothes and ran as Rachael tried to cover herself as she got dressed. When the movers had finally packed the van, Rachael was cradling Ally in her arms with Kim by her side. They walked outside and shut the front door behind them. As they headed for the car, they were greeted by Sally, Leah, Dan, Irene, Alf, Cassie, Ric, Tony, Martha, Tasha Matida, Beth, Lucas and a few others to say their Farwell. They all said their goodbyes to them and shared their hugs. Leah and Rachael shared a smile as Kim drove off. As they approached the ‘You are now leaving Summerbay Sign’ Kim looked over to Rachael and said, “Are you sure about this, babe?” “Yes I am,” Rachael said smiling. Thanks for the comments everyone. Hope you all enjoyed the Fan Fic Link to comments thread
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