Home and Away Romances DVD - A Review

The Home and Away Romances DVD was launched in the October 2005 in Australia. It promised to look back at Home and Away romances over the years. With the pilot as an extra and hosted by Beau Brady, did it live up to expectations?

At the current moment in the UK there 6 relationships; Beth and Tony; Jack and Martha; Kim and Rachel; Dan and Leah; Robbie and Tasha; Ric and Belle and Cassie and Macca, and that's just the main cast. Lucas and Matty have recently split up as had Ric and Cassie and Irene and Barry. Sally and Flynn were together at the beginning of the year, as were Amanda and Graham and Hayley had just left having had relationships with Sam, Mitch, Noah, Alex, Robbie, Aiden, Josh, Scott and Kim during her time in the bay, that's over one boyfriend a year!! What I'm trying to say is that there has been a hell of a lot of relationships.

Some become incredibly popular like Angel and Shane or Kirsty and Kane whilst some become universally unpopular, like those of Seb and Jade or Hayley and Alex. Others over time are complete non-events like Aiden and Hayley or Geoff and Shannon.

It's funny I should mention those two. Watching a DVD about Home and Away's romances I was looking for scenes from those golden couples mentioned before. In the first part of the DVD we are introduced to some of the most unimportant relationships in the show history, introduced as if they were the spine of the show.

Remember when Bruce Roberts met Naomi Watts. What about when Sharyn Hodgson met Julian McMahon, what about when Bec Cartwright met anybody. Three people who went on to bigger things, three people that Home and Away tried to sell the DVD by including.

We follow, actually we don't follow, we random leap around like a confused kangaroo, through what would probably be called the natural progression of a relationship. However at no point do we see one relationship from start to finish.

We see somebody's first date, we see another couples "first time" and we see yet another couple proposing. However, at no point do we feel like we follow any couple through their progression of their relationship.

The idea used was either too broad, or in choosing the clips, the decisions not focused enough. In trying to include everything, they produced a DVD that didn't have enough of anything. Nice to see old clips again or for the first time, but overall a weak effort.
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