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Worst Character

Guest Ryan

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1. Robbie Hunter (I don't think I need to go through this again....oh, and when I think of the wasted oppertunities...HIV, multiple car crashes, drowning in a river....he needs to die and he needs to die fast).

2. Dani Sutherland . (Hated all the Sutherlands, bar Kirsty, but Princess Dani was the worst offender. Rhys also made my skin crawl in a big way...)

3. Peter Baker. (There is just something about the actor that I do not like...)

This coming from the person who started nba?What happened? :o

The "NBA" thread is precisely the reason I no longer like him all that much. That thread just makes me feel ill nowadays, and as a consequence I have gone off him. If I ignore it for long enough, I start to like again, but it is hard when it is at the top of the bloody forum practically 24/7. :angry:

That nomination was partially a joke, but now I think it would be funny if Peter Baker won a "worst character" award. Just to irk the worshippers. Wouldn't it? :unsure:

Why is there a problam with the nic thread at the top of the forum? It just means we have lots to talk about! :P

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I wanted to start up a similar topic, but then I searched and found this so I thought it made more sense to resurrect it.

I vote for Kelli

I have no interest at all in her or her storys and fast forward through all her scenes now.

Kim I have to say really does nothing for me. He just seems so wooden and 1 dimensional.

Stephanie, the girl from years back from Somalia and her boyfriend Liam. I found them very dull.

Peta was a nothing character either, although Edward Dunglass made her slightly more interesting.


I really don't like Kim, I find him really boring, also don't particularly like Cassie, I sortof did when she first arrived but now I find her plain boring. Put them together and they can leave the bay together :P


1) Martha. Oh My God - what wasted potential. Daggy, skeezy, boring, skanky. More of a busybody than Colleen. Just bleurgh in general.

2) Kirsty. Selfish, made Dani out to be a villain (which IMO she wasn't).

3)Duncan. What a little skeeze. 'Nuff said :P



1. Kirsty. Totally agree with Guevara01, she was selfish and made Dani out to be a villain.

2. Kane. Same as with kirsty really.

3. Duncan. He was just so bratty.


There's so many. I don't know how to pick just 3. lol. Ok....

1) Dani. How I hated her! She was so slef centered. All she cared about was herself. All me, me me! argh!!!

2) Kim. I cannot stand the guy! He's so annoying. He was OK when he first got with Rachel, then once they got lost in the bush, I went right off him. His self pity was sickening. Grow up! Rach can do better!

3) Cassie. She was OK at first. Fun, lively, daring. Then she went all soft. And her constant Ric/Macca swapping was terrible!


Think more about bad characters than just characters you didn't happen to like. I mean, I hated Dani but the character wasn't bad and she was given a bit of meat to get her teeth into by the writers. Characters that just don't work though I'm interested in hearing about. Kim, for example :wink:


1. Kirsty Sutherland-probably the whiniest, most annoyingly spoilt and selfish characters ever. She was so tedious and childish and never said anything that didn't start with 'Me' or 'Kane'. I hated her .

2.Gypsy- Like Kirsty, another character who thought the world revolved around them and their many mood swings. Spoilt to the extreme and smug and nasty to boot.

3. Kane- tough call between him and Kirsty as to who was more annoying. He was a baddie through and through and his OTT transformation into the perfect citizen (not a good citizen, the perfect citizen) was irritating beyond belief. He worked well as a guest character, was rubbish a main character.


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