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Question about Dani & Kane

Guest Tamxxx

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Does any one remember the scene when dani was in her swimming suit and she met Kane. How comes the directors actually did that scene, if Dani was raped, and then after three years , she was showing of her body to Kane, and it looked like nothing was happening?

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I remember when that scene was on, everyone pretty much agreed it was a big mistake. But even the way Tammin played Dani, she didn't play her as if she was trying to cover herself up or anything, she just stood there towelling off infront of Kane.

Maybe she was just a rubbish actress and they had a rubbish director that day. Or maybe it was deliberate to show that Dani was now comfortable with kane?

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I remember that Coral said it was not written that way, Dani was supposed to be walking up the beach in ordinary clothes, the directors/producers decided to put her in that swimsuit. Both Tamin and Sam thought it was pretty off too apparantly.

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If Tammin thought it was bad, why didn't she play Dani covering herself up with the towel once Kane approached her?

No offence to Coral but she ALWAYS had a convenient excuse when people didn't like something. It was always the director/ the actor/ the wardrobe department/ time constraints/ the G rating/ etc.... but it was never, ever, her.

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I don't understand how she could ever be "comfortable" with him.

Me neither.

I don't remeber this scene at all, maybe I missed that episode. Does sound pretty bad though, a girl who was raped is hardly going to strip down to a bikini in front of her rapist, that's just warped!

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If Tammin thought it was bad, why didn't she play Dani covering herself up with the towel once Kane approached her?

No offence to Coral but she ALWAYS had a convenient excuse when people didn't like something. It was always the director/ the actor/ the wardrobe department/ time constraints/ the G rating/ etc.... but it was never, ever, her.

Well in answer to the first part, Tam had to play it how they told her to play it. If she had done the coy bit they would have told her not too.

As to the second, I see your point but I think you are being harsh. Coral was certainly never backward at being critical of others but I can actually think of several occasions when Coral said yep I got that wrong. My reading of her was that while she was reasonably happy to take the flack for things which she got wrong, no way was she going to do so for anyone else...which is fair enough. When you think about it we blame the writers for all sorts of things which we see and I would be willing to bet that more that half of the things we complain about are nothing to do with the writers at all.

Back to Dani and Kane etc... we know the producers and the directors etc have a thing about hot bods and flashing flesh. They cast people on looks..... they put people is boardies and bikinis far more often than people would wear them in real life...in fact there is a thread about this somewhere....so actually I think tht on this occasion she was probably spot on!

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I don't understand how she could ever be "comfortable" with him.

Me neither.

I don't remeber this scene at all, maybe I missed that episode. Does sound pretty bad though, a girl who was raped is hardly going to strip down to a bikini in front of her rapist, that's just warped!

Well thank goodness for that! For years I have complained about Dani "forgiving" Kane and giving her blessing to his relationship with Kirsty.

The whole thing demeaned rape and sexual assault victims, and was the worst storyline in the 20+ years of Home and Away, and was done solely to please sad teenage girls who wanted to see Kane and Kirsty together.

I also thought (while I'm having a rant) that Kane being found Not Guilty of Dani's rape also gave the wrong impression - I wonder how many girls were put off reporting an assault by that?

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