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Trust In Me. Confide In You.

Guest liam99998204

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Chapter 2: A Hayley-esque dream

Jack yawned and stretched out on the bed. Next to him he could see Lucas still fast asleep, and he couldn't resist getting up to some mischief. Aware that Lucas was going to have a hangover when he woke up, Jack got up and turned the stereo on full blast, laughing as Lucas sat bolt upright, clutching his head.

"What do you think your doing?" Lucas threw his pillow at Jacks shoulder.

"C'mon mate, get yourself washed, and dressed and I'll make you some breakfast." Jack returned his throw and walked into the kitchen.

As he busied himself making pancakes, Jack was startled by a knock at the door. Walking over to it he was suprised to see both Martha and Matilda standing on the doorstep waiting to come in. Not having time to shout to let him know she was here Jack laughed as Lucas came into the kitchen yawning and shirtless. Seeing his girlfriend standing by the couch he let out a shrill cry and run back to his room.

Looking bemused, Matilda shook her head. "I'll come back later." She turned and left leaving Martha and Jack alone together.

"It's ok lover boy, she's gone!" He turned to Martha and kissed her, "Morning babe."

"Well if i had of known i would get this kind of welcome in the morning i would have been coming round a lot earlier before now." She smiled, and pulled him into a bear hug, before whispering in his ear, "It also helps that you only happen to be half dressed." She poked her tongue out and gestured to his boxer shorts.

"Luc, take a shower and your waffles are on the table. I'm just going to get myself ready for work." He grabbed Martha's hand and pulled her into his room, kissing her, as soon as the door was closed. As he began to remove her clothes she pushed him onto the bed, determined that he wasn't going to go to work without a huge smile on his face.


Back in his room now, Lucas hid under his bed, his face a scarlet colour at the fact that his new girlfriend had just seen him in his boxer shorts. His recollection coming back, he suddenly remembered that she has also seen him in nothing the night before, and this caused him to groan louder. Forcing himself up as he heard Jack yell he walked into the bathroom and splashed water on his face.

It didn't take long before tears began to fall down his cheeks, and as he tried to suppress his angst the emotion only came quicker. Walking out of the bathroom he headed in the direction of Jacks bedroom, and knocked on the door.

Inside the bedroom everything stood still. Matha looked up at Jack. Unable to stop what she was doing she continued to move her hands and lips over his chest, pausing only when she heard Lucas' voice at the door.

"Jack I really need to talk man." His voice sounded quiet and shrill at the door.

Looking at Martha, Jack mimed the words "I'm sorry," and called to Lucas. "Won't be a second mate."

He beckoned for Martha to hide in the cupboard, and as she closed it he opened the door.

"I had that dream again. The one where mum is walking down the street yet I can't see her face. She was kicking a ball to me." His shoulders slumped as he began to cry again. "Why won't dad tell her about us Jack, he always said when we was old enough. Just how old do we need to be. I want to know who my mum is, whether she is alive or dead."

Jack nodded his head, "Don't worry Luc, this time we'll find her, I have connections in the force and we just won't tell dad."

Lucas looked at him; "Really?"

Jack nodded, "Really, really."

As Jack put his arm around him, Lucas couldn't help but feel comforted both by his words, and by the feel of Jacks brotherly arms wrapping around him, protecting him from the world whilst he still could...

Liam :) Please Let me know what you think!


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