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Trust In Me. Confide In You.

Guest liam99998204

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Ok, I get why Tony was steaming with Luc, but why with Jack? Constable Holden's all grown up now, surely he can drink if he wants? Please write more so we know what Tony's problem is.

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Chapter 3: In need of a friend...

As Lucas left the room, Jack sighed and rubbed his face. Then he walked over to the cupboard and helped Martha out.

"Sorry about that babe." He leaned in to kiss her, hoping that she hadn't overheard the exchange with Lucas.

As the kiss grew more passionate, the pair fell back onto the bed eager to resume what they had started, but it didn't take long for Martha to pull away.

"Jack, we need to talk about this."

"Not now, I don't want to think about it."

"It's not going to go away." Martha looked frustrated.

"I know." Jack stood up. "I really do need to get ready for work."


Lucas looked around to make sure that nobody was about. Quietly pushing open the door to his dads room he stepped inside and looked around. He didn't know what he was looking for, just something that gave him something to go on. There was nothing obvious about. Nothing that gave him any direct clue as to who his mum was. So he decided to look. As he opened his fathers bedside draw he was suprised to find a packet of protection. At least he knew his dad and Beth wouldn't be providing him with a brother anytime soon. Ewww. The thought of his father and Beth crept into his mind and as he firmly pushed it out he continued to look around.

It was only when he came to the final draw in his fathers room that he found something which was of any interest. Underneath a pile of bills a solitary white envelope lay addressed to Lucas and Jack. Stuffing it up his shirt, he came out of Tony's room just as Jack yelled that he was going to work. In some many ways he wanted to rip the envelope open, but in so many other ways he wasn't sure if he wanted to know the secrets that obviously lay enclosed. Deciding against it for now, he went and flicked the telly on his mind only focussing on the secrets he was close to uncovering.


It was a couple of hours later round at Ric and Cassies that the envelope was eventually opened. They had invited him and Matilda round because Sally and Flynn were out of town for a while. It was decided that they were going to spend the night swapping ghost stories and playing a game of dare. Yet, as much as he wanted to be involved Lucas couldn't get the envelope out of his head. Making his excuses he made his way to the bathroom where he knew he would be able to finally find out what was going on.

Ripping the envelope open his hands shook, and as he pulled out a piece of paper and began to read he had to stop himself being sick with the nerves.

Jack and Lucas,

You have to forgive me for leaving. I only hope that your father hasn't told you the real reasons behind my departure. You see as much as you may hate me now, i can never forgive myself for the way i tore our family apart, and let evil overcome me.

When i think of what i did to you boys, i want to come and make it all alright. Yet nothing i can ever do, will ever help me to make the things that I did. hurt you or your dad any less.

I want you to know that i am so so proud of you. Both of you, for everything that you have achieved. Never doubt that i will be watching from the sidelines, and cheering you on. Jack I know that you are not guilty of what people say you are, and you make an excellent policeman. I'm so sorry for what i did to you.

Lucas, my baby. You mean the world to me, and i hope maybe one day i can see you again and truly tell you how proud of you I am. You are a fantastic son, and brother and both your dad and Jack are doing a great job teaching you to be a fine young man. Never forget though, that i love you both very much and you are my only reason to continue living.

I hope you can find it in your hearts to write back and if you can't i hold no grudges. Just remember, I love you both.


Lucas bit his bottom lip, deep in thought about all that he had read. What had his mum done that was so bad? Putting the letter into his pocket he went back downstairs now having more to think about then ever. Ric, Cassie and Matilda were all fast alseep, the films credits rolling down the screen, and as he sat next to Matilda and put his arms around her tears silently rolled down his cheeks. Lucas, my baby. You mean the world to me, and i hope maybe one day i can see you again and truly tell you how proud of you I am. The sobs came fast now as Lucas suppressed hurt and rage began to flow freely. His eyes became a blur as the tears came thick and fast and he found himself standing up and hitting the chair.

Not knowing what he was doing he cried harder. His fists flailing against the pillows and the family photos on the side as the words washed over him. You are a fantastic son, and brother, and both your dad and Jack are doing a great job teaching you to be a fine young man. Never forget though, that i love you both very much and you are my only reason to continue living. It was now that he couldn't stop himself. He noticed nothing of his surroundings now as he kicked furniture over and smashed the family photos from the side. Then he began to scratch his hand digging deeper and deeper and scratching harder and harder as the grief and despair took hold of him.

Finally he collapsed into a heap of sniffles and sobs in the middle of the floor with a wide eyed Ric, Cassie and Matilda staring at him. He began to rock back and froth in an uncontrollable manner as the events pushed him further and further over the edge, and then he sat wailing, whist the others looked on having no idea what to do and a stream of blood from his hand dripped slowly into the carpet...

Liam :o

Please review and tell me what you think :)


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