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The Aftermath

Guest Jackieleanne

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Chapter 21

A few days later

“You sure you up to starting back at school today Mattie I mean you’ve been pretty sick recently” Mum says softly as we sit at the breakfast table,

“Yea mum I’m sure it will do me some good to get out of the house and get some fresh air besides I have heaps I need to catch up on” I say smiling softly, plus it meant I didn’t have to stay cooked up in the house all day instead of spending time gossiping with Cassie but I wasn’t going to tell mum that.

“Well if you feel ill or anything goes wrong just let Sally know and I’ll come and get you ok love” Mum tells me,

“Beth I think she’s fine she wants to get back to school she needs to spend time with her friends I’m sure she’s just had a stomach bug the last few days that’s all” Tony tells her

“Everyone misses you as well Mattie they’ve all been asking when you would be back in” Lucas says putting his hand on my knee.

“Remember just come and find me if anything happens ok love” Tony says squeezing my hand softly before rushing inside school,

“You ready for this babe?” Lucas asks me softly,

“Yea I guess” I reply softly holding onto my stomach softly as my stomach does flip flops again,

“You ok?” Lucas asks concerned when he sees the look on my face,

“Yea just feeling a little queasy probably just nerve’s” I tell him as I take his hand in my own as we enter the school building,

“Mattie it’s so good to have you back” Cassie says rushing over to me,

“Thanks Cass” I say letting go off Lucas hand so that I can hug her I notice a few people staring at me,

“Don’t let them bother you Mattie, they just don’t know what to say to you that’s all” she whispers in my ear before pulling away.

“So how was school today?” mum asks me as me, Lucas and Tony walk into the hospital that afternoon after school was over,

“It went fine” I tell her sitting down beside her, as we wait for Dr Smith to be free, I was having my dressing removed and I’m hoping more than anything right now that the graft went well and that I can be normal again,

“It will be fine sweets you’ll see” mum says softly taking my hand in her own as Lucas sits on the other side of me while Tony stands opposite us.

“Ah” I groan as the final bandage is removed from my shoulder,

“Matilda I’m happy to tell you this it appears that the graft has been successful you have a little bruising and a small scar from the operation but other than that you look as good as new” Dr Smith says smiling warmly at me,

“Can I see” I say softly not wanting to believe it until I saw it for myself Dr Smith takes the mirror from the side placing it in front of me, tears sting my eyes as I look at my reflection

“Thank you so much” I say smiling at Dr Smith before looking from mum to Lucas,

“I love you so much” Lucas says taking my hand as he helps me down from the bed.

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Chapter 22

“Matilda, Cassie you ready to give your presentation?” Sally asks us

“Yea” we both say smiling standing up from the desk, I feel a little light headed as I stand

“You ok Matilda? You look a little pale” Sally asks me concerned, I look across to Lucas who shares the same look of concern,

“Yea fine” I say not wanting to worry anyone and get the presentation over with.

“Well we have decided to do our presentation on The Roman Empire” I hear Cassie say her voice starts to trail off I grab hold of the table as the room starts to spin.

Lucas P.O.V

“Mattie” I cry out as she falls to the floor, I jump up from my seat and make my way to the front of the room kneeling by her side I take her hand in my own as Sally looks over her and Cassie crouches beside me,

“We need to get her to hospital” Sally says, “Cassie go get Tony” she tells Cassie,

“Mattie wake up” I cry cradling her body close to mine as I lift her in my arms as I stand up making my way out the classroom door when dad rushes over,

“What happened?” he asks me his voice full of concern I know he considers Mattie to be like his own daughter

“She just passed out dad” I cry holding her tightly in my arms,

“Come on lets get her to the hospital” dad says taking her from me.

“What happened” Beth cries rushing into the hospital minutes after we had arrived although it seemed like hours,

“she was in history giving her presentation with Cassie when she collapsed she’s just in with Rachel and the doctors now they are running some tests and then we can go in and sit with her” dad explains to her taking her in his arms and holding her close to him,

I sat and watched them my head in my hands not knowing what to do with myself as I waited for news on my girlfriend hoping that she was going to be ok and wanting to be by her side through all of this.

Matilda’s P.O.V

“Lucas, mum” I murmur softly opening my eyes as I start to wake up,

“hey sweets your in the hospital” mum says softly squeezing my left hand,

“you fainted babe but everything’s going to be fine you’ll be ok” I hear Lucas say I look up to see him beside me as he holds my right hand in his own,

“Hi Matilda, I have your test results back I need to speak to you alone” Rachel says as she looks towards me,

“Why can’t I stay I’m her mother I think its best if I stay here” Mum says her voice full of frustration,

“Its ok mum I’m 16 I’ll be fine” I tell her as Tony leads her away Lucas goes to follow them but Rachel stops him,

“Lucas you might want to stay as well if that’s ok with Matilda” Rachel says, I nod my head as he walks back over to my side I hear mum groan in frustration but Tony drags her out of the room before she has chance to say anything.

“Well Matilda the reason you fainted and have been unwell recently is because you are six weeks pregnant” Rachel says softly looking from me to Lucas, oh my god did I just hear her right, what are we going to do.

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Chapter 23

"What?!” I stutter in shock,

“Pregnant?” I hear Lucas question from beside me,

“Yes Matilda, all the tests that we ran show that you are six weeks gone” Rachel says,

“Oh Luc but we was careful weren’t we” I sigh running through my hair as tears sting my eyes,

“Erm yea I’m pretty certain we was apart from that one time” he stutters looking at me,

“Well you two are going to have to decide what to do whether you wish to keep the baby or have an abortion” Rachel says looking at us both “I’ll leave you two alone for a while” she says,

“Rachel don’t tell mum please” I say softly panicking at the thought of how my mum will react to the news,

“I won’t Matilda that’s your decision bur you will need to tell them at some point” she says as she leaves the room.

“Lucas what are we going to do” I cry breaking down in tears,

“It will be ok Mattie I promise everything will be ok I’m not going to leave your side we can get through this together whatever we decide” he says as I feel his arms wrap around me his shoulder resting on my own as we both cry,

“You want to keep the baby?” I ask him timidly wondering what his answer will be,

“yea but its up to you whatever you decide I will support you” he says softly rubbing my back,

“We are so young Lucas and its going to be hard but there is no way that I could get rid of a child that we created” I say sighing,

“We can get through this Mattie together I’m going to look after you and our baby I swear” he says softly putting his hand to my stomach “can you believe it you have our baby growing inside you” he says smiling up at me,

“Yea I know” I smile “but how are we going to tell mum and dad” I sigh knowing that they will probably be joining us in the room any minute now that’s when I hear the door open,

“Tell us what sweets, whats wrong?” mum says as she walks in Tony behind her.

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Chapter 24

Lucas P.O.V

“Tell us what sweets, what’s wrong?” I hear Beth say as she enters the room followed by my dad, I glance at Matilda and by the look on her face I can tell she is scared about what to tell them I don’t know what to say to them myself,

“So what’s wrong is everything ok?” Dad asks after a moment when neither myself or Matilda answers,

“Umm can we have a moment alone please” I say softly hoping that Beth wont take it the wrong way but I need to speak to Matilda about what’s going on before we tell them, im so conflicted about what to do, I’m scared about how they will react but know that if we don’t tell them then they would be even more hurt by the fact that we had lied to them, I know my dad and im pretty certain that despite any anger he may feel that he was a good man and would support me no matter what and I’m pretty sure that Beth wouldn’t turn her back on Mattie either. I watch Beth and Tony as they leave the room reluctantly.

“Lucas what are we going to do?” Matilda asks me grabbing hold of my hand,

“I think we should tell them Matilda they might be upset but they would be more hurt if they found out later that we had lied to them about it” I say softly hoping that she will agree with me about this I didn’t want to lie to my dad but I would do if it was what Mattie wanted,

“I know anyways I guess we need to get it over with anyway it’ll just stress me out more if I’m worrying about how they will react for weeks on end until it finally gets out I just hope that they will be ok with it” she says sighing as she closes her eyes for a moment,

“I’m sure they will Mattie, we are in this together no matter what they say ok you have me by your side and I promise you I will never leave you” I say kissing her forehead softly, “I’ll go tell them that they can come in” I add moving away from her bedside.

Matilda’s P.O.V

“So are you going to let us in on what’s going on?” mum asks as she sits by my bed Lucas is stood round the other side of me, his hand resting across my own, as Tony stands by mum,

“Well Beth, dad what Matilda and I are going to tell you is pretty big news and we aren’t sure how you are going to react but we need your support on this” Lucas says squeezing my hand softly, I glance towards mum who is sat staring at me as if she is trying to read what is going on, Tony shares the same puzzled expression,

“Mum I’m six weeks pregnant Lucas and Me are going to have a baby” I say quietly not letting go off Lucas hand but squeezing it harder.

“Your what?” Tony says his voice full of shock while mum says nothing her face expressionless as she stares straight ahead

“We are having a baby dad” Lucas says.

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Thanks glad you are liking it.

Chapter 25

“You’re pregnant!” mum shouts “Matilda when did this happen you lied to me, and we trusted you” she screams I flinch,

“Mum it wasn’t like that I swear we hadn’t done anything then mum we love each other mum we wanted to be each others first” I cried tears falling down my eyes rapidly,

“That doesn’t matter your both only 16 for gods sake your to young” mum cries,

“exactly we are 16 its perfectly legal mum, we wasn’t doing anything wrong we thought we was careful” I cry shaking,

“shhh Mattie calm down it isn’t good for the baby” Lucas says softly pulling me into his arms, “Please Beth it was a mistake, we may be young but we are going to learn from our mistakes and raise this baby Beth its what we both want” he says softly trying to stay calm,

“Your only 16!” she cries out “how can you be so stupid!” she adds pacing the length of my room I can’t believe she thinks that about me, I hold Lucas tighter breaking down in his arms,

“Beth calm down they’ve made a mistake but they are right, they are good kids Beth and I for one am going to stand by them they need our support now Beth” Tony says I look up pulling away from Lucas as Tony walks closer to us,

“Thanks dad” Lucas says softly I smile gently as Tony wraps his arms around me before hugging Lucas, I watch as mum walks out the door,

“She’ll come round love” Tony says noticing my glance towards the door, I hope he was right I didn’t want her to hate me I needed her now more than ever.

“You should go and get some rest love” Tony says as I follow him and Lucas into the house an hour later,

“Yea I might do I’m pretty tired” I say softly noticing that mum isn’t home, she hates me I know it, I let go off Lucas hand and walk to Lucas room knowing that Tony wouldn’t mind me sleeping there besides I needed comfort right now as soon as the door to his bedroom shut behind me I fell onto his bed breaking down in tears.

“Mattie babe shh its ok don’t cry” I hear Lucas say moment later wrapping his arms around me,

“Its not ok Lucas she hates me” I cry

“she doesn’t hate you Mattie she’s just shocked” Lucas says,

“She may not hate me Lucas but she’s disappointed” I cry holding onto him burying my head into his chest,

“You’ll sort things out Mattie I promise please calm down you have to for our baby” Lucas says softly I know he is trying to make me feel better he always has hated seeing me upset,

“how are we going to cope Lucas?” I whisper looking up at him

“We will sort something out Mattie but I promise that I’ll look after you” he tells me, taking my face in his hands and wiping my tears away.

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Chapter 26

“Matilda I’m sorry for acting the way I did I don’t hate you” mum says as I walk into the living room later that evening,

“I’m so sorry for disappointing you Mum we didn’t mean for it to end up this way we thought we was careful enough” I say softly sitting down next to her on the settee,

“I’m not disappointed Matilda you made a mistake a big mistake maybe but It doesn’t mean that I hate you Matilda I love you, you kids are my babies and I will always love you no matter what you do you never have to worry about not having my support” she says wrapping her arm around me, I snuggle against her not wanting to let her go just wanting to stay like this forever her little girl but I was pregnant being forced to grow up a lot was going to change.

“I think the four of us need to talk about what to do” Tony says from the kitchen where he stood with Lucas,

“Yea I think that would be good” mum says as Tony and Lucas join us in the living room.

“You know its going to be hard right but me and Beth have decided that if keeping the baby is what you both want to do then we will stand by you and its up to you how much help you want from us, but you are both still young and we don’t want you to miss out on your education we want to help as much as possible” Tony says,

“What are you saying dad” Lucas asks taking my hand in his own,

“He’s saying that we want you to stay in school continue with your education get the qualifications you need, yea you might need to get part time jobs but we really don’t want you to leave school and destroy your chances for a good future” mum explains,

“What about me?” I ask her,

“We want you to stay in school as well Matilda we will talk to Sally and Brad about it all but I’m sure they will understand and want what’s best for you she sorted something out for Kirsty remember when you get closer your due date maybe you could do some home schooling with myself and maybe return a few months after the babies born and we will help you as much as possible with the baby around the house” mum finishes,

“Thanks” Lucas says letting go off my hand as he walks to mum and pulls her into his arms I know he cares a lot about my mum just like I care for Tony, he treats me like his own daughter just like mum treats him like her own son and it means so much to us that they are supporting us through this

“Thanks for doing this for us mum, because there’s now way I’d be able to give up our child I’d never be able to live wondering what had happened to her” I say softly walking to Tony and hugging him tightly.

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Chapter 27

“She’s so beautiful isn’t she Luc” I say smiling lovingly down at our baby girl in our arms,

“Yea babe I love you” he says a huge grin lighting up his face,

“tick tock tick tock” I hear

“Luc what was that?” I say panicking

“tick tock tick tock” I hear

“argh no Luc where is she” I scream looking down and seeing that our babygirl is no longer in my arms.

I shoot up in bed clutching hold of my stomach as tears stream down my cheeks,

“Baby what is it are you ok?” Lucas asks me clearly panicked,

“She took her Lucas she came back and took her from us, she took our baby” I cry

“shh Mattie it was only a dream, Zoe is dead she isn’t going to take our baby from us and she isn’t going to bother us again because she’s dead I promise I won’t let anyone hurt you ok?” Lucas whispers soothingly as he wraps his arms around me, I sob into his chest my tears falling down his soft skin as he holds me close to him,

“why wont they stop Lucas, I just want them to stop” I cry,

“they will do Mattie it’ll just take time, you need to calm down baby everything is going to be fine, I won’t let anyone hurt you” he says rocking me back and forth gently in his arms, I close my eyes listening to his heart beat slowly.

Lucas’s P.O.V

“Mattie” I whisper softly after a moment as her cries stop, I lift her face up softly and find that she has cried herself to sleep, I lay down against the pillow once more pulling her with me keeping my arms wrapped around her as I let her head rest against my chest as she sleeps, I stroke her back softly as I kiss her head,

“sleep well baby I promise I wont let anyone hurt you ever” I whisper softly to myself as I look at her sleeping figure before shutting my eyes and falling asleep once more.

“Erm mum why has Matilda slept in Lucas room” Henry asks the next morning as me and Matilda make our way into the house from my room,

“yea mum” Robbie says from his seat next to Tasha, uh oh I was hoping we didn’t have to tell them yet, scared that they wouldn’t be very understanding about me getting their sister pregnant especially Henry I mean he was her twin.

“shut up” Matilda snaps at them as she storms into the kitchen clearly agitated about their question,

“gees what’s up with her?” Robbie says, as I follow Matilda into the kitchen,

“leave her alone you two, she’s 16 she can sleep in his room if she wishes” I hear Beth tell them,

“But” I hear Robbie start to say,

“No but’s you two” she warns them as I wrap my arms around Mattie’s waist leaning my head on her shoulder.

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Chapter 28

“Lucas you coming for a walk” I say as I take my last bite of toast standing up from my seat at the dining room table,

“Yeah sure Mattie” Lucas says standing up and taking my hand as we make our way outside the house,

“You ok?” I ask her as we make our way down the street,

“What are we going to tell them Lucas I mean I can’t exactly see Henry being to pleased about it Robbie either I mean I don’t want them to do or say anything bad towards you we are both in this together I just don’t know how people will react I mean I’m going to be the town gossip I mean what are the likes of Colleen going to say and school is going to be hell I mean like I’m just going to get attacked more by the likes of Lee I’m going to be known as the school slapper that got knocked up” I mumble tears forming in my eyes as we walk,

“Mattie shhh we are in this together and I will not let the likes of Lee hurt you ok, and well our parents understood so if we tell everyone else when we are with them then I’m sure everything will go ok, they may be angry at first but they love you Matilda and they will stand by you in the end” Lucas tells me as we step onto the sand,

“how do you know that Lucas, how do you know that nothing is going to go wrong” I cry tears slowly rolling down my face,

“I don’t Matilda but you getting worked up isn’t going to help things, I promise that I will try my best to look after you and make sure everything works out ok, because I love you Matilda we are strong we can get through this” he says pulling me so that I am looking up at him, he wipes the tears from my eyes,

“I love you too Lucas, I don’t know what I’d do without you” I sigh wrapping my arms around him holding him tightly as I look into his eyes, he leans down his lips covering my own kissing me softly but with all the passion in the world showing me all the affection and love he holds for me.

“Do you two never stop?!” I hear Ric groan and Cassie’s laugh I pull away from Lucas and look up to see them approaching us,

“Like you can talk Ric, you two are just as bad as us” I say smiling as I take Lucas hand and follow them down the beach,

“So what you two got planned for today then?” Cassie asks us as we head towards the Diner,

“Not a lot just hanging around unless dad and Beth ring to tell us anything different” Lucas says,

“Yeah which no doubt they will do” I reply laughing softly happy that for now at least I could have a laugh with my friends knowing that soon it was all going to change, but for now only me, Lucas, mum, Tony and Rachel knew our secret and I planned on keeping it that way for a while.

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Thanks everyone. Here's the next chapter sorry for the long wait I was really stuck in a block at what to write.

Chapter 29

“Tilly, Lucas can we speak to you a minute” mum and Tony say making their way over to our table outside the surf club,

“Yeah sure” we both say standing up Lucas taking my hand as we leave Cassie and Ric, hoping that what mum and dad needed to speak to us about wasn’t to serious.

“What’s wrong?” Lucas asks once we are sat down on a bench near the beach,

“Nothing we just think that maybe it’s about time we tell the rest of the family about this” Mum says looking at us,

“I don’t know if I’m ready to tell them yet mum, I just want to keep it our secret for a little while longer I’m not ready to tell them yet mum” I say sighing,

“Ok we will leave it up to you but you do need to tell them about it soon” Tony says,

“We will do dad” Lucas says rubbing my hand softly,

“Can we go now” I mumble hoping to get back to lunch before Cassie and Ric started to wonder what was going on,

“Yes” mum says looking at me her face full of concern,

“Come on Luc” I say standing up and waiting for him before we make our way back over to Ric and Cassie.

“What was all that about?” Cassie asks as we sit down,

“Nothing just nothing” I snap a little to harshly not wanting to tell her what was going on, I feel tears sting my eyes great now she is going to know something is wrong I stand up pushing my chair out and running from the table making my way towards the beach,

“Mattie” I hear Lucas cry out as I fall onto my knees into the sand moments later I feel his arms wrap around me as he sits down beside me,

“I didn’t mean to snap Lucas now they are going to know that something is going on, why does everything have to be so hard Luc” I cry,

“Matilda what’s wrong” I hear Ric say

“Yeah what’s wrong Mattie please talk to us what’s going on” Cassie says softly, I look from Ric to Cassie their eyes full of concern as they look at me and Lucas I knew that I should tell them I mean they are our best friends I know that they will support us through this and right now I needed them more than ever and Lucas probably feels the same way I look at Lucas he looks into my eyes for a few seconds before nodding his head slowly he always has been able to read me like a book,

“Well guys the thing is I’m..” I pause losing my voice as I panic at what to say to them,

“Matilda is pregnant we are going to have a baby” I hear Lucas say for me as he holds me tighter.

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Chapter 30

“Oh my god you’re pregnant” Cassie exclaims her expression blank as to how she feels about this, Ric is silent I don’t know what they are thinking right now I bury my face in my hands as I cry softly,

“Shhh Mattie come on don’t cry its ok” I hear Lucas say softly as he rubs my back,

“Yeah Mattie you know that we are going to be here for you right I mean we are your bestfriends I wouldn’t let you two go through this alone” Ric says I look up to see him crouching down beside me and Lucas as he wraps his arms around me,

“Thanks Ric” I say holding him tightly, I look up to see Cassie and see tears running down her cheeks oh no please don’t let her hate me I need her now more than ever.

“Ohh Matilda you’re going to be a mum wow” she says after a few moments as she joins us by sitting in the sand “come here its going to be ok I promise” she says holding out her arms I move from Ric’s arms to her own falling against her as we both cry,

“Ohh jeez look at those two mate I mean they are never gonna stop crying now” I hear Ric say to Lucas,

“I know tell me about it” I hear Lucas laugh,

“Well look after her mate otherwise you’ll have me to answer to” Ric tells him as I look up to face the two of them,

“I will you don’t have to worry about that” Lucas says as he looks towards me.

Lucas P.O.V

“So how are you coping with it all then mate” Ric asks me as we sit in my room later that afternoon Matilda and Cassie had decided to go out shopping with Sally to Yabbie Creek for the afternoon,

“Yeah I mean it’s a huge shock I mean we are both so young and we are in school but we have been through so much and I love Matilda to bits I’ll support her through anything and dad and Beth are really supporting us though it both” I say to him as I sit down on the bed,

“I know I’d be the same if it happened with me and Cassie just look out for her mate she will need you now more than ever after everything she’s been through and now she’s pregnant” he says softly,

“Pregnant!” I hear Henry’s voice shout I look over to see him standing in the doorway shock written all over his face S**t it wasn’t supposed to happen like this.

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