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Rachael and Kim

Guest Traceve

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Kim looks up into her dark eyes, he leans forward putting an arm around her, he pulled her close and he kissed her.

“Wanna take this upstairs; we have a few hours, before Jack is back,”

Sarah asked Kim.

“Sure,” Kim said grabbing her hand and leading the way.

Im so sorry Rachael, he thought to himself. As they shut the bedroom door.


Rachael opened her eyes; the room was completely dark apart from a ray of light coming from a window way up high.

What happened? She asked herself. What happened?

All I did was go to get a drink and I end up in a barn.

And how the hell did I get here, she thought to herself

As she went to sit up, he head throbbed. She put her hand up to her head and felt a few drops of blood. Rachael slowly got up and headed to the window. She had to stand on her toes just to see over it. All she could see were trees, with no sign of people or house around. “What’s the use of yelling for help if there is no one around to her me,” Rachael sighed and sat back down and started to sob.

Back at Rachael and Kim’s house, Sarah and Kim lay in bed cuddling up to each other. Kim closed his eyes, he couldn’t believe himself, he loved Rachael yet he did it again.

“Kim, what are you thinking about,” Sarah asked him.

“Rachael,” Kim said looking down at Sarah’s slender body.

“Why?” Sarah asked Kim kissing his chest slowly.

“I love her, yet I continue to do this,” Kim said angrily.

“She won’t know,” Sarah then got out of bed, threw on her clothes and left before Kim could even say a word.

Kim lay back in bed, started to think about what he had just done to Rachael. Twice in 3 months is not good Kim, he thought to himself.

Back at the Barn Rachael, had tears running down her cheeks.

She had no idea who had done this or why.

Just then the door swung open, a woman appeared at the door. She slammed it behind herself.

“So, how do you like being in here,” She asked Rachael, laughing at herself.

“Why am I here,” Rachael asked the woman looking up at her. Rachael couldn’t see who it was as there were wearing a mask of some sort.

“You are here, for some thing Kim did to me nearly 2 years ago,” The woman said, she looked at Rachael, she lent down to her, she wiped a tear from Rachael’s eye.

Hey, so the super doc does have feelings after all,” The woman cackled at herself.

“Kim is cheating on you, this very moment, did you know that?” The woman asked.

“No, he isn’t, how do you know that?” Rachel asked the woman with a puzzled look.

Just then another woman walked in the room and shut the door behind her.

Next Time...

Who are the women?

Will Rachael be ok?

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“You are here, for some thing Kim did to me nearly 2 years ago,” The woman said, she looked at Rachael, she lent down to her, she wiped a tear from Rachael’s eye.

Hey, so the super doc does have feelings after all,” The woman cackled at herself.

“Kim is cheating on you, this very moment, did you know that?” The woman asked.

“No, he isn’t, how do you know that?” Rachel asked the woman with a puzzled look.

Just then another woman walked in the room and shut the door behind her.


“Who are you?” Rachael asked the second woman who walked in the door.

“I believe we have met before, Doc,” She answered her.

The second woman pulled of her mask revealing her face, which shocked Rachael.

“Its you! But your dead,” Rachael said looking right at the second woman.

“Ha-ha, No im fine,” Tracey threw her head back and laughed.

“So if you’re Tracey, you must be…” Rachael trailed off as the other woman pulled of her mask and revelled herself as Zoë.

“Didn’t see that one coming did you,” Zoë said, she walked up to where Rachael was sitting, and pulled her to her feet.

Rachael couldn’t run, the door was bolted shut and the only window had bars on it. So she just went along with them, not wanting to get hurt.

“Here you go Trace,” Zoë said pushing Rachael towards her.

Rachael then fell into the arms of Tracey.

“My, my, my, you are a very pretty woman,” Tracey said checking out Rachael.

Tracey then dropped a kiss on Rachael’s forehead and threw her back on the floor

Rachael landed hard on her left arm, she grunted as Zoë

Came up to her, Zoë looked at Rachael laying there in pain, and laughed.

“So, how do you like being the one hurt for once?” Zoë said mocking Rach. Zoë then lent down next to her, she pulled Rachael’s, head up so their eyes were eye to eye, Rachael couldn’t move, she was in to much pain.

“Emily?” Rachael asked Zoë.

“Yeah that was me,” Zoë laughed.

“Sarah?” Rachael asked Tracey.

“Yeah, Kim cheated on you again,” Tracey told Rachael mockingly.

“Who with?” Rachael asked.

“Me, isn’t that funny,” Tracey said laughing

Zoë kissed Rachael slowly.

Got up and kicked Rachael in her stomach with massive force. Rachael let out a cry of pain.

“What’s the matter? Losing another baby?” Zoë said laughing.

Tracey spat on Rachael.

“That’s all your worth,” Then walked up to Zoë, they both kissed and walked out of the room, leaving Rachael in pain.

Next Time…

What drastic step does Kim take to find Rachael?



“Yeah, Kim cheated on you again,” Tracey told Rachael mockingly.

“Who with?” Rachael asked.

“Isn’t that funny?” Tracey said laughing

Zoë kissed Rachael slowly.

Got up and kicked Rachael in her stomach with massive force. Rachael let out a cry of pain.

“What’s the matter? Losing another baby?” Zoë said laughing.

Tracey spat on Rachael.

“That’s all your worth,” Then walked up to Zoë, they both kissed and walked out of the room, leaving Rachael in pain.


Rachael couldn’t move, she just lay still hoping they wouldn’t come back in and mock her or hurt her again. She tried to scream but she was too weak. Rachael touched her stomach, and tore away her hand as soon as it touched her, she winced in pain. The room was dark, she looked at the window, and it was dark. Rachael shivered in the cold after all when she was kidnapped she was wearing a short silk nighty and slippers but, when they put her in the car her slippers must have fallen off. Rachael thought about what Tracey and Zoë had said to her, that Kim had cheated on her, and mocking her about losing her baby. That made her more upset. Rachael had been missing for only a day and Kim had already cheated on her. Was he even looking for her? She thought to herself, as she silently started to cry making her whole body shake.

Back at Kim’s house. Kim was downstairs pacing the room, trying to figure out someway of finding out where Rachael was and if she was ok. The police were hopeless in Summerbay and that was proven by Peter Baker earlier on that year. Kim had lost his best friend and another one of his close friends; he didn’t want to loose Rachael as well. I can’t just sit back and wait for the police, they are hopeless im going to have to take matters into my own hands, Kim thought to himself. But what can I do? I could try for days and never find anything, not even a clue. But Im not going to site back and act as if nothing has happened. At that moment there was a knock on the door. It was Leah.

“Oh, Hi Leah, come in,” Kim said taking a seat on the lounge.

Leah came in and shut the door behind her; she walked over and sat on the lounge next to Kim.

“Im so sorry Kim, I just heard what had happened,” Leah said sympathetically,

“Its ok Leah,” Kim said holding back tears, he didn’t want Leah to see him cry.

“Have they got any leads at all,” Leah asked him.

“No, they don’t,” Kim said quietly,

Leah moved closer to Kim, she put her arm around him rubbing his back.

Kim couldn’t hold it in any longer. He started to cry making his body shake.

Leah held him and didn’t let go until he had finished.

“I have to find her,” Kim said looking right at Leah.

“Leave it to the police that is their job,” Leah said.

“No, she has been gone nearly 24 hours,” Kim got up and put on his jacket, it was late, but he didn’t care.

As he left, Leah asked him to stop but he wouldn’t. All he wanted to do was to find Rachael, and nothing or so he thought could stop him.

Next Time..

Will Kim find Rachael?



Kim couldn’t hold it in any longer. He started to cry making his body shake.

Leah held him and didn’t let go until he had finished.

“I have to find her,” Kim said looking right at Leah.

“Leave it to the police that is their job,” Leah said.

“No, she has been gone nearly 24 hours,” Kim got up and put on his jacket, it was late, but he didn’t care.

As he left, Leah asked him to stop but he wouldn’t. All he wanted to do was to find Rachael and nothing or so he thought could stop him.


Kim walked down the side of his house out near the backdoor, when he noticed something was in the bushes, he slowly went up and picked it up, he shone his torch on it. It was one of Rachael’s slippers. She had been kidnapped, she didn’t run away.

Damm Jack and Sarah, Kim thought to himself, she did get kidnapped just like I told them. He placed it back down where he had found it.

Kim continued his way, towards the back shed. When he noticed a hole in the back fence, it wasn’t there the other day he thought to himself. He crouched down and went through it, just scraping his arm across the sharp edge causing a cut.

As he stood back up properly he looked around all he could see were trees, she could be anywhere.

“Rachael?” Kim yelled knowing she would answer. Kim starting walking south towards the outskirts of town.

Rachael started to shiver in the cold, she hadn’t slept all night, she was to cold.

The door opened slowly, it was Tracey. She shut the door behind her.

“What’s wrong?” Tracey asked Rachael, walking up to her; Tracey sat on the ground next to where Rachael lay.

“Its cold, not that you would care,” Rachael said in reply.

“Im sorry about before, but Im just doing what im asked by Zoë,” Tracey said.

“But she is your girlfriend,” Rachael said slowly.

“I know, but trust me, you don’t want to get on her bad side,” Tracey laughed.

“Does Zoë know you’re in here with me?” Rachael asked her.

“Oh, are you kidding, she would kill me if she knew,” Tracey said looking at Rachael.

“Come here,” Tracey said gently pulling Rachael towards her.

Rachael was reluctant at first, but she did as Tracey wished.

Tracey held Rachael in her arms, hugging her, trying to make her warm; they both fell asleep in each others arms.


The barn door was thrown open awaking Tracey and Rachael immediately.

“Oh ****,” Tracey said pushing Rachael away from her.

“What the **** is going on in here?” Zoë demanded.

“I...I...” Tracey tried to explain, but failed.

Zoë went over to Rachael; she picked her up, and pushed her against the wall.

“Trying to steal Tracey away from me are we. Well its shame it won’t work!” Zoë spat at her.

“Zoë, don’t you think were going too far with this?” Tracey asked Zoë gently.

“Too far!” Zoë screamed.

Tracey quietly exited the room, not wanting to upset Zoë any further.

“Zoë please let me go,” Rachael begged.

“Why?” Zoë asked her.

“Is poor Kim missing you, HA I doubt it, you weren’t even gone a day when he goes and sleeps with another woman,” Zoë tormented her.

“Please leave me alone,” Rachael pleaded with Zoë.

“No!” Zoë yelled, “I will, when im ready to,”

“My, my, my, you are a pretty little thing,” Zoë said as she moved closer to Rachael’s face, Zoë kissed her.

Rachael kissed her back not wanting to get hurt.

Zoë then gently put Rachael back down and walked out of the room, bolting the door behind her.

Rachael sobbed quietly, as the first rays of light came in the room, from the small window.

Next Time.

Will Kim find Rachael before its too late?



“Is poor Kim missing you, HA I doubt it, you weren’t even gone a day when he goes and sleeps with another woman,” Zoë tormented her.

“Please leave me alone,” Rachael pleaded with Zoë.

“No!” Zoë yelled, “I will, when im ready to,”

“My, my, my, you are a pretty little thing,” Zoë said as she moved closer to Rachael’s face, Zoë kissed her.

Rachael kissed her back not wanting to get hurt.

Zoë then gently put Rachael back down and walked out of the room, bolting the door behind her.

Rachael sobbed quietly, as the first rays of light came in the room, from the small window.


Kim had been walking for almost 3 hours and had barley stopped to rest. He knew he had to stay strong for Rach even though she didn’t know he was on his way.

He tracked through the scrub hoping to find something. He looked up. There was an old abandoned barn.

There was a car parked out the front. He hid behind some bushes as 2 women came out of the barn door. They both kissed and left in the car. Kim couldn’t tell who they were from so far away.

As Kim approached the barn, he tried to open the door but it was locked. He walked around the barn there were no other doors, but there was only one window. It was a small window high up.

He could see through it, he couldn’t tell, but there was a young woman inside, she was curled up in the corner of the room with her back to him.

“Rachael?” Kim asked the woman.

HE couldn’t tell what she was wearing as he was blocking out the light into the room.

Rachael’s ears pricked up, she thought she heard something, but she wasn’t sure.

“What?” Rachael asked, still not moving.

“Rachael!” Kim said louder.

“Kim?” Rachael asked slowly moving so she could see the window. She got up, he stomach aching when she moved. She had blood dripped down her leg. She walked over to the window.

“Rachael, its Kim, are you ok?” Kim asked her.

“Oh my god, Kim, get me out of here,” Rachael said starting to cry.

“How are you?” Kim asked Rachael.

“My head hurts, my stomach is killing me and im bleeding,” Rachael managed to say.

“Who did this to you?” Kim asked her.

“Emily and Sarah,” Rachael said.

“Why would they?” Kim said.

“Emily is really Zoë and Sarah is really Tracey,” Rachael informed Kim.

“Oh my god, we have to get you out of here,” Kim said trying to pull the bar out of the window, but, it wouldn’t budge.

Just then Zoë and Tracey returned, they got out of the car, and walked over towards the door. They went in and shut the door behind them.

“Kim, go!” Rachael shouted.

“Go before they find me talking to you, go!” Rachael said again.

“I love you, I will come back for you,” Kim said taking one more glance of Rachael before he left.

Zoë and Tracey he thought to himself as he headed to the police station. I cheated on Rach with Tracey Thompson, the woman who helped Zoë. This is too much.

Next Time.

Will Rach be rescued in time?



Just then Zoë and Tracey returned, they got out of the car, and walked over towards the door. They went in and shut the door behind them.

“Kim, go!” Rachael shouted.

“Go before they find me talking to you, go!” Rachael said again.

“I love you, I will come back for you,” Kim said taking one more glance of Rachael before he left.

Zoë and Tracey he thought to himself as he headed to the police station. I cheated on Rach with Tracey Thompson, the woman who helped Zoë. This is too much.

Part. 16.

As Kim walked into the police station, Sarah aka Tracey was attending the desk. He couldn’t say anything otherwise she will tell Zoë he knows.

“Hi Sarah, Can I please talk to Jack?” Kim asked her.

“Sorry, Jack isn’t in at the moment, why don’t we go to the interview room and talk about the case,” Sarah suggested.

Ümm not thank, I have to go and find Rachael,” Kim said quickly.

“Why?” Sarah said reaching over the counter grabbing Kim by his arm, she was the only officer there at the time.

“Because what I did with you was a mistake, I love Rachael” Kim said pulling away.

“You don’t love her, don’t lie to yourself,” Sarah said mocking him.

“Yes I do Tracey,” Kim said running from the station.

Oh ****,”Tracey said quickly ringing Zoë to let her know.

Ring Ring.

“Hello?” Zoë said answering her phone.

“He what!?” Zoë yelled frustrated.

Zoë hung up the phone, and walked right into the room where Rachael was and slammed the door behind her making Rachael jump.

“How does he know?” Zoë demanded.

“How does who know what?” Rachael asked Zoë, innocently.

“How does Kim know Sarah is Tracey?” Zoë asked impatiently.

“I don’t know,” Rachael lied.

“Yeah, im sure,” Zoë smirked.

As Kim headed towards the barn he hoped Zoë wasn’t there, he wanted so much for Rachael to be able to come home. He started to run, he couldn’t leave her there any longer, and she had already been there two days.

As Kim approached the window her could hear Rachael silently crying and there was another woman in the room, he stood back so that they couldn’t see him.

It was Zoë. Kim just stood there watching and listening.

Zoë stepped away from the window, letting the light shine on Rachael’s face.

“HA, look at those legs,” Zoë exclaimed as Rachael tried to cover herself.

Rachael started to gently weep in pain. Zoë walked over to her, sat down on the floor next to where Rachael was laying.

Zoë pulled Rachael towards her and held Rachael on her lap.

“What are you doing?” Rachael sobbed.

“Just relax,” Zoë said gently.

How can I relax, you’re the summer bay Stalker! Rachael thought to herself.

Zoë gently rang her fingers through Rachael’s tangled curls.

“Your pretty,” Zoë whispered to Rachael.

“Thanks, I think, why did you attack me?” Rachael asked Zoë not wanting to upset her.

“I didn’t mean to attack you, that just sort of happened, see two years ago, I was in love Kim, I told him I loved him, I had only ever said that to one person before and she is dead,” Zoë explained.

“Kim slept with Hayley while going out with me, Its not your fault, this is Kim’s fault,” Zoë said.

Kim could have screamed when Zoë told Rachael that, no one knew about that. It was a dumb mistake he had made.

Rachael sat up properly, she went to kiss Zoë, but Zoë backed away.

Rachael was confused. Zoë could tell she was when she looked at her.

Zoë just threw her head back and laughed, then lent towards Rachael grabbed her and kissed her.

Zoë stood up pushing Rachael off of her Rachael hit the ground hard making her wimp in pain.

Zoë left bolting the door behind her.

“Rach?” Kim asked.

Rachael didn’t answer him.

Next Time.

Is Rachael ok?



Rachael sat up properly, she went to kiss Zoë, but Zoë backed away.

Rachael was confused. Zoë could tell she was when she looked at her.

Zoë just threw her head back and laughed, then lent towards Rachael grabbed her and kissed her.

Zoë stood up pushing Rachael off of her Rachael hit the ground hard making her wimp in pain.

Zoë left bolting the door behind her.

“Rach?” Kim asked.

Rachael didn’t answer him.


“Rach?” Kim said a bit louder not wanting to draw to much attention to himself.

“Mmm…,” Rachael grunted, slowing getting up and walking towards the window.

“Rachael why did you kiss Zoë?” Kim asked Rach.

Why did you sleep with Tracey, “Rachael shot back at him, that put him back in his box so to speak...?

“Ok, stop this isn’t going to get you anywhere,” Kim said bluntly.

“Oh, ill be back,” Kim said running behind some bushes, as Zoë and Tracey drove off together. When the car had gone out of site, Kim went over to the huge barn door to open it.

“Ah the fools,” Kim said exactly. They had forgotten to lock it.

Kim ran into the barn, and through to the room Rachael was in, he took the bolt out from the door, and swung the door open, he ran over to wear Rachael was, he hugged her tightly.

Kim was holding back tears and Rach was already crying.

“I want to go home, Kim,” Rachael wailed.

“I know, come on,” Kim looked at her, she was dirty, she was in a torn silk nighty and didn’t have any shoes.

Kim picked her up.

“You can’t walk with any shoes on,” Kim said giggling.

She moved her head up and they both shared a passionate kiss, as Kim started walking towards the exit of the barn, Tracey walked in.

“Kim, nice to see you again,” Tracey laughed.

Kim and Rachael’s smiles soon turned to frowns.

“Zoë isn’t here,” Tracey said gently.

“Sarah...” Kim started to say, as Tracey cut him off.

“My name is Tracey! Get it right!” Tracey yelled.

“Rachael stayed still in Kim’s arms, hugging him tightly, she started to silently sob, Tracey noticed.

“Can you for once not cry?” Tracey asked her.

Rachael ignored her.

“Look im prepared to let you go, but as long as Zoë doesn’t find out I did this, ok?” Tracey suggested.

Rachael’s ears perked up at that.

“Really?” Rachael said smiling.

“Sure, now go, go before she comes back,” Tracey said.

Kim and Rachael left, as they walked out, Rachael met Tracey in the eyes and said.

“Thanks Tracey, as they left.

As soon as they walked into their home, Rachael went upstairs and had a shower as Kim rang Jack to tell him everything.

Rachael was tired, but she was so excited to be home she couldn’t go to bed just yet.

After her shower she came downstairs, in only a towel, Kim wolf whistled as she came downstairs and walked over to him.

“What jealous?” Rachael asked him. He didn’t comment to that he just smiled.

“Im glad your home,” Kim said smiling as they shared a long and passionate kiss.

Next Time.

Who dies?



As soon as they walked into their home, Rachael went upstairs and had a shower as Kim rang Jack to tell him everything.

Rachael was tired, but she was so excited to be home she couldn’t go to bed just yet.

After her shower she came downstairs, in only a towel, Kim wolf whistled as she came downstairs and walked over to him.

“What jealous?” Rachael asked him. He didn’t comment to that he just smiled.

“Im glad your home,” Kim said smiling as they shared a long and passionate kiss.


AS Kim kissed Rachael back, he pushed her backwards onto the couch making her towel fall off. Rachael went bright red in the face pulling the towel back over her to over up. Kim just laughed.

“What’d matter?” Kim asked her smiling.

“Nothing,” Rachael lied.

Kim’s expression quickly changed from smiling to a deadly serious face.

“Rach, what’s wrong, he asked, getting off from on top of her on the couch.

“I...I kissed Zoë” Rachael stammered

“I know it wasn’t your fault” Kim said.

“Yes it was, I wanted to,” Rachael said looking down at the floor.

“Why?” Kim asked her.

“I don’t know,” She said smiling.

“Now where were we again?” Rach asked Kim with a big grin on her face.

“I think we were about here,” Kim said getting back on her lap kissing her.

She quietly moaned as Kim started to kiss her neck gently.

Meanwhile back at the barn, Zoë had returned to find Kim and Rachael gone; Tracey was pacing the room working out what to say as Zoë came into the room.

“What the hell happened?” Zoë asked Tracey.

“Kim knocked me to the ground, and he took Rach with him,” Tracey said quickly.

“Typical,” Zoë said as her face lit up.” But lucky for us, we have a back up plan.”

We do?” Tracey asked her girlfriend.

“Yes, hold, Kim, Rachel, Sally and Jack all hostage at Kim and Rachael’s place, as Jack doesn’t know who you are, I can hold you hostage too and Kim and Rachael wont be able to say a word, they will all have a slow and horrible death,” Zoë said smirking.

“Rachael hostage again? And me?” Tracey said raising her eyebrows at Zoë.

“Yes,” Zoë now standing behind Tracey, she started to kiss her neck gently.

“Why?” Tracey asked Zoë, resisting her urge to kiss Zoë back for now.

“As that way we can get Rachel, cos she is an idiot, Kim as he cheated on me, Sally as she is popular, she nearly killed me and Jack as he was Peter’s friend,” Zoë explained.

“Oh ok, Do we have to get Rachael as well,” Tracey asked Zoë.

“Please don’t tell me you’re turning all nice and like Rachael,” Zoë said still kissing Tracey’s neck.

“No im not,” Tracey said quickly.

“But you will do it for me?” Zoë asked Tracey.

“For you, I would die,” Tracey said turning around.

Tracey and Zoë shared a passionate kiss.

As Kim and Rachel slept silently in each others arms, Zoë and Tracey were at the barn planning there attack on the town.

“Are you ready?” Zoë asked Tracey.

“More than ready,” Tracey said as she kissed Zoë.

They left the barn and headed towards the bay talking excitedly as they planned there attack.

Next Time.

Who will die?



As Kim and Rachel slept silently in each others arms, Zoë and Tracey were at the barn planning there attack on the town.

“Are you ready?” Zoë asked Tracey.

“More than ready,” Tracey said as she kissed Zoë.

They left the barn and headed towards the bay talking excitedly as they planned there attack.


It was early in the morning at the Summerbay house and Sally was cooking breakfast in the kitchen while Cassie and Ric were still upstairs getting ready for school.

“Cass, Ric!” Sally yelled from the kitchen putting some scrambled eggs 2 plates she had gotten out from the cupboard only moments earlier.

“Breakfast!” Sally yelled. There going to be late again she thought to herself.

There was a nice cold breeze coming in from the window. Sally went to open up the backdoor so she could feel the breeze better, she opened it and standing right in front of her were Tracey and Zoë.

“We meet again,” Zoë laughed.

Tracey lunged forwards at Sally nabbing her on the floor as Zoë put duct tape across her face as Tracey tied her hands.

Sally tried to scream but she couldn’t.

As Tracey and Zoë carried sally to Zoë’s car, the put Sally into the boot, laughing.

Just before Zoë shut the boot. She said, looks like I win, again,” Zoë laughed as she slammed the boot shut.

“Sally?” Cassie called walking down the stairs into the kitchen.

Sally?” Cassie called again. That’s odd she thought usually Sally would have been there.

Ric walked in the kitchen.

“Where’s Sally?” he asked Cassie

“Im not sure, she wasn’t here when I came downstairs,” Cassie said eating her plate of scrambled eggs.

“You ready?” She asked Ric.

Putting her empty plate in the sink.

“Yea,” Ric said throwing his out.

They kissed and walked out the house, shutting the front door behind them hand in hand.

Kim hung up the phone from Jack as he walked into the kitchen he noticed a tired Rachael was slaving over the stove.

“Rach, what on earth are you doing?”

“Cooking lunch.” Rachael replied not moving from the stove.

Kim lunged forward he playing pinched her bottom as she bent over to turn the stove off.

Rachael giggled, she spun around, she lost her balance as she fell into Kim’s arms and he lent down to kiss her.

As he did Rachael ran into the lounge room laughing.

There was a knock at the door, she opened it still laughing, she immediately stopped when she opened the door to one very worried police officer.

“Jack what’s wrong?” Rachael asked shutting the door behind him.

“Sally’s missing,” Jack said quietly making himself at home on their lounge.

“Oh my god,” Rachael said, she felt as if she was going to faint, so she sat down.

“Do you know where she is?” Kim asked Jack taking a seat next to Rachael; he put his hand on shoulder to calm her down.

“Anyways, what did you guys want?” Jack asked

Kim was just about to answer him, when there was a knock at the door.

Rachael got up to answer the door, as she swung it open, she gasped.

“Kim…” Rachael stared to say.

Next Time.

Who is at the Door?

Where is Sally?



“Sally’s missing,” Jack said quietly making himself at home on their lounge.

“Oh my god,” Rachael said, she felt as if she was going to faint, so she sat down.

“Do you know where she is?” Kim asked Jack taking a seat next to Rachael; he put his hand on shoulder to calm her down.

“Anyways, what did you guys want?” Jack asked

Kim was just about to answer him, when there was a knock at the door.

Rachael got up to answer the door, as she swung it open, she gasped.

“Kim…” Rachael stared to say.


Zoë pushed Tracey in front of her, as Rachael moved aside not wanting to get hurt like she did last time.

“Emily, leave Sarah alone,” Jack said reaching for his gun in his pocket.

“Emily isn’t Emily, she is…” Kim started but was cut off by Zoë.

“Silence!” Zoë roared.

“Jack, put your gun on the table and sit down on the couch,” Zoë yelled.

Jack was hesitant.

“Now!” Zoë said even louder.

Jack did as he was told.

Tracey squirmed trying to get out of Zoë’s grip, but Zoë pulled the gay tighter, making her scream.

“Let Sarah go,” Jack said trying to reason with her.

“No, I can’t do that,” Zoë said laughing.

“Who, and why are you doing this?” Jack asked her.

Zoë threw her wig onto the ground, laughing.

“Oh my god, Zoë, I thought you were dead,” Jack said trying to remain calm.

“You thought wrong, myself and Zoë both managed to leave with all the confusion,” Zoë explained.

“Then where’s Tracey?” Jack asked.

As Zoë took the gag out of Tracey’s mouth and took her wig off for her, Jacks jaw dropped.

“But, your Sarah,” Jack stuttered.

“Nope, im Tracey,” Tracey laughed.

“Tracey go and get the person in the boot, so we can be one big happy family,” Zoë said to Tracey.

As Tracey left the room, Zoë grabbed the gun from the table and held it pointing it towards the lot of them.

“One move and its bye bye for you all,” Zoë smirked.

As Tracey walked in with a tied up Sally in front of her, they all gasped as Sally tried to scream the gag was pulled tighter. Tracey threw her down on the floor locked the door and joined Zoë.

Kim and Rachael sat on the couch hugging each other tightly, Rachael started to sob, she threw and sympathetic look at Tracey, when Zoë wasn’t looking Tracey just gave Rachael a small smile.

“Trace go and get me a two kitchen chairs,” Zoë demanded.

Still holding the gun as Tracey left the room Jack spoke up.

“Zoë haven’t you had enough of all this crap yet?” Jack asked her.

“No, I got Peter but I didn’t mange to get you, or Sally,” Zoë laughed.

“Why me and Rachael then?” Kim asked her not letting go of Rachael.

“Well you, as you cheated on me and Rachael as she is dumb enough to be with you and because she is an easy target,” Zoë explained impatiently.

As Tracey retuned with the two chairs she put them down.

“Rachael, sit down on the chair,” Zoë demanded.

Rachael gave Kim a sad look, and did as she was told.

Tracey tied her hands up behind the back of the chair tight, and a rope around her waist so she couldn’t move. As Tracey went to get Kim to down him down as well, she patted Rachael on the back gently.

Tracey did the same to Kim, but Kim was refusing to stay still.

“Kim, just do it, please otherwise they will shoot,” Rachael pleaded with him.

“The little ladies right,” Zoë held the gun against his head, so Kim did as he was told.

“Trace, please gag her,” Pointing to Rachael.

Rachael stared to silently cry, as Tracey tied the gag.

She was scared, Sally was tied up on the floor, Kim was tied up and Jack was too scared to even help them.

“What’s going to happen to us now,” Jack spoke up.

Zoë using the gun she pointed towards the old grandfather clock.

“Tick Tock,” Was all Zoë said.


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