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  1. You're right Fyn3. And it's only Brax that seems to remember him. Ricky is all happy being pregnant (understandable) but she never shows a bit of emotion or being sad that Casey (whom she know as a chid) is dead. And the rest of Summer Bay just forgot about him. Really sad because I really liked Casey as a character. And if my sister would be killed because I was involved in something I would take it much harder than Brax. But it's a soap and life has to go on although I think Brax is really struggling with Casey's death. I'm sad that Lincoln wanted to get out of HAA but I think if he wanted to push his career further he needed t do that.
  2. I just watched some older episodes of HAA when Casey was still there. And I found a new site of him I know he was sometimes acting out and acting stupid but he never seemed to be able to hold a grudge. Whenever Brax was bringing someone who had done Casey wrong to live in the house he was clearly angry and pissed at Brax, but I never took him long to come around. I think deep down despite trying to be a River boy etc he was a really good and soft hearted caring person and I also think he was very sensitive. He tried to hide it most of the times but seeing this older episodes I get why he tried to keep Brax out of the thing with Jake because he deeply cared for his brother and didn't want to loose him. I find it very sad that Casey didn't leave to go back to London after he found out that he was a Barrett. I liked the english girl and it would have been much better if he just left. I miss his Casey in HAA and I miss Lincoln portraying him.
  3. I didn't get that Leah and Zac hadn't been at the funeral since they were friends with Casey and also Brax. Sasha didn't part on good terms with Casey so I wasn't surprised she didn't show and she didn't seem to care much at all. That was somehow sad.
  4. CAsey was always my favorite character in HAA. He had good story lines although it seemed a little bit too much for one teenager to really get through. The dyslexia was part of his story almost the whole time when he was with Ruby. He got thrown out of the house by his mother because she thought he was too dumb to learn etc. So it was exploited very well. Maybe he found ways to cope with it during all his tutoring stuff. But you guys are right that it should bother him sometimes because it never really goes away. I'm also really sad that Casey had to die in the end and I hope that brings some good story lines for the show because having him die like this at this young age had me almost in tears, especial after the scene with BRax at the beach. As a girlfriend for Casey I found Denny really old because with Ruby there was always drama and I thought it was a nice change for Casey to finally have someone who gave his life stability and they looked so generously happy together.
  5. That's what I meant. He saved her life and she didn't even seem to care that he was killed, she just went after Josh. I find her charter horrible and we'll see how her last move plays out (but Josh deciding to sleep with her in a moment of loss was also extremely strange).
  6. She doesn't seem to care that Casey is dead at all. He was a friend to her, gave her a job despite that fact that Roo asked him not to do it. I don't get that girl at all.
  7. Answer to Lila_Q post That was a real good summary of the storyline problems or Brax character problems. When they arrived at Summer Bay it was pretty clear that nobody messes with Brax or his family. But that started to change during his relationship with Charlie and maybe he realized that he might be a bad role model for Casey who really looked up to him. Maybe that was the reason for Brax wanting a change in his life. He wanted to get Casey away from danger, drug dealers and other criminals but I have the feeling he got lost in his desperate attempt to get 'normal' and not being a Riverboy anymore. Letting Kyle live in the house might have been ok for having him under control until he took the stand but afterwards no obligation whatsoever could make a normal person do that. Especially not for somebody who would have killed Casey without second thought since he left him to die in the desert (what would have happened if Brax hadn't shown up). He saw how hurt Casey was and still didn't change his mind. Sad. And Casey accepting it after his short talk to Natalie wasn't really believable either.And after that Kyle only showed concern for itself and didn't give a damn about his brothers, only stepping up at Angelo's to impress Brax and get himself in a better position. And taking Casey's girlfriend- that was inexcusable for a brother. An that Brax or Heath (who told Kyle at the beginning he would kill him if he goes after Casey's girl) would simply go with that ?? No way I would have thrown the guy out of the house for good. So I don't get where Brax's mind was at. As for Heath-he never showed much concern for Casey's wellbeing. The only time was after the car accident. So that never bothered me because I think they weren't as close as Brax and Casey. About Ricks I couldn't agree more with what you wrote because the stuff with her and Brax also forgiving her that was really ridiculous. That reminds me of someone being beaten over and over again by his partner and going back because they promise it won't happen again. Really stupid and misguided because Ricky gave a rat's ass about Casey and what could have happened to him in prison or if Heath lost his daughter for good. And sending a 19 year old kid for 15 years behind bars for something he didn't do is just not something you can't erase by saying sorry or ..I was being played and didn't know what Adam was up to.To accept her back in his life even if he loved her was in my opinion the most out of character acting for Brax because he had cut ties with women he loved before if it interfered with his family. If he wanted to be with Ricky he could have at least had the decency of staying with her at another place to be away from Casey and also not asking Casey to lie for her in court and break his bond of good behavior. If I had been in Casey's place I would have cut all ties with Brax and Ricky and definitely wouldn't have lied for her in court. I know that the beginning of the Adam revenge storyline was Heath stupidity because he wasn't even able to call an ambulance. His excuse that he wanted to be with Darcey doesn't hold true because he just needed to make the call and wait until he heard the sirens. Then he could have left and he din't need to explain anything. The paramedics would have found the body and that would have been it. But I think Heath isn't the smartest person at all and cares mostly about himself and his needs and his family (excluding his brothers). And Brax was also very forgiving which is also out of character but understandable since Heath is his brother. But at the beginning I think he would have beat Heath up and throw him out of the house for a while. But the part Ricky played and then claimed it wasn't her fault because she didn't know what Adam was up to and capable of.... and only wanting to protect Brax ... I have no words for that because it is simply ridiculous.She knew her brother and what he was capable of and she only revealed her role in all this because she knew that if Brax would find out later that they could be over. So I really don't care if Ricky will be a singe mother or if Brax leaves her because I don't care about her at all.
  8. I agree totally with you jodlebirger about Brax taking Kyle in. That was ridiculous because Kyle left Casey in the desert to die. I don't know why he felt obliged to help him after he took the stand in court and helped Casey out . He did nothing special just telling the truth. So I didn't get that either and I was surprised that Casey took that so well as he found out Kyle lived in the house. But as he said later on.... 'How come whenever something bad happens to me the person responsible gets to live in my house` But also the stuff with Ricky was hard to take in because I doubt that she confessed because she wanted to help Casey. She did it because she knew that if she didn't do that, Brax would cut her off if he found out later (even if they were together). And she didn't care that something could happen to Casey while in prison or if Heath lost his daughter forever. She only cared about saving Brax and how she could be together with him. I get that she wanted to help her brother at first but after she found out he was wrong about Brax she could have warned Brax without Adam to know. And if Brax left Adam to die why mess with Casey and Heath family? I think she agreed with that because she didn't want Brax to get physically hurt. He was her only concern. And I highly doubt Adam would have killed her, even at the end he didn't do it despite having the opportunity. So I really don't have much sympathy for Ricky.
  9. I don't think she'll mention it but if she does and it causes friction between her and Brax I wouldn't really care because I never understood how Brax let her back in his life after what she did to his family. And her pleading she was played by her brother was ridiculous because she was an adult and could have told Brax at any time what was going on. So even if she came around pretty well I don't really like her character (despite the fact that Bonnie plays her brilliant) and I would have preferred for Brax to kick her out after he found out what she did. But as it was mentioned in another post Brax acting out of character started with Adam's revenge stuff. Or maybe it's true that love makes you blind.
  10. I found todays episode interesting. Brax being all cool and quiet. But I have a feeling that he isn't quiet he is just not able to deal and shut down his feelings. He maybe thinks that he doesn't deserve grief and closure because his life- the one he always wanted to Casey away from- finally caught up with the only person whom he never wanted involved. He will go after Jake and kill him even if Ricky tells him she's pregnant and then confess because he mitt think he doesn't deserve happiness and a family after what happened. Especially when he remembers the morning on the beach with Casey seeing him finally truly happy and content with his life. Poor Brax. But as always wonderfully portrayed by Steve- the way he said:"My brother" to Kyle- simply perfect.
  11. Casey was my favourite character,too. Funny I started watching HAA for Luke Mitchell but then the Braxtons showed up at Summer Bay and was hooked since I like those boys so much. But it will never be the same without Casey who was very well portrayed by Lincoln who did an amazing job.
  12. I like Lincoln playing Casey. At the early times his acting was more low key which mitt sit better with a lot of people. But to be realistic the storyline for Casey is out of proportion for a normal living being. There was so much thrown at him while being a teenager, no normal person could keep sane during this stuff. Maybe the sometimes 'forced' acting is used trying to bring the point across that Casey is close to his real breaking point and getting a nervous breakdown. I personally can't think of any teenager going through that stuff and come out untouched. He could be a little be more laid back in the acing sometimes but I personally like Licoln's portray of Casey.
  13. Hello everyody. I don't know if it'#s ok for my question to be posted in this forum. I'm pretty new to HAA but I love the Braxtons and I'm looking for sites with fan fiction stories about them besides this one and fan fiction.net. Can anybody help me out?
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