Number 5

5. Jack Holden - 153 points NEW ENTRY
Played by Paul O'Brien

There a few things that every character must have to reach the top 5. The character needs to be played by a supremely skilled actor that allows him to command each scene with such power that you can believe that it is real. He needs to have hard hitting storylines that draw you into their world, stories that make you want to laugh and weep. In the absence of these things you also need the casting to pick someone that teenagers across the world will go soft at the knees over and even if the character is possibly the worst police officer in the world and has storylines which are as deep as a puddle, they'll still think he's the best thing since sliced bread.

But I think that they are so great because they haven't just jumped straight into a stable relationship. their storylines (what we've had of them so far, which i might add hasn't really been too many) have kept me in suspense waiting to find out if they will ever get together. Good script writing! And I feel that when the pair of them have been in the show for a longer time and have had more storylines together, it will give their characters more of a chance to shine through.

linzie mac01

BUT it was cute that he admitted he knew about the gun because he chose her over his job and didnt want her to go down for Joshs murder because he loves her.
I just want them to have more fun with eachother like before and maybe not rush into the marriage front and babies.

Features > Best Character 06 > Number #5