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Family Life

Guest Jackieleanne

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Chapter 31

“Merry Christmas baby” Lucas says as he kisses me softly on the cheek as I woke up,

“Merry Christmas” I say yawning as I started to come round and looked up at my husband,

“still sleepy?” he asks me laughing,

“well you know being pregnant and running about after three five year old takes it out of you” I say as I sit up

“baby if you can’t cope and need rest then you know that you just need to tell me or mum and dad you know that you need to take it easy” he says lovingly as he looks at me concerned,

“I know Luc don’t worry I’m fine now lets go get those kids I’m sure they are dying to go downstairs” I say laughing as I think about how excited they will all be, the kids had to all stay in their bedroom until we got up to get them that way we knew that they wouldn’t be waking us up at some stupid hour in the night.

“Can we go down now?!” the three of them sing running over towards us as soon as I push the door open

“Yeah you can” I say laughing as I watch them rush past us that’s when I felt it, “Luc” I say grabbing hold of his hand and placing it on my rounded stomach,

“that’s the way I think we defiantly have two little sports players in you too and I think your missing out on all the Christmas fun don’t worry I’m sure mummy will have some chocolate cake for you” Lucas says softly as he rubs my stomach as he leans down and talks to it, I couldn’t help but smile Luc was seriously the cutest dad ever.

“Mummy daddy hurry up!” We hear the shouts from our other three downstairs and interrupting our moment,

“we best go take care of your brother and sisters” Lucas says laughing as he kisses my stomach before he gets up and takes my hand leading me downstairs,

“relax we are here now you can start but remember one at time” I say as I look at them.

“Daddy can we go yet” I hear Dylan ask Lucas as I prepare the picnic stuff to take down to the beach,

“we are waiting for Granddad and Grandma” I hear Lucas tell him I peer in and see him ruffling Dylan’s hair,

“where are the girls?” I ask Lucas as I look at them smiling,

“they are off getting their dolls ready to take with us” he says as he smiles at me “you got plenty chocolate?” he asks me,

“yes Luc I seriously don’t know how you don’t put any weight on the amount of chocolate you eat” I say laughing as I look at him.

“Granddad Granddad look” Dylan says as Lucas answers the door to mum and dad,

“oh wow mate are you ready to come surfing with your dad, granddad and uncle then” dad says as he walks over to Dylan and checks out the surfboard we had brought him,

“yay!” Dylan squeals jumping up and down,

“now where are your sisters do you want your presents before we go out” mum says as she kisses Dylan on the cheek,

“girls Granddad and Grandma are here” Lucas shouts up as I walk over to them all.

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