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When Suckiness Strikes

Guest Ryan

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I absoloutly hate Kimmy! My god he's so dumb, he's so stupid and he's such a waste of time! He can't shag up with people his own age and he always gets heartbroken... So why do it again? Just because he had two kids that didn't end up his doesn't mean i should give him sympathy, the man should learn how to use protection so this doesn't happen for the third time! Also why is he always topless? Is it because he hates wearing singlets? Is it because he can show off his muscles? HELLO we've seen you topless a million times, basically three times a week during your contracted episodes. We know what's already under there, so why show it off again and again? He was "so" in love with Hayley that two weeks later he told Rachel he was madly in love with her! Pwft! Your feelings can't dramatically change like that in a matter of fourteen days! Just because she saved your life doesn't mean you return the favour by saying "I love you". Anyways i can brag on for much longer but i can't... Rant over :P

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At the moment there seems to be far too many characters on home and away that I genuinely dislike. Amanda, Cassie, Kim....

I hate the way they put a potentially good character with a useless one (Rachel and Kim, Cassie and Ric).

I also hate the way they turn quality, interesting characters into dull ones: Leah would be a good example. Even Cassie had potential in her first few scenes but they ruined her and although I like them now the likes of Irene and Ric were much more fun to watch in the very beginning.

The other thing I hate is when good charaters disappear for months on end ie. Barry and instead we get an overdose of Amanda.

Have no particular aversion to Jack and Martha but they don't appeal to me either, I think they're pretty mediocre characters but are both better in scenes with other people than with each other.

Last rant is that there's nowhere near enough Morag, give the woman some decent storylines for God's sake!

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I really don't like the whole Hayley/Kim/Scott storyline.....on their own they all could've been pretty interesting characters (with the exception of Kim who just uses the sight of his bare chest to replace his non-existent personality)...but the stupid storyline grrrrr......I'm gonna shut up now about this one otherwise I could rant for days and days and days....

I really really really hate Leah (although incidentally Ada is very beautiful).....they've totally ruined her character...BRING BACK VINNIE!!!!

And I just find the whole Graham/Amanda thing stupid and think that both of them are as shallow as the other. Amanda: Anyone could see that she is after him for his money and she is just totally shallow and superficial

Graham: How stupid can you get? "Oh yeah....some woman broke my son's heart and messed up my entire family....but oh well....never mind....she's pretty and she appears to fancy me.....the fact that I've just come into $2 million (which he did seem to broadcast rather loudly) really will not play any part in her attraction to me" What planet are you on????!

What has happened to the characters who actually have more than 2 dimensions (Barry, Morag etc)

Sorry rant over. Will now shut up


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That girl from the nudist resort who Kim has suddenly made best friends with is really annoying! She obviously doesn't care about how he feels, she just wants to drug him up and take him to bed!

Not that I particularly like Kim either, he's moody and boring.

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That girl from the nudist resort who Kim has suddenly made best friends with is really annoying! She obviously doesn't care about how he feels, she just wants to drug him up and take him to bed!

Not that I particularly like Kim either, he's moody and boring.

I know, Kim must be really stupid to keep on seeing that girl. Grr, Kim annoys me sometimes.

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I like Tammin very much

But Dani, was really annoying like, moan , moan all day long, and the kane and kirsty thing she kept holding on to that forever, it made me annoyed that she couldnt get over it, and it was always me, me all the time, she was a drama queen, and cried so easily.

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