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What is correct SPAG?

Guest MarMar

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Learn more about grammar, broaden your vocabulary and simply talk to others about the English language.

This board's rules clearly state that all members should use what's called "correct SPAG" when posting on the board, although what "correct SPAG" is has been questioned. We are aware that some members have different learning difficulties and some have less experience which, in some cases, presents difficulties for them to write in the manner preferred by the board administrators and moderators. However, we'd like to use this thread for members to ask questions about, and learn more about, grammar, correct spelling and all other issues concerning the English language, and language in general. We have a few very competent members when it comes to language, and these might be of help to questions you may ask in here.

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Mistakes happen, that's why there's a button on each reply called "Edit". Some members don't seem to know what this is for, but you use it to change something in your entry - spelling mistakes, lack of capital letter etc.

Yes, mistaked happen, but that is not what's the problem on this board. During the last few months, we've had a rapid growth in members, and with it, a decrease in respect to the board rules, which they all have agreed to follow.

People with excessive use of "txt-language", write in all capitals, fail to use any capitals and punctuation etc will receive 3 warnings before they are banned for breaking the rules. I don't send out warnings to new members before some time has passed, as I realise it takes some time before some manage to "settle in" properly. So do the other moderators/admins. We don't want to be perceived as the "SPAG-mafia" as you call us, but someone has to let others know when rules are being broken.

You can, of course, receive warnings based on ignoration of the other rules as well. So please make sure you know them.

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