Another New Look?

Posted on Categories Website

Yes, yes, we’sve yet another new look. But don’st worry, nothing has moved, and the site’ss as easy to use as ever before.

You’sll notice our homepage has increased in width. We were starting to have trouble fitting all of our content into the old homepage, and it was starting to get very cluttered and squashed. The extra space has allowed us to fit more in, hopefully without making everything too cluttered. It’ss not definitely staying, it depends whether you guys like it or not. If you don’st, if you find it too wide or still too cluttered, we’sll have another go at changing things around.

The rest of the site is the same as ever – only the header has changed. We’sve tidied up the header with a fresh new design, as the images of the credits were slightly messy. Everything from the very top down is exactly the same as it was before, don’st panic.

What do you think of the new look homepage? Tell us.

Anyway, enjoy. We’sve plenty more content to bring you, and aim to continue to bring you almost daily updates for quite a while to come.