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Past, Present and Future


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Really enjoyed this! I feel like Justin was a lot more honest and open with Raffy than Tori was, but that's probably quite true to character. I don't think Justin looks like a 'Jasper', and I can understand him not wanting that name, but where on earth did he get the name 'Percy'?! lol! Justin is the one that suits him best (apart from James, of course) Loved his answer to the last question; if only they couldĀ go back and undo everything. There's a sadness here, but also hope, so I found it quite touching. Raffy's gonna have the best essay that school has ever seen!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry guys, it's been a long while. Life is pretty crazy - Have my next chapter and hopefully I'll be able to write some more soon. Even if not I'll try and update anyway!

Chapter 21

As Justin and Raffy were having a joke around in Salt after their interview, Brody walked back through the door. looking a bit like he'd seen a ghost. Both Raffy and Justin's eyes followed him as he walked towards the kitchen. Without saying a word, they just looked at each other and swallowed. Justin got up from his chair, telling Raffy he'd be right back. Justin walked towards the kitchen door, first letting a waitress pass him on his way in.

ā€œEverything alright Brodes?ā€ Justin asked with sincerity. ā€œYou look a bit...You don't seem....Are you okay?ā€ Justin couldn't quite find the words to describe Brody's sudden shift in personality. Brody wasn't ignoring his brother, he just couldn't think of anything to say. He wasn't sure whether it was his place to bring it up, or whether he needed to talk to Mason first. Brody walked towards the chef jackets and picked one up to put around himself.
ā€œEverything's fine.ā€ He told Justin with a fake smile.
ā€œNo no no,ā€ Justin wasn't falling for it ā€œyou can't come in here looking like you've seen a ghost, and pretend everything's alright.ā€ The thoughts going through Justin's mind right now were all witness protection related. Had Brody seen someone he recognised? Has someone been released?
ā€œHonestly mate, it's fine.ā€ Brody tried insisting, he wanted Justin to leave him alone so he could wrap his brain around what he'd just learnt. He continued to go about to kitchen and start work again. ā€œHey can you send Raffy in, I want her to check over the roster so she knows when to come in next week.ā€ Brody had abruptly ended the conversation he didn't want to be having with Justin, and started a new one which would entice him to leave the kitchen.
ā€œ...Sure.ā€ Justin sighed and knew he wasn't going to get anything out of him.

Justin walked out the kitchen and grabbed himself a drink at the bar before heading back to the table where Raffy was sat looking at her phone.
ā€œBrody wants you in to check the roster.ā€ Justin told her as he sat back down in his chair. Raffy huffed and puffed, rolling her eyes as she pulled herself up from her chair,, dragging herself to the kitchen.
Justin sat and sipped his beer, he thought back to earlier and how weird Scarlett had been when she met Louisa earlier (although he still couldn't remember her name). Of course he didn't believe that it was actually himself that had been a bit funny, of course not. He took out his phone and text his friend.

ā€œFancy dinner? Me and Raffy are in Salt if you want to join us.ā€ He pressed send. He didn't expect Scarlett to jump at the opportunity after such a strange lunch, but he hoped she would.
Within minutes his phone buzzed.
ā€œCan't for dinner. Bring some beers over later though if you're free.ā€ read her reply. So she wasn't completely mad if she still wanted to hang out, but he wasn't going to have Raffy there as support in case things got weird again.

Raffy came back out of the kitchen and slumped back down in her seat. She wasn't too keen on this working idea, she felt like it was going to be the start of the end of her life. She'd had to sign the contract and prepare herself for her first shift on Saturday. At least it was only training and Brody wasn't expecting her to just know what she's doing from the start.
ā€œFood?ā€ Justin asked her, hoping the idea of a massive pizza would put a smile back on her face. He was wrong, he watched her as her face stayed in the same expression.
ā€œActually, I might go see Coco.ā€ Raffy gathered her interview things and got back up from her seat. At this point Justin thought he may smell, seeing as nobody wanted him around.
ā€œAlright, let me know if you need picking up later.ā€ He told her as he just let her leave. He was alone again. He wondered why he'd just offered to be a taxi when Scarlett had invited him for beers. Maybe he could rope one of his other siblings into doing it if needed. Either way Justin wasn't feeling his alone time to be in the middle of a thriving restaurant on a Thursday night, so he picked up his belongings and headed to the kitchen, asking Brody to make him something to take home. He took a 6 pack of beers from the cold room and put the money for them in the till. As he waited for Brody to bring out his take out meal for one, he saw Ash walk in with Luc under his arm.

ā€œAlright stranger, fancy seeing you here.ā€ Ash joked when he approached Justin.
ā€œIs my sister with you tonight?ā€ Justin asked. He hadn't spoken to Tori today and Ash for some reason seemed to dance around the subject at work.
ā€œYeah, well I think she's going back home after work to shower and grab some things. But she's heading to ours for dinner.ā€ Ash replied. He didn't want to bring up the moving in subject with Justin just in case Tori wanted to do it herself. He'd talk to her tonight and see where things stood.
ā€œComing over for dinner and you're not even cooking...ā€ Justin laughed. He realised how lucky they were as a family to have a chef, nobody ever went hungry, and nobody would ever have to eat terrible food.
ā€œTrust me mate, that's something she can do without.ā€ Ash held Luc's hand and over exaggerated a laugh in hopes she'd join in. She didn't. Instead she decided to wobble her bottom lip and start to cry.

At that moment Brody came out with four small tubs of food. Three in a bag for Ash and one for Justin. Ash left his money on the counter and nodded his head at Brody before turning to walk away, not daring to try and talk over Luc's cry. Justin thanked his brother and headed out the door with Ash.
ā€œYou're more than welcome to come and join us,ā€ Ash told his friend. ā€œIt's only us, VJ and Tori when she arrives.ā€
Justin thought about it, he considered the option. To not be alone, to hang out with his best mate and his sister. To save VJ from being a third wheel. But the idea of a quiet dinner alone with his Playstation in front of him was winning him over. So he politely declined the offer and said goodbye to Ash and Luc, before walking in the opposite direction.

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Your have to forgive me Today my head feels frazzled. But Brody saw Ziggy with Mason didn't he? So why didn't he tell Justin? And Justin picks the playstation over Scarlett? Playstation only remains fun until you find yourself stuck resulting in fits of rage. Women are much easier to be around :lol:

I don't blame Luc for crying who wants to be caught up in the middle of Ash and Tori's very cringey schoolyard romance? :lol:

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Great chapter

Brody found out about Mason and Ziggy poor guy.

Justin declining to join Tori and Ash for dinner to play PlayStation sounds about right.

Update again soon :)



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