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When Suckiness Strikes

Guest Ryan

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Kirsty and Kane!

Oh My God! I hate them!

Let's begin with Kane...

How could anyone get over what he'd done!? How could Dani's family forgive him? Rape is a horrible thing, and he's been left to get away with it. This stupid thing about "Forbidden love" is because he's a rapist. But it's not good "forbidden love", it's not romantic, it's not sweet, it's all because he's evil!

And also, I hate the way they were so sickly lovey dovey. Like saying "babe" all the time. So annoying. It was like used so much, it sounded fake.

I'm not a KK fan =)

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The whole Kirsty & Kane thing made my skin crawl. I couldn't have sex with a man my sister had slept with let alone a man who had raped her!

That's not even the only thing he did wrong.

He lied to the police and got her sister sent to jail. He was the one dressed completely in black and walking down a dark road in the rain, after commiting yet another crime, another one he didn't serve time for!

He helped kidnap Shauna!

He was constantly violent to anyone he didn't agree with.

He showed potential violence to Kirsty.

And to top it all he was constantly moody, sulky and snappy, that alone should have put her off him.

Please let me know if I've missed something.

My sister would never have gone near him if I was Dani. Unless it was to tear a new hole. No member of my family would ever let him in their house.

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Kirsty and Kane!

Oh My God! I hate them!

Let's begin with Kane...

How could anyone get over what he'd done!? How could Dani's family forgive him? Rape is a horrible thing, and he's been left to get away with it. This stupid thing about "Forbidden love" is because he's a rapist. But it's not good "forbidden love", it's not romantic, it's not sweet, it's all because he's evil!

And also, I hate the way they were so sickly lovey dovey. Like saying "babe" all the time. So annoying. It was like used so much, it sounded fake.

I'm not a KK fan =)

You are SO spot on there, Nicole! I have never liked those two either and can`t wait until they leave in Norway. But there are still many months ahead before that happens..

Apart from those two I have never been very fond of Leah, she annoys me. I haven`t seen much of Belle yet, but I don`t like her, at least not yet. And Cassie can be really annoying as well.

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I used to really like Leah when she was with Vinnie, but reading everything that has been going on lately, I really don't care for her much anymore.

Bring Vinnie back (it doesn't have to be Ryan Kwanten even), and bring good-Leah back!!!

I've been saying that for a while. :P

I'm not a big Leah!hater, but it's such a shame that the character has been ruined. I can bare her - I actually quite like her - but compared to how she was in, say 2000/2001, she's now a waste of a character.

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