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When Suckiness Strikes

Guest Ryan

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^ Please don't start with your opinions about KK/Dani. I know everyone has a right to their opinion, but we've heard yours (over and over again) and every single time it starts an argument and causes offence. Surely it's better just to leave it now?

The only characters I dislike nearly all the time are Amanda, Kim and Scott. Robbie can be annoying at times as well, but if those three were to leave (one down, two to go!) I'd be content.

I know a lot of people have come to dislike Leah since Vinnie left, but I say give her time. I think it's great that Ada wants to stick around and I hope they don't axe her because she's not so popular anymore. All characters go through bad patches and she just needs a decent storyline (preferably one that doesn't involve babies) and/or a decent guy to turn her character back round. Vinnie coming back would be ideal, but I think we all know that isn't going to happen.

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I disagree with what claire_louise said about Leah. The problem I have with Leah isn't that she is going through a bad "patch". She has changed. Permenantly. The character that leah is now is totally different to how she used to be.

Having said that, I am getting used to the new Leah and although she is a bit whiney, she is one of "real" characters who keeps the show grounded, like Dan and Sally. They can throw all the Amandas, Joshes, Vinnies, Colleens - all the eccentric characters - at us as they want, but we need characters like Leah around too.

The issue I have is that they changed her gradually without realising it, and now she's never going back. And it wasn't character development either, it was just lousy continuity.

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