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Everything To Me

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Thanks JarlieFanEver, Pembie and Amz89 for the comments. Enjoy :)


Charlie nodded with laughter "We're having another baby"

Brax's lips immediately took hers, slowly, meaningfully and with so much passion Charlie thought she would melt into him.

Pulling back from the kiss, Brax leaned his forehead against Charlie's as they both caught their breath. He chuckled again and placed a gentle kiss on her lips

"I love you" his hand still placed on her stomach

Charlie pursed her lips together, a smile adorning her face "I love you too"

Charlie lay with her head on Brax's chest, one hand resting on his chest, his arms holding her close to him. She smiled as he placed a soft kiss on her hair line, before her thoughts overcame her again. She had been so excited about being pregnant; bringing another addition to the family and hope that this time her pregnancy would go smoothly that she had tried not to think too much of how this would affect Ruby. But now wrapped in Brax's arms and having let the fact that she was pregnant sink in, Ruby say at the forefront of her mind

"You're thinking so loudly, I have a feeling the twins can hear you" Brax's fingers stroked Charlie's arm as he looked down at her

Charlie looked up at him "Uh" her eyebrows knitted together and Brax chuckled.

Lifting his arm that was wrapped around her lower waist, he ran his thumb over the crease in-between her eyebrow "What's on your mind?" he pulled his head back a little and looked down at her. He could practically read her thoughts

Looking up at him, Charlie closed her eyes briefly and sighed "I really am happy about this, you have no idea how nervous I was when I took that test last night, I wanted this so badly but at the same time I just keep thinking why now"

Brax nodded "I know" he exhaled, it had crossed his mind the moment Charlie had told him she was pregnant. Ruby and Casey's loss was still so fresh, he had no doubt that if they were told now, it would only make their grieve that much harder. He pulled Charlie back into him

"Despite everything I think they'll be happy for us, as best as they can be right now" he sighed "But maybe we should keep it quiet for a while, just while they're still dealing with this"

Charlie smiled into his chest before looking up at him "You don't mind?" she had thought to suggest it

Brax shook his head "Course not. I think they need a lot more time before things even get close to being ok for them. So if we have to keep this to ourselves for a while, that's what we'll do" His hand ran down her Side till it lay resting on her stomach. Charlie smiled at his gesture before she placed her hand over his

Brax squinted before he spoke again "How far along are you or do you not know yet?" He would have liked to have been there when she found out for sure but the surprise of it meant just as much to him

"Six weeks" replied Charlie "At least that's what Sid told me at the hospital today. I have to go back in another six weeks for my twelve weeks scan"

Brax nodded and seemed to lose him in his thought. Charlie frowned at his quietness before bringing her hand up to his cheek; she knew worry would set in once the surprise had sunk in. She smiled lightly at him as his gaze locked with hers "I was wondering how long it would take before that look settled on your face"

"What look? Aske Brax

Charlie cocked her head "I asked Sid about the chances of me having placenta previa again" she felt Brax wince and sighed "He said we won't know till I'm at least sixteen weeks gone"

Brax exhaled and felt a lump forming in his throat just at the mere thought of it. It couldn't happen again and it wouldn't, the big guy up there wasn't cruel. He smiled down at her before softly tucking an escaped strand behind her hair "We're gonna be ok this time"

Charlie leaned up and placed a soft kiss on his lips "I know we are" at least she hoped. She just wanted for once to be able to fully bask in the joy of being pregnant and not have any thing taking away from it as it had done when she was pregnant with Ruby and the twins

"You know if we're gonna have any more after this we'll have to get a bigger house. We're running out of room to put all these kids of ours"

Charlie chuckled and shook her head "Babe how about we have this kid first before we start thinking about anymore"

"What if we're having twins again?" asked Brax and he laughed as Charlie's eyes visibly widened

"Babe don't say that ok. After Hope and Caleb I want them coming one at a time. Could you imagine having to deal with two new born and two four year olds?"

Brax swallowed hard at the thought of it and nodded "Point taken. I think one will do for now"

Charlie nodded "Yeah I thought you would agree"

"Hy" Ruby smiled as she walked into the house. She looked to Casey who stood to his feet a smile on his face

"Hy" he glanced back into the house "I didn't know you was coming over"

Ruby nodded "Yeah I kinda just ended up here. Thought maybe we could hang out" she glanced around the house "No one home"

Casey shook his head and chuckled "Na, it seems I spend more time here than Bianca, Heath and the kids"

Ruby smiled lightly "Maybe that's a good thing" she exhaled and tucked a strand curl behind her hair "We could maybe spend some time alone" she glanced away from him for a second before looking back to him "If you want" She had woken up that morning and all she had wanted was to see him

Casey's smile grew at Ruby's words and he nodded his head, his face telling all on how much he wanted to spend time with her also "Yea" he stepped forward and out of instinct and familiarity, he took Ruby's hand in his but his eyes grew hesitant and he looked up at her unsure if she would back away. He knew she needed time. He exhaled a breath of relief at the smile on her face as her hand curled over his

"It's been ages since I had a lazy day" said Ruby, trying to let go of how much she hurt even if just for a while just to be here like this with Casey. She remembered the beach Brax had taken her to and his words

"I need you to break down those walls you have built these last couple of weeks Rubes" Ruby heard Brax's words play back in her head and as she looked at Casey she knew he too needed for her to break down her walls not just for him but also for herself

Casey's thumb ran over the back of Ruby's hand "A lazy day with you sounds like a great day"

Charlie smiled up at Jack as he walked into their office. She held her hand out to him and he shook his head before handing the scan picture over. Charlie looked down at the scan and grinned before looking up at Jack

"Oh look how big she looks" she looked back down at the scan in her hand

Jack chuckled "So now you think it's a girl. You said you was sure she was having a boy the last time we went for a scan"

Charlie shook her head "Maybe you're having twins and baby number two is just hiding behind his sister"

Jack's eyes widened and Charlie chuckled as it seemed to take him a while to catch his breath

"Don't go saying things like that Charlie" he ran his hands through his hair "Martha and Sophia keep me on my toes enough as it is. Twins…" he shook his head "Na no way"

Charlie laughed lightly "I had twins and I happen to think they are awesome"

Jack nodded "Yea you're twins are but knowing my luck I'll get the trouble making kind. Could you imagine having twins again?" he cocked an eyebrow and chuckled at the look on Charlie's face

It was Charlie's turn to widen her eyes "No way. Any more kids to come better be coming one at a time" she smiled and fought the urge to run her hand over her still flat stomach. She knew how observant her friends where and there was no way she wanted them knowing before she and Brax decided to tell Ruby and Casey. Instead she lay her hands on the keyboard in front of her

"So how is Martha?"

Jack rolled his eyes "All in the space of the few hours she had been up, she has managed to, scream, yell and cry" his head rolled forward and he cocked an eyebrow as Charlie chuckled "It's not funny"

"She can't be that bad" Charlie chuckled again

Jack chuckled amusingly "Oh she is. Last night she shouted at me because I only got her the small tub of ben n jerry's cookie dough ice cream. So thinking I was being nice, I went out and got her the big tub only for her to start shouting about how I think she's a fat whale and then as I tried to explain myself out of it she started crying"

Charlie pressed the palm of her hand over her mouth in an attempt to stop her laughter from sounding but the shuddering of her shoulders gave her away

Jack huffed in her direction "Glad someone finds it amusing" he shook his head "I just stood there mouth agape not knowing what to say, I didn't even know what I had done wrong" he crinkled his nose "I still don't"

Charlie's shoulders continued shuddering for a moment longer before she seemed to calm herself. She exhaled and chuckled a little before swiping her hand under her eyes "I'm not sure why you're not more prepared. She must have been like this when she was pregnant with Sophia"

Jack shook his head "No she was nothing like this. She had her moments but this is something else. I actually tip toed in from work yesterday just so she wouldn't flip"

This bit of information only sent Charlie into another laughing frenzy but this time instead of holding it back with her hands she laughed out loud and dodged to the side as Jack threw a pen in her direction

"I'm sorry" Charlie spoke through her laughter "It's just the image of you tiptoeing through the front door" she laughed again and Jack sat back waiting for her to finish. When she seemed to have composed herself he spoke

"You done"

Charlie nodded with a grin "For now"

Just as Jack went to speak they both looked up as a knock sounded on the door before it opened up "An incident at the surf club. Vandalising apparently; you guys have to go check it out" said Watson before closing the door

Charlie stood to her feet , grabbed her walkie talkie before hocking it to her belt and then opened the draw and pulled out the keys to their car "How about I drive today, by the sounds of things you could do with a break" she chuckled as she walked out of the office Jack behind her

"I hate you" he said and Charlie simply laughed again

Ruby sat, her back leaning into Casey's chest as they indulged in the third film of the day. She had won the first couple of movie battles and now they were watching GI Joe a choice of Casey's

She turned her head slightly to look up at him only to find him looking down at her. Shuffling so her body was turned into his "What?" she cocked an eyebrow

Casey shrugged "Nothing"

"You're watching me instead of the movie" she said and Casey nodded causing Ruby to laugh "Why?" she asked

Casey exhaled "I've just missed you... a lot" he added

Ruby nodded and slowly placed her hand to his chest "I've missed you too" She sighed "I know I'm the one that said I needed space but waking up alone hasn't been too nice"

The corner of Casey's mouth lifted "What, you mean you've missed having someone to kick and abuse during the night"

A smile lit up Ruby's face "Something like that" she glanced down at his lips before looking back up at him; there was something else she had missed as well. Not giving herself time to second guess it she leaned forward slowly and brushed her lips past his. She looked up to his eyes and watched him watching her. She could see he badly wanted to kiss her but was holding himself back. Smiling she pressed her lips to his and smiled into the kiss as Casey's hand rested on her cheek.

Finally pulling away from one another, Ruby let out a breath as Casey's eyes trailed her face; silently asking if she had regretted it but Ruby simply smiled

"I've missed that too"

The worry in Casey's eyes passed away and the corner of his lips curled up "Me too" leaning forward he brushed his lips past her's once more before pulling back to look at her "I've missed everything about you, even you snoring though out the night"

Ruby gasped and swatted Casey's chest "You still have no prove that I snore"

Casey grinned "It doesn't mean it's not true"

Ruby chuckled, her eyes still on his. Being with him the day before and being with him like this here now she knew what she wanted.

"Come back home" she spoke, her eyes trailing his face watching his reaction.

Casey cocked an eyebrow surprised by her request. He hadn't wanted to leave in the first place that was for sure but at the time Ruby had needed space. The two days they had spent together was great but he needed to make sure she really wanted this

"You sure?" he asked "Because you don't have to say this if you're not" he sighed "I would love to come back home but only if it's really ok with you. 'm ok with taking this slow"

Ruby shook her head immediately "I'm sure" she sighed "I shouldn't have asked you to leave in the first place. I just..." she paused and glanced away from him, her eye catching the TV before she turned back to him "I wasn't thinking straight. All I could think about was what had happened"

Casey nodded "I know" he said. He knew because it was all he could think about as well

"But I shouldn't have taken it out on you. We're in this together" her eyes grew questioning near the end of her sentence and Casey nodded with a small smile

"Yea we are" he tucked the same stubborn curl back behind her ear "So I'm coming home" he grinned

Ruby nodded "good"

Climbing out of the car Charlie and Jack groaned simultaneously as they caught sight of John Palmer who was no doubt waiting for them

"I swear it's like this man is a magnet for trouble. If something of his isn't getting vandalised today then it's his authority not being respected tomorrow" said Jack and Charlie nudged him as she tried to keep a straight face

"Good morning John" spoke Charlie and she had to bit into the side of her mouth to stop a grin from appearing at the less than impressed look on his face

"Nothing good about the morning, Constable" John huffed out a breath and Charlie and Jack glanced at one another

"What seems to be the problem John?" asked Jack and John stormed away as Charlie and Jack followed him till they rounded to the front of the surf club

"This is what's wrong" he pointed at paint sprayed cartoon that lay covered up most of the wall on the outside of the surf club "This thing has been keeping my regular customers from coming in all day"

Jack rolled his eyes and fought the urge to chuckle "It's only just gone past 12 John. You've only been open all of three hours"

John's rounded eyes clearly not impressed by Jack's words, pinned him to the spot "That is not the point constable. The point is, whoever did this needs to pay. I'm gonna have to hire someone to come clear this up and that's money I'm not looking to spend"

Jack nodded. He looked to the graffitied wall and cocked his head "I kinda like it. Think it gives the place a little edge" he turned back to John and hid his grin as Johns eyes bore into him. Jack quickly continued "But of course this sort of thing isn't for everyone, especially the older generation"

John's face reddened and he went to speak before Charlie quickly interrupted "What Jack means is, we will do our best to make sure this doesn't occur again"

John looked to Charlie, then to Jack before looking back to Charlie "make sure you do Constable" he looked back to Jack and frowned "Talking of old age you might want to see to those grey hairs" he grinned and walked away leaving Charlie laughing and Jack's mouth agape

"I do not have grey hair" he ran his hand through his hair as he called after John who simply kept walking

"Actually I have been meaning to talk to you about that" Charlie and Jack turned to see Brax approaching the both of them, a grin on his face

"Funny" Jack spoke dryly

"Hy" Charlie, leaning on the tip of her toes placing a quick kiss on Brax's lips "Kids give you too much trouble after I left?" she asked and Brax shook his head

"No unless you count the fifty different outfits your daughter picked out before she decided on which one to wear. I don't know why she's got so much clothes, it just makes the mornings harder than they need to be" said Brax

"Uh babe, most of what she has is a product of you, Heath and this one spoiling her" she pointed to Jack

"Well we might just have to burn some. I'm thinking we leave her with seven outfit choices. That way she can wear one a day a week"

Charlie chuckled "Unless you want your daughter to disown you I wouldn't advice you do that"

Brax chuckled and looked at Jack "How was the ultrasound today?"

Jack smiled "Yeah it was good. Strong heart beat" he beamed. It was obvious that regardless of his endless complaining Jack was more than stoked about the soon to be new addition to his family

Brax smiled "That's good to hear mate" he glanced at Charlie and couldn't help but steal a quick glance down at her stomach before looking back up at her. Glancing into the surf club Brax spoke

"Well I got to get up there. I'll see you after work" he leaned down and placed a kiss on Charlie's lips

"Yep" replied Charlie smiling up at him

Brax turned to Jack "A little heads up. I just bumped into Martha at the diner and she looked so pissed off I almost backed the hell up out of there. Something about you leaving the fridge open this morning and leaving the apple juice on the counter" Brax chuckled and patted Jack on the shoulder "I don't envy you mate" he gave Charlie a wink as he walked into the surf club and climbed the steps leading to the restaurant

Jack groaned and his head rolled back "How likely is it that she'll have calmed down and forgotten all about it by the time I get home"

Charlie curled her lips inwards, trying to hide her amusement "What do you think the chances are?" she asked

Jack sighed "I'm in for it" he concluded

Charlie ran her hand over Caleb's forehead and sighed. It was now just past four and Cheryl had called about an hour ago saying Caleb had come down with a fever and wouldn't stop asking for her and Brax. Leaving the station straight away she had picked both him and Hope up and brought them home

Caleb blinked up at Charlie, his blue blanky wrapped in his hand as Charlie tucked him under his disney cars duvet "I no to have no more of them stuffs" he shook his tired head lightly

Charlie smiled lightly "its medicine to make you feel better Caleb you have to have some more again later"

Caleb shook his head "I better now" his tired eyes and high temperature giving him away

"That's good but you might have to take some more so you get completely better and then you can have all the ice cream you want"

Flu or not Caleb's eyes widened at the mention of ice cream ad Charlie couldn't help but chuckle

"I to have loads and loads?" he asked

"Only when you're all better" she leaned forward and placed a kiss on his forehead before brushing his sandy brown hair back from his face "I'm thinking it's time to give you a hair cut mister"

Caleb shook his head and tried to hide his face in his pillow "No, I likes it"

Walking into the house Brax closed the back door behind him. Reaching the living room he smiled at Hope who's eyes were glued to the TV

"Hy munchkin" he placed a kiss on her temple and Hope reluctantly tore her eyes away from the Disney movie Charlie had put in for her

"Hi daddy" she smile up at Brax before she frowned "Caleb no well" she shook her head, the red head band in her hair keeping her curls from falling into her face

"I know" he nodded and ran his hand over her hair "Your mummy told me, but don't worry he's gonna be all better soon"

Hope smiled again "Then he no be tired anymore?" she asked

Brax smiled "Yea. Then he won't be tired anymore" he glanced down the hall "Is mum in your room?" he asked and Hope nodded

"Yea, she put Caleb to bed"

Brax nodded "Why don't you just keep watching your movie and I'll just go and check on your brother then I'll come out here and we can watch this together" he nodded to the screen and Hope smiled

"We to go to the start?"

Brax groaned but smiled "Sure sweetie we can watch it from the start" he chuckled as she beamed up at him before turning back to the TV

Walking down the hall he stopped outside the twins room and smiled as he saw Charlie sat on the edge of Caleb's bed

"I'm thinking it's time to give you a hair cut mister" he watched as Charlie ran her hand over Caleb's hair

Caleb shook his head and tried to hide his face in his pillow "No, I likes it"

Brax chuckled and walked into the room "Don't worry buddy, I'll keep her away from your hair" he said as he walked into the room; Charlie and Caleb looking up at him

Brax crouched down in front of Caleb's bed and ran the palm of his hand over his forehead. His eyebrows creased as he noticed how hot Caleb was "You're really poorly aren't you buddy" and Caleb nodded

"I too tired" said Caleb and Brax looked to Charlie

"I've given him some ibuprofen. He won't eat anything but I got him to drink some juice when we got back" she said and Brax nodded before looking back at Caleb

"Well I know you'll be alright in no time. You're my big strong boy aren't you?"

Caleb grinned and nodded "Yea"

Brax smiled and placed a kiss on his temple "How about if daddy reads you a story?" he asked and Caleb nodded

"The cat in the hat" said Caleb and Brax nodded. Charlie looked to the door before looking back to her two boys "You do know Hope won't like missing out on a story. How about she comes and daddy can read to both of you?"

Caleb squinted as if in thought before nodding "Ok. But we still to get two when it night time"

Brax and Charlie chucked "Of course you'll still get two" replied Charlie. She stood to her feet "I'll go get Hope"

It had just clocked past seven and Charlie sat on the couch with Caleb lay next to her curled up in her arms, while Brax sat beside them with Hope curled into him. Charlie ran her hand over Caleb's forehead sand sighed; his temperature was still high and he had barley eaten anything when they all had their dinner

"You sure you don't want to go to bed buddy" asked Brax he too eyeing Caleb but Caleb simply shook his head, which was buried in Charlie's chest

"No I like it here best" he croaked, his small voice barley a whisper "I too watch pwanes too" he said as he kept his eyes on the Disney cartoon 'Planes'

Looking up as the front door opened Charlie and Brax smiled widely as both Casey and Ruby entered into the house. Both glancing at one another as they notic the bag Casey had dropped by the foot of the door, they looked back to Ruby ad Casey

"Hy guy" spoke Charlie; Bianca had already told her that Ruby was at theirs when she had called a while ago

"Casey" Hope beamed as she jumped out of her father's hold and to Casey who chuckled as he bent down and picked her up

"Hy trouble" he tickled her side causing Hope to giggle

"You to come back now and sleep?" asked Hope and Casey chuckled not missing the look on Brax and Charlie's face clearly asking the same thing

He nodded and looked to his bag he had placed at the font of the door "Yeah I'm here to sleep"

"And you no to go no more?" asked Hope shaking her head at the same time

Ruby laughed lightly "No he's not going anywhere anymore" she smiled up at Casey before turning to Brax and Charlie the smiles on their faces telling her all she needed to know "Heath just dropped us off" said Ruby

Casey placed Hope back on the ground and looked over to Caleb who was smiling up at him, his usually olive skin a little pale

"Hy buddy I heard you weren't feeling to well" he spoke as he walked over to the free couch and sat down

Caleb nodded and peeled himself from Charlie's side before walking over to Casey who picked him up

"I really hot mummy said, and I no feel good" he pouted up at Casey before speaking again "You to play with me when I is all better" Caleb tucked himself into Casey's side. He most definitely looked up to Casey and had missed having him around

Casey nodded as Ruby sat on the other side of him, her feet curling up "Yep. When you're all better"

"And you to no leave again" asked Caleb, worry in his eyes "Cause I missed you too much"

Casey smiled widely and lightly ruffled Caleb's hair "Na I won't leave again. And I missed you loads to buddy"

"Daddy" Hope now safely back bedside Brax tugged on his arm

"Yea sweetie"

She looked to the TV then back up at Brax "We missed some so we to start again" she smiled sweetly at him and Brax felt to cry at the idea, and Charlie groaned

"We haven't missed that much" he said in an attempt to deter her from her request

"We do to" said Caleb "I missed my bestest bit"

Brax and Charlie groaned "Why don't we just rewind it to that bit then" offered Charlie but the twins shook their heads

"We to watch it again" said Hope

"Pwease" added Caleb, his blue eyes seeming to widen impossibly

Ruby and Casey chuckled at the look on both Brax and Charlie's face before Ruby spoke "Sure we can start from the beginning" she grinned at Charlie and Brax as she stood up and picked up the remote before sitting back down "Plus I love planes"

"Me too" said Hope and Caleb simultaneously

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Thanks Pembie and JarlieFanEver for the comments. Enjoy :)


"Pwease" added Caleb, his blue eyes seeming to widen impossibly

Ruby and Casey chuckled at the look on both Brax and Charlie's face before Ruby spoke "Sure we can start from the beginning" she grinned at Charlie and Brax as she stood up and picked up the remote before sitting back down "Plus I love planes"

"Me too" said Hope and Caleb simultaneously

"You ok?" asked Brax as he slid into bed beside Charlie. She lay on her side facing him and he gently pulled her to him, his hand resting on the small of her back

Charlie nodded "Yeah, I just hope Caleb's fever breaks soon. He looked so tired and drowsy all day"

Brax nodded "He'll probably be up and about by day after tomorrow"

"Hope was really quiet before bed" said Charlie

"I think she just doesn't like seeing Caleb like that. Remember what Caleb was like last year when Hope had a little flu, he would cry when she cried"

Charlie chuckled "Yeah I remember and then as she was getting better he got the flu and then it was her doing the crying when he would cry"

Brax laughed lightly "Yeah that was a week to remember hy"

"It definitely was"

Brax ran his hand over her back and moved it around her waist till his thumb was lightly stroking her stomach "I love that there's another mini me and you growing in there" he grinned, Charlie's grin soon matching his

"I know" she placed her hand over his "I had to keep fighting the urge to run my hand over my stomach at work today. I didn't want Jack picking up on anything or Watson"

Brax nodded "Yeah I was talking to Heath before and more than once I almost mentioned it. I had to keep catching myself when I was talking"

Charlie chuckled "Doesn't seem like we're gonna be able to keep this quiet for long" she bit into the corner of her lips "But I would at least like us to try and keep it to ourselves till I'm twelve weeks gone" she sighed "Just to be on the safe side"

Brax nodded "I'm thinking another girl" he said with a smile

Charlie chuckled "Babe I'm only six weeks in and you're already taking guesses on the sex of the baby"

Brax shrugged "Never too early"

"Well I think it's a boy. Although that would mean us girls would be outnumbered in this house by Braxton men"

Brax grinned and leaned his head closer to hers "And wouldn't you just love that" he took her lips in his in a deep kiss that had Charlie combing her hand through his hair holding him to her

"Umm" Brax pulled back and looked at her "I know with the twins it was different because we were banned from having any fun but I have heard that one of the perks of pregnancy is that more sex goes on" he gave Charlie a cheeky grin causing her to slap his chest lightly

"Oh course that's one thing that you would know" she shook her head with a smile

Brax chuckled "What man in their right mind wouldn't" he asked and Charlie laughed lightly

"Well you might not be so lucky this time. You do know that every pregnancy is different and I might actually go off sex rather than want it all the time"

Brax shook his head "I'll just have to get you in the mood then, wont I" he lightly pushed her onto her back before hovering over her "How about I start now" he grinned down her before dipping his head and trailing a row of kisses along her neck

Charlie passed the juice over to Martha as she cupped her coffee in her hand. She chuckled at the envious look displayed on Martha's face

"What I wouldn't do for a cup of coffee" Martha sighed, her eyes still on Charlie's cup "Even forget a cup, a little tiny taste will do" she groaned as she looked down at the bottle in her hand "I can't wait for this baby to come"

Charlie rolled her eyes "Please you love being pregnant. It's the only reason Jack lets you get away with so much"

Martha smiled at Charlie "I know" she giggled "But I do feel bad for him. It seems this little one is making up for all the missed temper tantrums when I was pregnant with Sophia"

Charlie took a sip of her coffee, thankful for the caffeine. She and Brax had been taking turns during the night to check on Caleb, resulting in very little sleep

"Oh he's been telling me all about your various personalities. You have the poor man sneaking into the house" Charlie couldn't help but laugh at the image that still formed in her head

Martha curled her lips inward trying to stop herself from laughing, but it didn't help and soon she was laughing with Charlie

"I actually caught him doing that" said Martha "I felt so bad for him at first, but then I got angry because I thought maybe he was avoiding me"

"For good reasons by the sound of it" added Charlie and Martha swatted her arm

"I can't help it. One minute I'm fine and perfectly happy and then the next I feel like a fat whale and all I want to do is cry and yell at someone"

Charlie chuckled and glanced at Hope who was happily playing house with her dolls "Trust me I know how you feel" she spoke as she turned back to Martha "Although I don't think I was as bad as you when I was pregnant with the twins"

"It's not been all bad" Martha defended herself "With Sophia I didn't really go off 'sex'" she whispered "But I didn't really want it any more than usual. But with this little one…" she placed her hand on her protruding stomach "My libido is in over drive"

Charlie cocked her head and laughed lightly

Martha shook her head "I'm not joking. For the last few days it's like I wake up with one thing on my mind and one thing only. So trust me when I say Jack can't complain that he isn't getting anything out of this"

"I almost feel sorry for Sophia" Charlie mused and Martha again swatted her on the arm

"Anyway" Martha moved on to the topic to which she had stopped by "How is Caleb? Jack mentioned yesterday that you had to leave work early because he wasn't feeling too well"

Charlie nodded "Yeah. He's got a fever, he's showing the same symptoms as he did when he and Grace had that flu last year, so we're just hoping his fever breaks soon"

"You able to get him to eat anything?" asked Martha and Charlie sighed

"Not really, I literally bribed him to eat a little of the toast I made him this morning. Mainly We're just making sure he keeps hydrated but apart from that he's been asleep for most of it, I guess right now a good rest will do him good"

Martha nodded "Well I don't think you have anything to worry about. These Braxton men never stay down for too long"

Charlie chuckled "Isn't that right"

Ruby and Casey walked into the surf club and as Casey went to order the both of them a juice April and Dex walked in

"Hy" Ruby smiled up at them as they made their way over to her not having yet seen Casey

"Hy" replied April and Dex

"How you feeling?" asked April and Ruby gave her a light smile

"Ok" she nodded "What are the both of you up to?"

April rolled her eyes and glanced at Dex "Well we were supposed to go into the city for the day but Mr genius here..." she patted Dex on the arm "Locked us out of the house and my purse and phone and his wallet and phone are in his room. So with no money apart from what he as in his pocket and no way to get into the farm house until Sid or Indi get home we figured we may as well come down here and spent what little money he as on him"

Ruby laughed at the unimpressed look on April's face and that of innocence on Dex's

"She says it like I did it on purpose, I was I supposed to know dad had taken the spare key that was under the mat. Plus I think a day of spontaneity is just what the doctor ordered"

Both April and Ruby laughed at him just as Casey approached with his and Ruby's juice

"Let me guess, you guys are laughing at his expense" said Casey as he nodded to Dex

"Who else" mumble Dex lightly heartedly. He glanced between Ruby and Casey for a moment before speaking "So err... are you two all good again or is this the 'We need to talk' type of meeting"

April jabbed him in the rib "Dex" she gave him a stern look and he shrugged his shoulders

"What I was just asking"

Casey chuckled at his friend before he answered "No it's not the 'We need to talk' type of meeting"

April looked to Ruby and smiled "So everything is all good between the two of you?" she asked and Ruby nodded and she smiled up at Casey

"Yeah everything is good"

Dex scoffed "Oh so it's ok for you to ask"

At this Ruby and Casey laughed loudly and April nudged him towards the juice bar "I'll have mango and passion fruit thank you" she called after him

She turned to Casey and Ruby "Would the two of you like some company or are you looking to spend some time alone"

Casey and Ruby glanced at one another

"Some company would be nice. Plus how could I say no to a few hours of your boyfriend's Charm" said Ruby and April chuckled as she took a seat

"Well that's one way to put it"

Charlie sat at the edge of Caleb's bed watching him sleep. She ran her hands over his forehead, taking his hair with her and she pursed her lips. It had been two days and his temperature hadn't gotten any better if anything he seemed to be getting worse and seemed to spend a lot of time sleeping. She and Brax were close to taking him down to the hospital if it carried on any longer. She smiled lightly as Caleb's eyes opened slowly and somewhat sluggishly

"Hy sweetie" she smiled down lightly at him, his face seemed paler than it had been a moment ago "How about I get you something to drink"

Caleb blinked, his long lashes brushing the top of his eyelids "I no twirsty" he said and Charlie sighed. He had hardly drank or eaten in the last twenty four hours. She kept expecting his fever to break but it didn't seem like it would be happening soon

"Well could you try and drink a little something? For mummy hy"

Caleb's chest rose a little heavily as he looked at his mum "I only to drink a little" he said and Charlie smiled

"A little will do" taking in his form again she sighed. She would have to call Sid just to check that there wasn't a chance this could be anything other than a normal flu.

"I'll be right back sweetie" she leaned over and placed a kiss on his heated forehead before she stood to her feet. Leaving the room making sure to keep the door wide opened she walked into the living room and smiled down at Hope who was busy playing with Caleb's build blocks

Her big green eyes looked up to Charlie and Charlie knew she was going to ask the same question she had been doing for the past two days

"Is Caleb to play yet?"

Charlie shook her head "Not yet Sweetie" she ran her hand through her daughters hair and looked up as Brax walked in through the back door

Hope stuck her bottom lip out, dropping the blocks that she had been holding "He be sick for too long"

Charlie sighed she agreed, he should have at least been getting better by now

"I know sweetie but he'll be better soon" she said

"He awake yet?" asked Brax and Charlie nodded

"Yeah he just woke up, just gonna get him some juice if we can't get him to eat at least we can keep him hydrated" she sighed and Brax nodded as she walked into the kitchen "And I think I might give Sid a call just so we know for sure this is just a flu"

Brax nodded "Yeah that's a good idea" he replied

Brax looked down at Hope who was now pouting, obviously missing the company of her brother. He bent down to her level and lifted her chin "You shouldn't pout like that or the wind might change and you'll stayed like that" he smiled

"I want to play wif Caleb. I no want him be poorwy"

Brax tucked a curl behind Hope's ear "I'm sure Caleb would love to play with you too but for now he's too poorly to play but you can play with daddy instead until Caleb gets better"

Hope smiled back at her father "We to build a house?" she asked and Brax nodded

"We can build whatever you want" The pout had left her lips replaced with a smile "Let me just check on your brother" standing to his feet he walked down the hall and stopped outside Caleb and Hope's room. His eyes widened and in less than three stride's he was at Caleb's side

"Caleb" Brax's voice pealing through the room as he looked down at his son who seemed to be having a seizure. Caleb's body shook with aggression; his eyes rolled back, his hands straight by his side

Charlie had been walking out of the kitchen with Caleb's juice in hand when she had heard Brax's voice. The panick and fear in his voice had shaken her to the core and she paced towards the room. Her eyes widened and the plastic bod the builder cup in her hand dropped to the floor. The juice spilling into the room

"Caleb" she whimpered as she ran to his side

Brax now had Caleb on his side, but the seizure had yet to stop

"Brax what's going on?" Charlie asked her tears already falling from her eyes

Afraid to move him Brax looked to her "Charlie get Hope in the car. We have to get him to the hospital" he had barely finished his sentence before Charlie stumbled to her feet

As she turned to the door she saw Hope stood at the foot of the door, her green eyes never seemed so wide or so afraid "What wrong wif him?"

Charlie glanced back to see Caleb's seizure slowly subside till he came to a still state. In no time Brax had their little boy in his arms and Charlie picked Hope up into her arms and cantered down the hall knowing Brax was behind her

Picking up the house keys, she swung the front door open and opened up the car

"What wrong wif him?" asked Hope again as Charlie clipped her into her car seat

"He's gonna be ok sweetie" she tried to smile at Hope but knew it didn't meet her eyes. As Brax jumped in the back seat, With Caleb tightly in his arms she said the words again "He's gonna be ok"

Not even bothering to check that the doors of the house was locked she stepped into the driver's seat, and tried to keep a steady speed to the hospital, aware that Hope was in the car and Caleb was in his father's arms

Brax all but ran into the hospital when the car came to a stop. As the doors slid open he carried on running "Help" he shouted and was bombarded by a chorus of nurses and to his relief Sid "Sid please help"

Sid rushed to Brax as he saw Caleb in his hands "Someone get me a gurney quick" he called before he even asked what was wrong

Charlie stood with Hope in her arms as Brax lay Caleb down on the gurney, the nurses and Sid rushing their baby boy away

"Where are they taking him?" Charlie followed them along with Brax, both of them watching as Sid gave orders to the nurses

"What happened?" Sid glanced up at them as they wheeled Caleb into a room.

Charlie explained as best as she could before Brax told him about the seizure

"What wrong with him Sid?"

Sid, busy as he ran his Stethoscope over Caleb's chest listening to his heart rate. He glanced up at Charlie and Brax "At the moment guys it could be a number of things. Our main concern is to make sure to keep him stable while we try and figure out what's going on"

Charlie had almost forgot she had a hold of Hope till the young girl spoke, her eyes filled with fright and fear for her brother "He no to be sick no more" she shook her head and pursed her lips "I no want him be sick no more"

Charlie held Hope close to her

"Guys you should probably wait outside, I promise to take good care of him"

Charlie nodded; she didn't want Hope seeing them probe at her brother. She glanced down at a groggy Caleb and pursed her lips praying to God he would be ok

"You promise to take care of him Sid" this time it was Brax who spoke

"I'll do my best" said Sid as Charlie and Brax edged out the door but stayed glued to the window that was closed off to them, just waiting for news on what was wrong with their little boy. In that moment Hope started crying and Charlie looked down to see the tears running down her daughter's cheek

"I no want him be sick no more mummy"

Charlie pursed her lips and held tightly to Hope, as Brax pulled the both of them into his arm "Hy sweetie he's gonna be ok." He spoke into Hope's hair before placing a kiss on her forehead. He looked to Charlie and nodded once "He's gonna be fine" he repeated before placing a kiss on her forehead as well, and wrapping his arms around the both of them

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the reviews guys. Sorry for the gap in updates but still hope you enjoy this chapter :)


"I no want him be sick no more mummy"

Charlie pursed her lips and held tightly to Hope, as Brax pulled the both of them into his arm "Hy sweetie he's gonna be ok." He spoke into Hope's hair before placing a kiss on her forehead. He looked to Charlie and nodded once "He's gonna be fine" he repeated before placing a kiss on her forehead as well, and wrapping his arms around the both of them

Charlie sat in one of the plastic Chairs with a now sleeping Hope in her arms. Brax who had been sat for no longer than five minutes now stood burning a hole into the door with his stern gaze as Charlie was also doing. A number of nurses had rushed in and out of the room with a number of things in their hands but yet Charlie and Brax hadn't been allowed to see Caleb and none of the numerous nurses were able to give them any feedback

"How long as it been now?" Charlie's voice a soft whisper, laced with eminent fear

Brax blinked a few times before shaking his head "Not sure" he turned form the door and looked to Charlie to see her red, puffy eyes. It seemed during the time he had been watching the door she had begun crying again. He slowly made his way over to the plastic chair he had briefly occupied before sitting down again. He tucked her hair behind her ears and ran a thumb over her cheek "He's a perfect combination of Buckton and Braxton, the odds are greatly on his side" a smile he knew was nothing other than sad passed his face "He's gonna be just fine"

Charlie turned to him and nodded "I hope you're right" She glanced down as she heard something vibrating and worked out that it was coming from Brax. He seemed so lost in thought that he hadn't seemed to notice

"Brax I think your phones ringing"

Brax focused back in on Charlie before her words sunk in and he looked down to his pocket. He sought his phone out and looking to the screen saw Casey's number. Standing to his feet he picked the call

"Hy, we just got in and we even got a new DVD for Caleb but you guys aren't home. I didn't think he was well enough to go out" said Casey

Brax could hear him moving around in the background and even thought he had heard Ruby's voice. He knew he probably should have broken it softly but the words were out before he could think of a way "We're at the hospital" he heard Casey's movements come to a stop and felt he could feel his younger brothers chest rise heavily

"Why? What's going on?"

"It's Caleb" was Brax's reply and without asking for an explanation Casey shouted for Ruby and spoke into the phone "We're on our way"

Brax had taken Hope from Charlie, her little form still fast asleep. As the door to the room Caleb was in opened up, Charlie, drove to her feet, Brax more careful, aware of Hope in his arms

"Is he ok? What's wrong with him?" asked Charlie, her neck craning over Sid's shoulder trying to see into the room

"He's stable now" answered Sid. He glanced between Charlie and Brax "Over the past couple of days has his appetite been really low, lack of energy?"

Charlie and Brax both nodded. "Yeah. But we just figured he was coming down with flu. Both he and Hope had one early last year and they both showed the same signs" answered Charlie

Sid nodded "From the tests we've conducted its clear that Caleb as got a Kidney infection" Charlie and Brax frowned as Sid continued "You said he had a seizure just before you brought him in?" Both Charlie and Brax nodded "The seizure were caused by what is called febrile convulsion"

They heard footsteps approach and took their gaze from Sid for a second to see Ruby and Casey approaching, neither of the two spoke not wanting to interrupt. Charlie and Brax turned back to Sid

"What's that?" asked Brax, his voice focused on Sid's every word

"Febrile convulsions are seizures or fits of sorts that sometimes happen in children who have a high temperature. It can occur as a result of any illness that causes high temperature" Sid sighed "And I know it most have been frightening for you guys but I have to assure you they rarely cause any long term complications and in Caleb's case I highly doubt they will cause any"

"So the seizures are not a sign of anything life threatening or…" Brax allowed his sentence linger and Sid shook his head

"No they are not. Most likely he will never suffer one again"

"The infection" Charlie asked "How bad is it?"

"We've attached him to a drip just to give him fluid and to keep him hydrated and we've also attached him to another drip that's he's received antibiotics through. Usually the antibiotics should clear the infection, but we will need to keep him in for a few days maybe a week just to carry out a few tests to make sure his health is getting back to normal and to see how quickly the antibiotics are fighting the infection"

"So he's gonna be ok. There's nothing you're not telling us"

Sid shook his head and gave a light smile "I've told you everything"

"Can we see him?" asked Charlie and Sid nodded

"He's been asking for you guys already" he smiled "I have to come and check on him in a few hours but you guys can have him to yourselves for now"

Charlie and Brax gave Sid a grateful smile as he walked away

"Is he ok?" what happened?" asked Ruby as she ran her hand down her mums arm

"He had a seizure and we rushed him down here" Charlie spoke with relief knowing that Caleb would be ok. She couldn't count the numerous thought's that had been running through her head

"But he's fine" added Brax as he saw the widened eyes of both Ruby and Casey "You heard Sid say the seizure wasn't caused by anything serious and was just due to his fever"

"So what exactly is wrong with him then?" asked Casey

"He as a kidney infection but they've given him some antibiotics to help fight it"

Ruby and Casey both nodded, they wanted to ask more questions but they knew Charlie and Brax would be itching to get in that room to Caleb

"How about we hold on to missus here" Casey walked to Brax and carefully took a still sleeping Hope in his arms "You two go to him"

Brax and Charlie smiled thankfully before practically tripping over their own feet to get into Caleb's room. Ruby and Casey walked to the plastic chairs and slowly sat down, Casey mindful of Hope as she curled further into his body, her curls fanning into her face

Ruby placed her hand on Casey's tight and sighed "I had a million things running through my mind" she said and took a deep breath

"Me too" said Casey. He needn't ask her to know that she now sat thinking about the baby they had lost. Supporting Hopes weight in one arm he swung the other over Ruby's shoulder and pulled her close to him

"I love you" he said and Ruby smiled

"I love you too"

Charlie and Brax walked into the room and both exhaled heavily at the image of the blue eyed boy looking over at them

"You take too long to come" said Caleb, his voice a little drowsy

Charlie walked straight to his bed and placed a kiss on his forehead "Sorry baby. We were just talking to Dr Walker about you" she ran her hand through his hair and sighed thankfully to feel that although his fever was still relatively high it wasn't as bad as it had been before they brought him in

Brax stood beside Charlie and ran his hand over Caleb's arm, him to noticing with relief that his fever had gone down. He smiled at his boy

"You're a Braxton through and through" he said and his smile widened at the little smile that curved Caleb's lips

"Just like you and mummy" he said and Brax nodded

"Yeah just like me and mummy"

Caleb frowned a little before speaking "Hope no come?" he asked and both Brax and Charlie smiled

"She's asleep outside she's a little tired but as soon as she wakes up she's gonna want to see you"

"Me too" he smiled along with both his parents. Caleb's eyes blinked close a few times before he asked "I to go home now?"

Charlie sighed and Brax shook his head "You have to stay in the hospital for a few days so the doctors can make sure you're all better before you come home"

Not liking the idea of this at all Caleb frowned, his forehead creasing in the way Brax's did when he was against something "I no want to sleep here. I to go home, I be better there"

Charlie ran her hand through his hair "The doctors can't keep an eye on you there Caleb. It won't be for long"

Caleb frowned again "Hope to stay too?" he had never spent the night without his sister. If ever one of them went to sleep in with Brax and Charlie, the other would follow and whenever they stay with Cheryl or at Heath's or Jack's they always shared the same room

"Unfortunately buddy Hope can't stay. But we'll bring her in to see you every day" Brax smiled and spoke in a hushed voice "Plus they have loads of toys here and that means you get to play with them by yourself before Hope comes in"

Caleb looked at Brax for a long moment "But she to come all the time and you and mummy"

Brax nodded "Of course buddy. We'll be here all the time"

It seemed Caleb was satisfied with that answer as he smiled back at Brax. Both Charlie and Brax could see he was really tired, his blue eyes seemed heavy and he spoke a little slower

"Why don't you try and get some sleep hy sweetie" said Charlie

Caleb wrapped his small hand around hers "I to see Hope first? And you no to go, you to stay"

Charlie smiled at her boy "How about I stay right here and you try and get some sleep and when you wake up I'll make sure Hope is here waiting for you?"

Caleb squinted one eye in thought before giving a single nod "Ok. I get story?" he asked and Charlie and Brax chuckled

"Of course" Charlie smiled and finally sat down on the chair beside her "What story would you like"

Caleb seemed to relax further into the bed that seemed to swallow him up as he prepared himself for his story

"I'll just go and check on them outside" said Brax" he leaned over the bed and placed a kiss on Caleb's temple "I'll be right back" he looked down to Charlie and placed a kiss on her temple too before walking out the door

"So what story would you like to hear buddy?" Charlie and Brax had been reading them a story each night since they were about six months, so she knew many of their favourites by heart

"Three little pigs" answered Caleb and Charlie nodded as she began telling the story

Walking out of Caleb's room, Brax shut the door behind him and smiled to see not only Ruby and Casey but also, Bianca, Jack and Heath

"How is he?" asked Heath as he, Jack and Bianca stood to their feet

Brax nodded "Better. His fever has reduced a little so that's good"

They all nodded "Casey said you mentioned a kidney infection?"

Brax nodded again "Yeah. Apparently that was what was causing the fever and everything else that seemed to be wrong with him"

"And the seizure?" asked Bianca. She had all but begged Gina to have someone take over her class the moment Ruby had called and told her

"Sid said it was something caused by the fever, I can't remember the name he gave. But apparently it's nothing to worry about and shouldn't repeat itself again"

Jack dug his phone out of his pocket and picked the call coming through

"Hy… yea… he's fine. A kidney infection… no I don't think so" he sighed and glanced up at the others "Brax says he's gonna be just fine… Yeah. I'll let them know" he nodded "Ok… love you" and with that he dropped the phone

"Martha" he said "She just wanted to know how Caleb was. She's watching Sophia, Reece and Abi"

Brax nodded "You guys didn't have to all come down here"

Bianca scoffed "Of course we did" she looked down at Hope before looking back up at Brax "So what are they doing for him now?" she asked

"They've got him on two drips one or antibiotics to help fight the infection and another with fluids to help keep him hydrated"

"So he's gonna be just fine then?" asked Heath and Brax nodded

"He gave us a scare but yeah, he'll be just fine"

All five heads nodded and Brax looked down to Casey's hand as Hope began to stir. He green eyes fluttered open and her lips immediately pursed. It seemed even sleep hadn't allowed Hope forget what had happened before she fell asleep. She looked at her father

"Where Caleb?" she asked and glanced around as if her brother would appear before her

Brax walked to Casey and took Hope into his arms, her eyes watching him waiting for him to answer

"He's sleeping angel"

"He not be sick no more, he too come home and play with me?" she asked, her green eyes big

Brax ran his hand over her head "The doctors are making him all better and then he can come home soon"

"He no come home now?" asked Hope and Brax shook his head

"No not now but soon" replied Brax

"You pwomise he get better?" asked Hope holding her pinkie finger out. Brax smiled and wrapped his conciderably bigger pinky around hers

"I promise" he placed a kiss on her temple before turning to the others

"Thank you guys for coming but you can head off. There isn't much to do here and he was near enough asleep before I came out here"

"Do you want us to take Hope with us? She can spend the night at ours" said Bianca

Brax smiled thankfully but declined "No thanks. I think Caleb would disown both me and Charlie if he woke and didn't see Hope. He's been asking for her plus with Caleb in here I think both me and Charlie would prefer having this little one home with us"

Bianca nodded in understanding

"We'll call you guys later" said Jack and Brax nodded

"Thanks mate"

Heath looked down to Ruby and Casey "You two want a lift?"

Ruby shook her head "I might stay a little bit longer" she looked to Casey who nodded

"Yeah me too" he added

"We'll come see him in the morning" said Heath to Brax

"Ok" replied Brax

Hope looked up at the clock on the wall again as if she could tell the time before looking at Caleb who was still asleep

"He be sleep for long" she said

"Yeah, he's really tired but I'm sure he'll be awake soon" said Charlie. She, Brax, Casey and Ruby had crowded themselves into the room. Casey and Ruby not wanting to leave till Caleb woke at least once

"I no to sleep on my own. I no like it. I to stay here wif Caleb so he not be himself"

Charlie and Brax chuckled lightly, regardless of all the arguing and teasing Hope and Caleb did to one another it was crystal clear they loved each other

"You can't stay in the hospital with him, but how about you stay in mummy and daddy's bed till your brother comes home" said Charlie

Hope grinned over at her from Brax's lap before she looked up at daddy "That be cool hy daddy"

Brax chuckled "Yeah it will be" he tapped his index finger against her nose and Hope curled back into him and lay her head on his chest only for her to snap her head back up again as Caleb stirred before he woke

"He wake" she said a big grin on her face as she leaned forward on Brax's lap and placed her hands on the bed watching as his eyes opened

Caleb's tired eyes seemed to smile as he saw his twin sister and then glanced around the room to see not only his parents smiling over at him but also Ruby and Casey

"Ebeyboby here" he said

"Yeah; everyone wanted to see you" said Charlie just before Hope spoke

"You no allowed be sick no more, I no like it" she used her little hands to draw her curls from her face

"I no like it too" said Caleb and Charlie, Ruby, Casey and Brax couldn't help but chuckle at the two of them

Carrying a sleeping Hope in his arms, Brax walked into the house behind Charlie, Casey and Ruby

"We're gonna head off to bed" said Ruby and Charlie and Brax nodded

"Night" they both spoke

"Night" replied Ruby and Casey before retiring to their room.

Dropping the car keys onto table Charlie sighed, the events of the day taking its toll on her. She turned to Brax as he spoke

"I'm just gonna put her to bed" said Brax. Hope's head was buried in the crook of his neck, her arms hanging loosely around his neck

"Don't bother getting her changed" said Charlie as she walked in the direction of Hope and Caleb's room "She's only wake and start asking for Caleb"

Brax nodded "Ok" he sighed as he followed behind Charlie. As Charlie pushed the covers back, Brax laid her down on the bed before removing her socks; he hadn't even noticed she hadn't been wearing any shoes all day. Pulling the cover over her, he softly pushed her curls out of her face before placing a kiss on her forehead careful not to wake her. Standing up straight he turned to Charlie who was looking at Caleb's bed. His cover was screwed up in a ball on the floor, his sheets a little ruffled than usual no doubt from the seizure. He picked the cover off the floor and placed it on Caleb's bed before wrapping him arms around Charlie

"You heard Sid; he's going to be ok"

Charlie looked up at Brax "But he said usually the antibiotics should work. That means sometimes they don't"

Brax sighed, he too had picked up on Sid's choice of word and he had hoped Charlie hadn't "Babe, they're taking care of him ok. He'll be back home causing trouble in no time"

Charlie nodded and tried to smile "You're right" she looked past Brax to Hope who was sound asleep "You best place Rocky beside her, or she'll wake up screaming the house down"

Brax smiled lightly before letting go off Charlie. Picking up Rocky he placed the purple teddy next to Hope "How about we try and get some sleep. You know she's gonna be awake in a few hours asking to go see Caleb" They had been thankful that Hope had fallen asleep before they left the hospital, knowing she wouldn't leave Caleb without a screaming match

Charlie nodded "Ok" she smiled as Brax took hold of her hand and lead her into their room. She couldn't help the yawn that escaped her lips at the sight of their bed

Walking over to their wardrobe Brax paused and turned to Charlie, they had been so preoccupied with Caleb that he hadn't even thought about her eating "Actually I might make you something before you go sleep. You should eat"

Charlie shook her head, not only was she not hungry but she was too tired to eat "I'm not hungry Brax, I just want to sleep"

Brax sighed and walked to her, one hand on the small of her back the other on her flat stomach "You're eating for two now Charlie. I know it's been a long day but you need to eat something anything…for me" he added

Charlie sighed knowing he was right and knowing if she objected he would just keep pestering her or at the worse force feed her

"Fine but maybe just toast; don't think I could handle much else right now"

Brax nodded and placed a kiss on her forehead "It's more than nothing. You get changed I'll go make it"

Charlie smiled up at him "Thank you"

"You're gonna have to sleep at some point" said Brax. Charlie was curled into his chest; her hand lay around his mid waist. They had been in bed for over half an hour and even with her eyes closed he knew she wasn't asleep. Her eyes still closed Charlie answered

"Same goes for you" she opened her eyes to look up at him "I just wish we didn't have to leave him there. I keep thinking he might wake up in the middle of the night and he'll get scared because he can't find either of us"

"He'll be fine. And we'll be there first thing in the morning; he'll probably still be asleep by the time we get there"

Charlie sighed, her eyes locking with Brax "I have this feeling" she shook her head "I don't know what it is. It's like something bad is coming" she pursed her lips "I can't get rid of it"

"Hy" Brax placed his thumb under her chin and lifted her gaze back to his "Nothing bad is gonna happen ok; to Caleb, you or the baby or any of our family for that matter. Caleb's gonna get better and in a few weeks if you can get time off work maybe we can have that little holiday we were talking about before"

Charlie looked up to him and smiled, he could comfort her like no other. She nodded her head "Yea that would be nice"

Leaning closer to her Brax placed a soft kiss on her lips, before holding her tighter "Everything is gonna be just fine"

Brax groaned as he felt a little tug on the sheets, thinking it was Charlie at first he ignored it but his eyes soon opened as he thought he heard someone crying

"Charlie" he spoke quietly but then realised it was coming from behind him. He turned to find Hope stood, Rocky tucked into her arm, her eyes brimming with tears

"Hy sweetie" he pushed himself off, bent over the side of the bed and picked her up. Hope instantly tucking herself into his arm, her head lay on her chest

"What's wrong?" Brax cleared her tears away with his hand; he could feel Charlie stirring besides him

"I no find Caleb. He no come home"

Brax sighed "Remember we told you he had to stay at the hospital so he can get better. He'll be backing home soon" Brax glanced to his side as he felt Charlie sit up in the bed

"Hy sweetie" Charlie looked to Hope, whose green eyes, was red and glassy

"We to go see Caleb" Hope nodded her head

"Its night time sweetie so we can't go see him now but we will in the morning" Hope's lips curled down in a frown and it seemed she would start to cry again "How about you stay with mummy and daddy like we said you would till Caleb comes back home?" said Charlie

"He no be gone for long?" asked Hope and Brax and Charlie both shook their head

"No he won't be gone for long" answered Brax "So how about we try and get some sleep?"

Hope looked up at Brax and nodded "Rocky to sleep here too?"

Charlie and Brax smiled lightly

"Yea as long as he doesn't kick me in his sleep"

Hope giggled at her father's words "Rocky no kick. He a good sleeper"

Brax nodded "Ok then" pushing the covers down slightly, he placed Hope in between him and Charlie before sliding down the bed

He smiled as Charlie, wrapped her arms around Hope, as Hope curled into him. Sliding his hand over Hopes head, he gently pushed Charlie's hair from her face and smiled lightly at her, one which she returned before he wrapped his arms around the both of them

"Hope" Charlie sighed as Hope almost skid to a stop in the middle of the hallway in the hospital "I told you no running"

Hope had only slept for a few more hours after getting into bed with Charlie and Brax, insisting that Caleb would surely be awake and she needed to take him his toys so he wouldn't be bored

Hope turned back to Charlie and sighed, her curls pulled back by the blue and white spotted head band she insisted on wearing that morning, with Caleb's toy truck in her hand "I no running, I walk quick"

Brax chuckled and Charlie couldn't help but do the same "Well try walking a little less quickly or you might fall and hurt yourself and we don't want that do we"

Hope sighed dramatically "No"

Charlie and Brax smiled at Sid as they saw him approaching

"Hi guys" Sid smiled at Brax and Charlie before looking down at Hope "Don't you look nice today"

Hope gave him a shy smile "We to see Caleb?" she asked hopefully

Sid chuckled "She certainly gets straight to the point" he glanced up at Charlie and Brax before looking back down at Hope "Yea you can see Caleb. I just want to talk to your mum and dad for a minute"

Seeming satisfied by Sid's answer Hope nodded and stood waiting for the adults to finish their talk

"How is he?" asked Charlie

Sid nodded "Better. You have one strong boy. His temperature although not completely back to normal, it is miles better than what it was yesterday, and the antibiotics seem to be doing exactly what we hoped they would do. Lucky for Caleb it seemed the infection hadn't gotten bad before his body started giving out warning signs. He still isn't eating much but that is to be expected"

"So we shouldn't be worrying ourselves, he's gonna be just fine"

Sid nodded "He's gonna be just fine. I ran a few tests this morning just to make sure we haven't missed anything but at the rate at which he is improving he might be able to come home latest end of the week"

Charlie and Brax both exhaled a breath of relief

"You can go in to see him. I have a feeling he's been waiting for you guys"

"Thanks Sid" Brax smiled thankfully as Sid walked away

"We to see him now?" asked Hope

"Yea" said Charlie before they made their way into Caleb's room

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you JarlieFanEver and Pembie for the comments. Enjoy :)


"You can go in to see him. I have a feeling he's been waiting for you guys"

"Thanks Sid" Brax smiled thankfully as Sid walked away

"We to see him now?" asked Hope

"Yea" said Charlie before they made their way into Caleb's room

Charlie and Brax sat back watching as Caleb and Hope spoke between each other, Hope sat at the foot of Caleb's bed. Much to the amusement of Both Charlie and Brax they had been jumping from one conversation to the other and had only stopped momentarily when, Heath and Bianca and showed up and when Jack and Martha had stopped by

"I know we said we didn't want twins again but could you imagine another set of these two" Brax nodded towards Hope and Caleb as they giggled at whatever game they were now playing

Charlie watched Hope and Caleb and smiled. Regardless how bias she might be, she had never seen anything more beautiful than the two of them "I know" she turned to Brax and whispered "But you seem to be forgetting that this is one of their better moments. They are still the same two kids that run around the house naked refusing to have a bath, Caleb is still the same kid that seems to be able to get into anything and your daughter is still a diva. Another Hope and another Caleb would probably try both our sane minds"

Brax chuckled "You're probably right. Let's just hope this next kid takes after me. At least that way we know she or he will be no trouble at all"

Charlie scoffed and went to reply but stopped as Hope turned to her and Brax

"Daddy I is telling the truth no?" she looked between Charlie and Brax who both had no idea what she was talking about

"The truth about what sweetie?" asked Brax

Hope sighed as if the fact she had to repeat herself was a task too much for her "I says if Caleb get better soon, we to go to the water park"

"We are?" Brax cocked an eyebrow and Hope sighed again, her hand placed either side of her on the bed

"I ask before and you say, we'll see"

"Sweetie I said we'll see not yes"

Hope nodded "But you no say no"

Charlie chuckled and Brax sighed "No I didn't say no"

Hope smiled and turned back to Caleb "See. You get better and we to go to the water park"

"And I can go on the slides?" asked Caleb

Brax nodded knowing there was no way he was getting out of this now "Yea, you'll get to go on the slide buddy"

Caleb nodded and yawned

"You tired?" Charlie leaned forward and ran her hand through his hair

"Only a little" replied Caleb

"How about you take a nap" said Brax "Promise we'll be right here when you wake up"

Hope nodded "We no to leave" she reassured Caleb who took her word as gospel as he lay his head on his pillow his eyes closing instantly

"How about we go and get you something to eat misses" Brax picked Hope up and placed her in his lap

Hope looked to Brax, then back to Caleb "But we say we no to leave him"

Brax smiled "Yea and we'll come back. We'll just go get something to eat and we'll be back before he wakes up"

"I think I'll stay, could you just get me a chicken wrap and juice" said Charlie and Brax nodded, he knew it was best one of them did stay just in case Caleb woke up

"And you..." he turned to Hope "can get anything you want from the diner today"

Hope's eyes widened in pure excitement "Anyfing?" she asked and Brax stood to his feet, Hope in his arms

"Yep anything"

Charlie chuckled as Brax leaned down and gave her a kiss before leaving the room with Hope who had began reciting everything she was going to order once they got to the diner. Charlie smiled at Caleb's peaceful face before running her hand over her stomach.

"And when he all better we to go to the water park, because daddy says we can. And we to go on all the slides and the pools" Hope sat talking with enthusiasm to Irene and Brax looked on with amusement

"Well that sounds like fun darl"

Hope nodded her head "It gonna be too much fun, the bestest"

Irene chuckled "You sure she hasn't had any sugar already"

Brax shook his head and chuckled "Unfortunately not. I'm starting to dread what she's gonna be like after she consumes her milkshake"

Irene laughed lightly just as Roo walked over with a brown bag in hand and their drinks "Here's your order"

"Thanks Roo" said Brax as he took the bag from her. Roo turned to Hope

"And I even put two extra chocolate cakes in there for you and Caleb"

"Oh" Hope stared at the brown bag in her fathers had "You the bestest diner lady" she said and Roo, Irene and Brax laughed

"Thanks Roo, we should get going" he stood to his feet and Hope jumped down from her chair

"Say hi to Charlie and Caleb for us" said Irene and Brax nodded

"Will do" he smiled and Hope waved as they left the diner

One week later

Charlie turned to look at both Caleb and Hope as Brax glanced at the two of them through the rear view mirror. Charlie glanced at Brax and fought the urge to laugh as Hope continued to fidget in her seat

"It taking too long to get home" said Hope, almost bouncing in her seat

"We'll be there in a minute sweetie" said Charlie. She had to admit she was surprised Hope hadn't given in to her excitement and spilled the beans to her brother

"It not that long" said Caleb and Hope frowned

"It is. We be in the car for ages"

Brax chuckled and almost sighed in relief as they turned onto their road "See we're there now" he spoke and parked the car in the driveway.

Hope bounced up and down in her booster seat as Charlie climbed out of the car and opened the door "Easy sweetie, remember you have to wait for Caleb" Hope nodded her head as Charlie unclipped her out of the booster seat and placed her on her feet before Brax got out of the car and unclipped Caleb from his booster seat

"Bet you glad to be home hy buddy" said Brax and Caleb smiled

"I to sleep in my own bed now"

Brax nodded "Yea buddy, no more hospital bed"

Hope ran around the car and took hold of Caleb's hand "Come on we to go inside"

Obviously used to his sister's way's Caleb followed without a fuss to the back door of the house

"Wait for us guys" said Charlie as Brax locked the car

Hope stopped outside the door and sighed dramatically as she waited for her parents. Reaching the back door Brax turned the handle and stepped back as Hope paced into the house her hand still in Caleb's

Brax and Charlie smiled as the twins stopped at the foot of the kitchen door before everyone yelled "Surprise" Hope included

Closing the door Charlie and Brax stopped behind Hope and Caleb and Caleb looked up at them

"This my party?" he asked his blue eyes beaming largely

Charlie nodded "Yea, everyone wanted to welcome you home"

Caleb's smile grew as he turned back to the greeting faces

"We have lots of cake" said Hope as she dragged Caleb into the room before Heath swung him into his arms, Caleb laughing loudly as everyone fussed over him

"He's loving this" said Charlie and Brax nodded in agreement

"Yea, he's not the only one" Brax looked to Hope giggling as Ruby tickled her "I think she might be enjoying this more than he is"

Charlie chuckled "I'm still recovering from the shock of her keeping quiet till we got here. I was so sure she was gonna blab the moment we got to the hospital"

"Speaking of blabbing, Oi Heath, Jack I'll take my fifty bucks now" Brax walked into the living room with a smile as Heath and Jack groaned

Charlie frowned "What fifty bucks?"

Brax glanced at her "Well we kinda put a bet up as to whether Hope could keep from telling Caleb about this till we got home"

Charlie cocked an eyebrow "You bet on our daughter?" she placed one hand on her hip

Brax stepped to her and placed a kiss on her lips "I bet in support of our daughter. I had faith in her, it was these two that bet against her and now I've just made a hundred bucks" he grinned at Jack and Heath

"I thought you said fifty?" said Charlie

"Yea; fifty each" replied Brax

Charlie chuckled "Oh well in that case bet away" she said as Heath and Jack handed over their money to Brax

"Err babe?" Jack turned to Martha as she spoke


"Can I have a twenty?"

Jack nodded and pulled a twenty from his wallet "What for?" he passed it to her

"You're not the only one that made a bet" Martha handed the money over to a smiling Bianca and Heath chuckled as Jack scowled

"Seriously?" said Charlie, her face stern before she pouted "Why didn't anyone think to include me in this?"

Brax chuckled along with everyone else before walking by and slapping Charlie's butt lightly "Don't worry babe I'll share my winnings" he winked at her before walking into the kitchen

"Do you still want twins now?" asked Charlie as she slid into hers and Brax's bed. She exhaled in relief as she laid her head on her pillow

Stepping out of his jeans, Brax slid in beside her and sighed "Na I think one child at a time from now on" he rolled his neck trying to get rid of the stiff feeling "I think it's safe to say they definitely over did it on the sugar in take today"

Charlie chuckled and cocked an eyebrow as she turned onto her side so she was facing Brax "You think. It's taken over an hour to get them settled and sleeping. A part of me is scared that daughter of yours is gonna wake up before I'm ready to be woken"

Brax gently pulled her closer to him, his hand running through her hair "If she does we can take her to mums and let her deal with her"

Charlie yawned "Umm sounds like a great plan" she placed her hand to his chest "Babe?"

"Umm" Brax kept his eyes on her

"Speaking of Cheryl don't you think she was a little quite tonight?"

Brax nodded "Yea I noticed" he sighed "I pulled her up on it but she just said she didn't feel too well"

Charlie's expression told that she didn't believe Cheryl "Do you believe her?" she asked Brax and Brax shook his head

"Na but she'll talk when she's ready. We haven't heard from Mick in a while so I'm not sure what it could be"

Charlie snuggled closer to Brax "Maybe we're just reading too much into it and she actually wasn't feeling well"

Brax placed a kiss on Charlie's hair line "Yea Maybe"

Charlie chuckled as Hope and Caleb paced ahead of her and Brax, both of them clutching the stuffed toy Brax had won them. Hope sporting a blue swim suit with her shorts pulled over them, her damp hair piled on top of her head, Caleb's hair still wet sticking up in different directions, his board shorts almost identical to Brax's

"You think they had fun today?" asked Brax with a smile on his face

Charlie smiled up at him, and sighed in content as he placed a kiss on her forehead "I have a feeling we're gonna be considered the best parents ever for the next few weeks"

Brax grinned "I don't know about you but I'm always the best parent" he nodded "Yep Hope tells me so all the time" his grin still placed

Charlie hit him lightly on his chest "That's because she's a suck up babe"

"Hy that's my kid you're talking about" Brax feigned offence and Charlie rolled her eyes

"Yes and that kid of yours is a huge suck up babe" she winked at him "Kinda like you"

Brax smirked and leaned closer to her, his lips grazing her ear "Well I usually get rewarded in abundance when I suck up to you so it's worth it" he bit lightly on her ear lobe and Charlie exhaled a breath before pushing him away slightly

"Not in front of children Braxton" Brax grinned and lightly tapped her bum "Brax" she squealed and looked around to check if anyone had seen

"I can't help it. You look hot" She had on a red once piece suit on, her shorts pulled over them, with a see through white crochet tunic

Charlie bit back a smile and turned to the twins who were now running

"Caleb, Hope I won't tell you to stop running again"

Hope and Caleb skid to a stop and turned to face their parents, both of them pouting

"But you no walk quickly" complained Caleb and Hope nodded her head in agreement

"Yea and if you keep running, we'll go straight to the car instead of stopping at the gift shop first" A pair of blue and green eyes widened at Brax and Charlie causing them both to laugh "So I suggest you both slow down and wait for me and daddy"

Hope sighed and Caleb nodded, both waiting for their parents to catch up before walking as slowly as they could manage

"You have fun today guys?" Brax looked down at the both of them and both Hope and Caleb quickly forgot their sullen expression and looked up at their parents with smiles

"The bestest" nodded Hope

"The slide was the bestest hy daddy" said Caleb. He, Hope and Brax had ventured down the slide more times than Brax wished to count, Charlie opting to sit it out

"Yea it was buddy"

"We to come again tomorrow?" asked Hope and Charlie and Brax both cocked an eyebrow

"Yea tomorrow might be too soon sweetie. But soon, maybe next month" replied Charlie and Hope frowned

"That too many days away"

Brax sighed "Oh trust me it'll be here before you know it, and then we'll be going down the water slide again" he said with forced enthusiasm. His back side felt sore and raw from all the sliding they had subjected him to

"Fine" replied Hope her mood quickly lifting as they reached the gift shop. Soon forgetting the no running policy both Hope and Caleb darted into the shop

"Caleb Ross, Hope Elise" Charlie spoke and both twins immediately slowed their steps looking up and smiling sweetly, before walking at a much slower rate

Brax scoffed "Look at their faces, like butter wouldn't melt" he laughed along with Charlie as the twins battled on what they wanted to get

Walking up behind her, he wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her flush against his chest, the palm of his hands resting on her stomach, his thumb softly caressing. Charlie smiled as she leaning into him, a sigh of contentment leaving her lips as she placed her glass of water down on the kitchen counter, her hand winding over his

"You ok?" asked Brax. He had woke to find Charlie was no long pressed against him and her side of the bed empty

Charlie nodded against his chest, her eyes closing momentarily "Yea, I'm ok" she smiled as she opened her eyes "I just got thirsty that's all"

Brax nodded and placed a kiss on the junction between her neck and shoulder, his thumb still caressing her stomach "I can't wait till he or she starts kicking" he remembered how mesmerized he was the first time he had felt the twins kicking

Charlie nodded "I'm looking forward to it too but if the twins are anything to go by, I'll be begging for he or she to stop, when all that kicking starts keeping me awake at night and you lay next to me sleeping soundly"

Brax guffawed "If I remember correctly you used to wake me up to babe. What was it you would say 'we made these babies together so if I can't sleep neither will you'"

Charlie chuckles as she remembered "A, I only did that once or twice and B, I wasn't lying, why should you get to reap all the benefits"

Brax chuckles a little louder and Charlie turns in his arms. Her hands crawling around his neck "Plus, hopefully everything goes ok with this pregnancy which means this time when I wake you up in the night because I can't sleep, we might be able to waste some time" she grins from ear to ear

"Umm" Brax leans forward and places a lingering kiss on her lips "I like the way you think" he leans in for another kiss

Pulling back from the kiss he smiled down at her but a frown crossed his face and Charlie runs her fingers over the corner of his lips "I really do believe everything is gonna be fine this time. With me and the baby"

They hadn't really talked about it since the night she had found out she was pregnant but she knew the possibility of her having placenta previa again was one that hung in the air like a bad smell. She was both anxious and terrified for the twelfth week scan and as a result it made her wish for the days to quicken so she and Brax could be free of the unknown but also made her want each day to go slowly because in the presence of the unknown there was still a chance everything would be just fine

Brax nodded and smiled lightly "It will be I know it will. And then we can break the news to everyone"

Charlie smiled "Yea" she closed her eyes as Brax placed a kiss on her forehead "Let's go back to bed" she said and Brax nodded

"Lets" reaching behind her he picked up her glass of water, took hold of her hand and they made their way into their room

"Hy" Cheryl smiled at Casey as he placed a kiss on her cheek and walked into the house "Wasn't expecting you?" she said as she closed the door behind her

Casey smiled "Yea. I haven't seen you since Caleb's welcome home do and you seemed a little off" he said watching her

Cheryl smiled "Well thank you for noticing. I wasn't feeling too well" she said and Casey nodded "But I am much better now" she walked past him and into the kitchen

Following behind her Casey watched her as she moved around the kitchen "So…" he glanced around before focusing back on her "You heard from Mick?"

Cheryl turned to him with a sigh "Actually no, not since that day at the beach" she had turned from him again before she had finished talking "I told you boys he would move on eventually" she cleared her throat

Casey watched her move and narrowed his eyebrows, he wasn't quite sure whether he believed her or not "And you're not lying"

Not turning to face him Cheryl shook her head "No Case. I'm not lying. Mick wasn't made for a place like Summer Bay, he was never gonna stay for too long"

"He stayed for long enough" replied Casey and Cheryl gave a sort of laugh

"Yea well I guess you boys made it clear he wasn't welcome"

Casey nodded still unsure if he believed her "Well as long as he got the message" he leaned against the sink beside Cheryl, his legs crossed as well as his arms

Cheryl looked up at him and smiled "I think he did" she turned the heat down on the stove "So you gonna stay and eat?" she asked already knowing the answer. She had yet to know of a day when any of her boys said no to food

Pushing himself off the counter Casey peered over at what she was cooking and a smile crossed his face "Well if you're offering. It would be rude to refuse my own mothers cooking" his smile turned to a grin and Cheryl rolled her eyes at him

"I'll set the table" said Casey

"Oh well aren't you just thoughtful" mocked Cheryl and Casey chuckled

"It's my one downfall" he grinned and Cheryl swatted him with a kitchen cloth as he took two plates from the cupboard and set them onto the dining table. Watching him go she stopped, closed her eyes and exhaled before carrying on with what she was doing

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the comments JarlieFanEver and Pembie. Hope you enjoy this chapter :)


"I'll set the table" said Casey

"Oh well aren't you just thoughtful" mocked Cheryl and Casey chuckled

"It's my one downfall" he grinned and Cheryl swatted him with a kitchen cloth as he took two plates from the cupboard and set them onto the dining table. Watching him go she stopped, closed her eyes and exhaled before carrying on with what she was doing

A month later

"Case it's been ages since anyone's seen him" said Heath

Casey exhaled in frustration "Just because we haven't seen him doesn't mean he isn't still around" he glanced from Brax to Heath "Can you both seriously tell me that you haven't noticed something is odd about mum?"

"That doesn't mean he's still around Case. If he was someone would have noticed him" Heath looked to Brax "Right?" Even he couldn't deny that Casey had a point. Cheryl had changed the last few months; she seemed quiet and reserved a side they hardly ever saw

"People don't change the way mum has. She's always been loud and says exactly what she thinks not to mention nothing could keep here away from your kids for longer than a couple of days. But when was the last time she stopped by for a visit, Heath?"

Brax placed both hand on the bar, his head hug low and he took a deep breath. Cheryl had only been round to see the twins a couple of times in the last month and even then she always seemed a little distant. Asking her what was wrong had been pointless

"You both know I've got a point here" said Casey. He had made his mother a promise that he wouldn't tell Heath or Brax about what had nearly happened the last time he had caught Mick on the beach with her but he hadn't said anything about alerting them of him being around. He didn't care how long it had been his instinct was telling him something was off

"You know what. She's just gonna move back into our place" said Heath and Brax scoffed

"Yeah because last time she agreed so willingly" he shook his head "This time we don't even have proof that he's still here and she won't talk so how the hell are we supposed to convince her to stay at your place" he looked down at his watch and pushed himself of the bar "Look guys I've got somewhere I really need to be" he walked around the bar

"So what? That's it, you're not going to do anything" said Casey

Brax grunted in frustration "Case, short of locking her in a basement I'm not sure what I can do. I'll go talk to her today, ok, but right now like I said I've got somewhere I need to be" and with that he walked out of the restaurant

Walking into the hospital Brax smiled as he rounded the corner to find Charlie sat waiting "Hy" he sat beside her placing a kiss on her temple "I thought you might have gone in without me" he said and Charlie smiled

"The appointment isn't for another five minutes Brax"

Brax nodded and blew out a breath "I know" he slipped his hands into Charlie's and squeezed tightly "No matter what is said in there, we're gonna be just fine" he spoke in a tone that told that he was trying to reassure himself as well as Charlie

Placing her hand on his chest, Charlie turned slightly so she was facing him "We're gonna be just fine" she nodded. She closed her eyes and leaned into Brax as he placed a lingering kiss on her forehead

The both of them had been up half the night, the excitement and worry of what the morning held making sleep difficult. There was no going back now. Not only were they going to hear their babies heart beat for the first time but they were also going to find out the fate of both baby and mother

"Mrs Braxton" both Charlie and Brax looked up as a blonde female nurse stood before them

"Yea that's me" spoke Charlie as she stood to her feet along with Brax

"If you could just follow me and we'll get you ready and prepped for your ultra sound"

Charlie nodded and glanced at Brax as he squeezed her hand again, both of them taking a deep breath before following the nurse into a room

Charlie smiled up at Sid as he walked into the room. Having had him see them through everything that had occurred when she was pregnant with the twins she had asked specifically for him this time around

"Hy guys" Sid smiled at both Charlie and Brax as he shut the door behind him "We excited?" he asked and Charlie and Brax both smiled and nodded

"I guess so, a little anxious too" said Brax and Sid nodded. They didn't need to tell him why

"I'll just get right to it" he said as he pulled the ultra sound machine a little closer "If you'll just lift your shirt up for me Charlie"

Charlie lifted her shirt up; before placing her hand back in Brax's, her other lightly clutched the sheets on the bed

"I'm sure you know the routine by now" said Sid "This will be clod" he smiled as he squeezed some of the gel onto her stomach causing Charlie to shiver lightly

"Right let's have a look" he placed the transducer probe onto her stomach and Brax and Charlie held their breath waiting to hear their babies heart beat for the first time. As silence filled the room a steady sound filled the airily room and Charlie pursed her lips as Brax chuckled

"Is that" Charlie looked at the screen closely, one hand placed over her mouth as she laughed lightly "I see him, I see our baby" she glanced at Brax before looking back at the screen

Brax nodded his eyes glued to the screen "She's alright right?" he glanced at Sid

Sid smiled and nodded, it had been the first thing he had looked for and was more than relived to say there was no sign of placenta previa

"Your baby is healthy and fine"

"And?" probed Charlie, if there was any bad news she wanted to hear it now

"And nothing. You both have nothing to worry about. There are no signs of placenta preciva. Both the baby and the placenta seem to be in their rightful place"

The breath of relief that left both Charlie and Brax's chest was heard by Sid

"So we're good. Everything is good?" asked Brax and Sid nodding

"Everything is good. Baby as a good strong heart beat"

Charlie chuckled and buried her head in the pillow before she turned to Sid "And it is just the one baby in there right?" she looked to the screen again, checking if she had missed a twin hiding somewhere and Sid laughed

"Yes there is just one baby this time"

"Err…" Brax glanced at Charlie before looking at Sid "Is it too early to tell the sex of the baby?"

Sid looked to the screen and smiled "In most cases we could probably tell the sex of the baby by this stage given they are at an angle where we can determine their sex. Would you guys like to know?"

Charlie and Brax looked at each other "I kinda like the surprise, it makes shopping so much more fun"

Brax rolled his eyes "So you don't want to find out the sex of our baby so you can have more fun shopping for her"

Charlie nodded "Yea and it'll be a nice surprise but if you want to find out we can" she smiled at him

Brax sighed and looked to Sid "We'll hold off on that thanks Sid"

Sid chuckled and nodded and he placed the probe back onto the ultra sound machine and Charlie wiped the gel from her stomach "How about I get you guys a few pictures, no doubt every member of the family will want their own copy"

"Thanks Sid" said Charlie and he nodded before walking out the door

Charlie looked to Brax and couldn't help her eyes clouding over "No placenta previa" she said with more relief than Brax had ever heard in her voice

Not saying a word Brax stood to his feet and placed a heavy kiss on her lips, his relief pouring itself into the kiss

Charlie looked over at Brax her fingers laced in his as they made their way out of the hospital. She watched him with a smile as his gaze remained fixed on the scan in his free hand

"Babe watch out" Charlie chuckled and Brax looked up and quickly stepped to the side letting a couple pass

"Sorry" he murmured his gaze only lifting from the scan for a mere second

"Babe you're gonna burn a whole in it before anyone else gets a chance to have a look"

"We got plenty for everyone else. This one's mine" he looked up at her and smiled as he glanced down at her stomach "I know its early days but I can't wait to meet her already"

Charlie cocked an eyebrow "You dead set on having a girl?"

Brax grinned "I'll be happy either way but yea, I would love another girl"

Charlie grinned "Only because the girls seem to cling to you more"

Brax grinned with a wink "Na that's just my charm, how do you think I got you to stick around for this long"

Charlie laughed lightly as they reached her car "You going back to the restaurant?" she asked as she dug her keys from her bag

Brax shook his head as he placed the scan photo into his wallet "I'm gonna stop by at mums" Charlie bit into the corner of her mouth and Brax narrowed his gaze "Say it" he said knowing there was something she wanted to say or ask

Charlie sighed "I'm just a little unsure as to whether this whole Mick thing is really over"

Brax let out a breath and hissed lightly "Why do you say that?"

Charlie shrugged "I swear I'm not trying to worry you babe it's just…" she paused "Maybe you haven't noticed but Cheryl just seems a little different"

Brax wished he could say he hadn't noticed but he couldn't. Yet he asked "Different how?"

"Different as in she seems a lot more…" Charlie paused as she searched for the right word "reserved" she concluded "She isn't the same as she was a few months ago and to be honestly these changes have only just started in the past month or so. I'm just thinking if Mick really is gone like we all think then what's the cause for her pulling back the way she has?" Charlie stepped closer to him and placed a hand flat on his chest "And I'm guessing if you're going to see her for no specific reason, you agree that something feels off too?"

Brax sighed and ran his hand through his hair "Casey mentioned it this morning and I just thought I should check on her myself see if I can get her to talk"

Charlie cocked an eyebrow "Yeah I think that might be easier said than done. One thing I know about Cheryl is if she doesn't want to talk there is no force in this world that can change that" She smiled lightly at him "Kinda reminds me of someone else I know" she leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his lips "Let me know how it goes, ok?"

Brax nodded "Will do" he opened the door for her as she got into the car "Drive safely"

"Hy" Cheryl smiled up at Brax as she opened up the door to him, allowing him step into the house "If you're visiting you either want feeding or you're wanting me to take those grand kids of mine off you for a while"

Brax glanced back at her and smiled lightly before walking further into the house "None of the above. I just wanted to drop in and say hi" he glanced around the living room as if something would jump out at him and help explain her odd behaviour

Cheryl closed the door slowly, her eyes narrowed together at Brax's word's "You just came to check on me?" she asked disbelievingly

Brax turned to her and chuckled lightly "Yea. Why, there's nothing wrong with that is there?" he asked as he glanced around the living room again

Cheryl pursed her lips and her hands settled on her hips "I might believe that if it was the truth and your eyes weren't shooting around my house as if you're expecting someone to attack you at any minute now. Although if you don't fess up about why you're really here my hands may start attacking you" she cocked an eyebrow daring him to deny that she had caught him out

Knowing it would be pointless to try and worm his way out of it Brax shrugged and gave up "Fine. We're worried about you"

Cheryl's gaze softened to that of confusion "Why would you be worried about me and who is we?"

Brax sat down on the edge of her couch, his legs stretched out in front of him, his hands dug into his pockets "We, as in all of us. Casey, Heath, Charlie… me" he sighed "What's going on with you mum?"

Cheryl shook her head "You guys are being silly. There is nothing wrong with me. Why would you think that" she walked past him into the kitchen "I'm perfectly fine"

Brax stood to his feet and followed behind her "Really?" he question, calling her bluff

Cheryl exhaled and turned to him, her back leaning against the counter "Yea Brax really" she folded her arms defensively

"Mum if there's nothing wrong; why are you jumping straight to your own defence" Brax cocked an eyebrow "I'm only asking if everything is ok"

Cheryl rolled her eyes "I'm not being defensive Brax; I'm just saying I'm fine. You're all worrying for no reason" her gaze shifted from his

Brax chuckled almost angrily "Why don't I believe you?"

Cheryl looked at him then "You don't believe me because ever since this whole Mick thing, you all think you need to watch over me twenty four seven"

"Mum you've changed ok. Even when we do see you, you're miles away. You have Casey worried that this guy is still somehow getting to you and it's not just him either. So tell me, if everything is as ok as you say why does everyone else think otherwise?"

Cheryl groaned and walked back out to the living room, Brax not far behind her "I don't know what you want me to say. I'm fine; you'll just have to trust me and take my word for it and stop worrying about me"

Brax scoffed letting his frustration get the better of him he spoke "Well sorry but in case you forgot, you upped and left once without so much as a care in the world and then stayed away for eleven years so sorry if trusting you doesn't come as easy as you'd like" not waiting around he spun on his heels and walked out the front door, shutting the door forcefully behind him

Cheryl jumped lightly at the force of which Brax had shut the door, her lips thinning as she wrapped her arms around herself before exhaling loudly

One week later

"So we gonna finally tell them today?" Brax held Charlie to him. One arm around her waist the other lay on her flat stomach

Charlie blew out a nervous breath "Yep" she held her gaze against his "But after the barbeque ok. I'm still not sure how Ruby and Casey are gonna react and I'd rather not rain on Heath's parade"

Brax nodded "We can wait till after but honestly I think they'll be happy for us"

Charlie nodded "Yea I know but still It's gonna make them think about what they lost isn't it"

Brax sighed "You're right it probably will but I don't think they'll want us keeping this from them"

"I know" replied Charlie "We should probably head out. The twins will be camped by the front door waiting to let loose"

Brax chuckled as he dropped his arm from around Charlie's waist and followed her out of their room and into the living room. They both chuckled as they saw Hope and Caleb stood by the front door. Charlie looked up at Brax "Told you"

"We to go now?" asked Caleb, his hand already reaching for the door handle

"Aren't you guys forgetting something?" said Brax as he glanced down at their empty hands

Hope pursed her lips in thought before she gasped "We no take his pwesent Caleb" and with that they both darted past Charlie and Brax and into their rooms, where Charlie had helped them wrap their presents for Heath that morning

"Got them" smiled Hope, the present clutched tight to her chest "We ready now"

"Looks like it" said Charlie as she opened the front door, Caleb and Hope stepping out followed by her and Brax. Charlie looked up at Brax as he locked the front door

"And you're gonna talk to Cheryl today" it was more a statement than a question and Brax nodded his head. He had felt bad about the way he had spoken to his mum the last time he had went round to see her, but as Charlie had put it, he had been too stubborn to apologise even when he was in the wrong

"I love it" Heath grinned down at Hope as he opened the present she had gotten him. He set the Mug down on the table that read 'Best uncle ever' next to Caleb's 'my uncle is the coolest' cuff links

"You to use it now?" she asked

Heath smiled "Not now but I'll use it today for sure"

Hope nodded satisfied by his answer before running across the garden to where Abigail and Caleb were playing

Heath turned to Casey "I told you I have always been the favourite" he held his presents up to him "Funny you thought you could even compete with me" he grinned childishly

Casey rolled his eyes as he, shoved some chips into his mouth "Please, I bet Brax and Charlie picked those out for them, just trying to make you feel important" he chuckled

"I hope you boys are behaving yourselves" Cheryl walked into the garden and over to Heath "Happy birthday" She smiled and pulled him into a hug "I can't believe you're already 31" she spoke and Heath groaned

"Yeah thanks mum"

Casey, Jack and Brax laughed "Well I can" spoke Casey "His residing hair line says it all" he quickly ducked as Heath went to hit him on the back of his head

Cheryl and the girls chuckled lightly

"Babe ignore him, you're hair line isn't residing" Bianca said and Heath smirked over at her "Much" she added with a grin and Heath frowned as everyone burst out laughing

"Aww don't be dismayed Heath" Jack chuckled "Any man can be confident with a full head of hair but a confident bald man, now there's your diamond in the rough"

Another course of laughter sounded and Heath rolled his eyes un-amused by the joke

Heath scowled playfully at Brax "Not sure what's got you smiling pretty boy, you do know the first signs of old age is grey hair" he chuckled along with everyone else as he pointed to Brax hair

"You boys are something else" Cheryl shook her head "I'm gonna go say hi to my grand kids" and with that she walked away

"You still haven't apologised for whatever it is you did wrong?" asked Heath as he and Brax walked over to check on the barbecue

"It may be your birthday but I don't have to play nice" said Brax and Heath chuckled

"Just apologise already, we don't need her shutting down completely"

Brax sighed and caught Charlie's eyes knowing she was wanting him to go and apologise to Cheryl. He looked up at Cheryl as she smiled down at Hope and Abigail as they seemed engrossed in telling her something.

"So I might have been a little out of order the other day" Brax stopped beside Cheryl. She was stood a little way away from the others

Cheryl glanced up at him and shook her head "It doesn't matter"

Brax sighed, if she wasn't even going to try and rip him a new one he knew she was really upset "It does matter mum. I had no right talking to you like that or bringing up the past. You didn't deserve it"

The corner of Cheryl's lips lifted slightly "It was just the heat of the moment Brax. I know that"

"Still doesn't make it ok, I' m sorry"

She smiled up at him now "Apology accepted so stop beating yourself up about it" she looked away from him and back over to where the kids were busy playing

"But I am worried mum. You would say if anything was wrong right or if Mick was still hassling you"

"I promise you have nothing to worry about. Ok" she looked up at him now, her gaze determined in a way that unsettled Brax slightly but yet he nodded, not wanting to fight her again


He watched as she walked back over to the kids, and smiled as Hope and Abi immediately ran to her

Two days later

"I don't think we should put it off any longer" Brax pulled Charlie to him, his arms encasing her waist "We did say we were going to do it after Heath's birthday and that was two days ago"

Charlie sighed "I know" she glanced at the kitchen entrance "You're right and at least this way we can tell them both before we tell the twins…you know. Let them get their heads around it first"

Brax nodded "Yea" he squeezed her waist lightly "So you ready?" he cocked an eyebrow and Charlie nodded with a light smile

"Might as well get it over with" she muttered as Brax stepped back and held her hand, leading her into the living room where Ruby and Casey were sat before the TV. The twins only having just been put to bed

Ruby glanced up at Charlie, her head on Casey's shoulder "Umm" she chewed on some popcorn "Mom, you're missing the best bit"

Casey rolled his eyes "There's nothing happening. He just stood there with his shirt off"

Ruby looked up at him with a smirk "Exactly" she wiggled her eyebrows and even Casey couldn't help but chuckle along with Brax and Charlie

"Actually…" Brax glanced over at Charlie "We wanted to talk to you guys about something?" Brax sat down on the single couch as Charlie sat next to Ruby

Ruby and Casey glanced at one another as Ruby swung her legs off the couch, planting her feet firmly against the wooden floor, her eyes narrowed together "Is everything ok?" she glanced between Brax and Charlie

"Yea everything is fine" Brax gave her a smile

"Ok" Casey chuckled somewhat nervously "Then why are you both looking like you're about to break some bad news to us"

Charlie shook her head "No it's not bad news and we're really happy about it, it's just…" she sighed and glanced at Brax who gave her an encouraging smile

"It's just what?" asked Ruby, her expression confused "You're not acting like it's good news"

Brax clicked his tongue before speaking "Guys, we're pregnant" both Brax and Charlie braced themselves for the pained look on Ruby and Casey's face but both teens just looked over at them blankly

Ruby looked to Charlie "You're pregnant?"

Charlie nodded, her eyes trying to read something from the blank expression on Ruby features, but she simply remained quiet. It was Casey who spoke first

"Congratulations guys" he cleared his throat and gave the best smile he could muster but both Charlie and Brax could see he was thinking about the baby he and Ruby had lost

"Thanks Case" said Charlie. She turned to Ruby but before she could speak Ruby spoke

"I'm really happy for you guys" she leaned forward and hugged Charlie lightly before pulling back and looked to Brax "I really am happy for you" she emphasised her words, not wanting either of them to think her lose would make her bitter, but she couldn't deny it had her thinking when she didn't want to be. She nodded and blinked willing herself to rein her emotions in. She smiled up at Charlie as she felt her place her hand in hers "The twins are gonna be so excited. You haven't told them yet?" she asked

Charlie and Brax shook their heads

"We wanted the both of you to be the first to know" said Charlie

Casey and Ruby nodded their heads in understanding

"I might just call it a night" Ruby stood to her feet "Congratulations" she said before walking down the hall and into her's and Casey's room

"I'm beat too" said Casey as he stood to his feet "Night" he called behind him as he followed Ruby

Charlie watched the both of them and groaned as she heard Casey shut the door behind him. She turned to Brax her eyes misty "We should have waited" she stood to her feet ready to follow Ruby and Casey but Brax stood and stopped her

"Babe, give them sometime ok. No matter when we told them, it would have still brought back everything with the miscarriage. I think right now they just need to be with each other"

Charlie peered down the hall and sighed

Walking into the kitchen, Charlie stopped briefly as she spotted Ruby, who was perched up on a stool, her hands curled around a cup of coffee

Looking up Ruby smiled at Charlie "Morning"

Charlie returned her smile as she walked over to her, placing a kiss on her temple "Morning" she replied "You sleep ok?" she asked, her tone and expression laced with worry

Ruby nodded "Yea I did" she inhaled the scent of the coffee before looking up at Charlie "I'm sorry we kinda ran off last night"

Charlie shook her head "You don't have to apologise. You needed some time, I get that"

Ruby nodded "Don't think because of what happened with our…" she paused and took a breath "With the miscarriage that we're not happy because we meant it last night. We really are happy for the both of you and I get a new sister or brother. It just hit a little hard that's all"

Charlie nodded "We knew it would" she stroked Ruby's hair "That's why we wanted to tell you alone, before telling the twins"

"I know me and Case weren't ready for kids, don't think we will be for a long while but thinking about what we could have had still hurts a little you know?" she looked up at Charlie wondering if her words were making any sense

Charlie nodded "I get what you mean"

Ruby smiled as shuffled in her seat, her eyes darting down to Charlie's stomach "So how far along are you?"

Charlie smiled lightly "Just over 13 weeks" she ran her hand over her stomach "We had our first ultra sound a little over a week ago"

"And you didn't say" asked Ruby

"Yea well we were waiting for the right time to tell you and Casey before telling everyone else"

Ruby stood up and hugged Charlie, who wrapped her arms around her "Thank you for that" said Ruby

"You don't have to thank me Ruby. You're my daughter, you will always come first"

Ruby pulled back both her and Charlie looking up to see Casey and Brax walking in through the back door. Both of them had left the house after dropping the kids off, to go for surf. Brax wanted to talk to Casey, allow him get things off his chest and by the little smile on Casey's face, Charlie could see their chat had helped

Walking over to Charlie, Brax placed a kiss on her lips "Hy"

Smiling up at him, Charlie glanced down at his bare chest and cleared her throat "Hy" she cocked an eyebrow and bit into her bottom lip but quickly turned to Ruby and Casey who were looking at her and Brax as if they were going to vomit

"Could you not look at each other like that" Ruby shuddered

"Like what?" grinned Brax

"Like regardless of me and Casey obviously stood here, the both of you are gonna go at it right now"

Both Charlie and Brax burst out laughing as Brax walked to Ruby and swung his hand over her shoulder "Don't worry, we'll be kind enough to wait for the both of you to leave" he winked at Charlie who shook her head at him as Ruby tuned her nose up

"That's disgusting"

Brax opened his mouth to speak but Charlie quickly interrupted

"Whatever rude remark you are about to make Braxton, don't" she pinned him down with her eyes and Brax pouted

"Aww please, I had a really good one too" Charlie shook her head and Brax sighed "Fine I'll just save it for a another time" he looked down at Ruby "Seeing as your boy here as lectures for most of the day, what do you say me and you, have our father, daughter day a little early this month?"

Ruby smiled up at him, knowing what he was doing;still she appreciated him much for it and actually felt excited at the thought of spending the day with him. She looked up at him as if debating it before she smiled

"Yea sure, why not"

"Good. We can leave for eleven. So go get ready"

Charlie smiled up at Brax lovingly as Ruby picked up her cup of coffee and walked out of the kitchen, Casey picking up a bottle of water from the fridge before following

"I should get dressed for Uni. Cya later" he said to Charlie with a smile as he walked out of the kitchen

Charlie stepped to Brax

"I think we did good this morning" she said referring to the fact they had each gotten Ruby and Casey to open up a little and they seemed to be happy about the new baby

"I'd have to agree" Brax glanced down the hall "I'm thinking we have about an hour or so before Ruby emerges from her room. So how about…" he grinned suggestively before his hands fell to Charlie's tights lifting her up, her legs wrapping around his waist

Charlie squealed, her arms curling around his neck "You have a one track mind"

Brax grinned "Only when it comes to you"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Sarah, Pembie and Amz89 for the comments. Hope you guys enjoy this one :) And Merry Xmas to everyone :D


"I think we did good this morning" she said referring to the fact they had each gotten Ruby and Casey to open up a little and they seemed to be happy about the new baby

"I'd have to agree" Brax glanced down the hall "I'm thinking we have about an hour or so before Ruby emerges from her room. So how about…" he grinned suggestively before his hands fell to Charlie's tights lifting her up, her legs wrapping around his waist

Charlie squealed, her arms curling around his neck "You have a one track mind"

Brax grinned "Only when it comes to you"

Charlie rolled her eyes as Brax and Ruby walked into the house, armed with bag after bag. She cocked an eyebrow "I thought you said you guys weren't going into the city" she eyed all the bags in their hands before looking between the two of them as they stood wide eyed like children

"We didn't" Brax peeled the bags from his fingers, placing them on the couch before walking over to Charlie. Wrapping his arms around her, he placed a soft kiss on her lips "We went to get something to eat. Then we went for a surf, then to the Yabbie creak"

Charlie looked up at him "There is no way you brought all that…" she nodded towards the bags "from the Yabbie Creak"

Brax chuckled "You have met Ruby right. You could take her into the garage and she would come back with an arm load of stuff"

Ruby grinned, her hands still clutching several bags "It's a talent really"

Charlie shook her head as Brax looked back at Ruby and winked

"You know what; you're both as bad as each other. I think I should be in charge of our accounts, stop you from spending so much every time the two of you go out together"

"Babe it's only once a month"

"Yea that's cause you can't afford it more than once a month" said Charlie "And you missy" she pointed playfully at Ruby "Stop using my husband for his money"

Ruby chuckled and Brax grinned

"Well I can't use you can I" Ruby playfully replied and Brax laughed "Plus I always get you a little something and believe it or not , these aren't all for me"

"Let me guess, there's a scarf in one of those bags for Casey or something"

Ruby rolled her eyes "I'm hurt by how little you think of me mother" Brax pulled away from Charlie walking into the kitchen as Ruby continued talking "I actually brought one or two things for the twins and a very nice something for bud"

Charlie narrowed her gaze "Bud?" she questioned and Ruby nodded her head as Brax walked back out of the kitchen bottle of water in hand

"Yea" Ruby nodded to Charlie stomach "We don't know if it's a boy or a girl so I figured we could go with bud"

Charlie chuckled and Brax spoke "Don't know why you keep saying 'I', like it was your money you were spending" he said to Ruby and she simply smiled

"What's yours is mine" she spoke and Charlie laughed

"Pretty sure that's my line"

Ruby shrugged as she placed the bags in her hand onto the couch and rooted through the bags before a smile crossed her face "Here it is"

She pulled out a baby grow and passed it to Charlie who smiled as she took it from her hand

"Best sister in the world" she read out loud before looking at Ruby "Why do I get the feeling this is more for you than it is the baby" Brax chuckled "Plus bud here as two sister's so which of the two of you is this baby grow referring to?"

"Definitely me" said Ruby "Hope's a close second though. Right I'm gonna take these into my room. I'll leave you with stud here" she nodded at Brax and giggled before managing to pick up all the bags and walking to hers and Casey's room

Charlie looked up at Brax" Stud?" she cocked one eyebrow "Am I missing something?" Brax grinned, his arms moving around her waist again

"Ignore her" he tightened his hold around her before looking around the living room "Ok. Either the kids aren't here or you finally had enough and locked them in a closet"

Charlie rolled her eyes "They're not here. Your mum offered to pick them up from kindy, said she wanted to spend a little time with them, she has Abi too"

Brax nodded "Did she seem ok to you?"

Charlie shrugged her hands lay flat on his chest "I'm not sure. I didn't see her, she called and she sounded fine over the phone" Charlie looked past Brax as Ruby walked into the living room

"I'm gonna go meet Casey at Dex's" she spoke, putting her phone into her back pocket

"Ok" said Both Charlie and Brax as she walked to the back door "And mum you might wanna keep a tight lease on him. He had a shop assistant eyeing him up today and a mum pretty much asking him out" Ruby chuckled as she walked out of the door

Brax turned his attention back to Charlie who had her eyebrow cocked at him. Brax chuckled "Ignore Ruby, they were just being nice" Brax sighed dramatically "Plus you cant really blame them, I do have that incredible charm and sexiness about me" he winked at Charlie

"I hope you set them straight" she said "And what kind of women hit on a man when he's out shopping with his daughter. Don't they think if he has a daughter he might have a wife"

Brax chucked, holding Charlie tighter he leased forward and placed a soft gentle kiss on her lips. Pulling back he grinned "I love when you get jealous. It sexy"

Charlie shook her head and hit him lightly on the chest "I'm not jealous I already know you're mine"

Brax nodded "Um, that I am" he kissed her once more "So we gonna tell the twins about the baby once mum drops them off?"

Charlie nodded with a smile "Yea, let's just hope they're both as excited as you and I"

Brax smiled, pushing a strand hair behind her ear "They will be"

Charlie smiled as she pulled Hope's pyjama top over her head. She chuckled as Hope shook her head freeing her curls from the neck of the top

"All done" Charlie smiled placing a kiss on Hope's forehead

"It no bed time yet?" asked Hope and Charlie shook her head

"Not yet but soon" she stood to her feet "Come on, let's go see what your dad and Caleb are doing"

Hope nodded before bouncing out of the room, Charlie walking behind her

"Finally got her dressed?" asked Brax looking up from the couch, with Caleb sat beside him

Charlie blew out a breath "Yea, who's idea was it to get her so many different Pjs?"

Brax chuckled "That would be Ruby"

"Remind me to thank her for that later" Charlie replied sarcastically as she sat beside Caleb while Hope crawled onto Brax's lap.

"We to watch Disney" said Hope and Charlie looked to Brax asking for confirmation. As Brax nodded, Charlie turned to Caleb and Hope, and Brax sat up straight, running his hand through Hope's curls

"Actually me and mummy have something to tell you" said Brax and Hope and Caleb looked up at him, their eyes big in wonder

"We in trouble?" asked Caleb and Brax and Charlie shook their heads

"No you're not in trouble, either of you. But we have something really important to tell you guys" said Charlie

Caleb and Hope's gazes flickered between their parents wondering what the news could be "We getting a pet? Asked Hope, excited at the thought "Oh we to get a puppy. They cute"

Brax shook his head "We're not getting a pet but…" he glanced at Charlie before looking down at Hope and Caleb "We are getting a new baby" he said smiling but Hope and Caleb just looked up at him confused

"A new baby?" asked Caleb a frown on his face as if he didn't understand what Brax meant

Brax and Charlie nodded "Yea. You're gonna have a new brother or sister soon?"

It seemed Caleb and Hope finally understood as both their gazes widened but in different ways. Caleb's blue eyes shone "But who to give it to us?" he looked down at his mother's belly. He knew from Martha's now big belly that when you have a baby your belly got big "Your belly no big"

Charlie and Brax chuckled "Yea buddy, that's because the baby is still really small, but her belly will start to get big soon"

"So you gonna be really big like Aunt Martha?" asked Caleb

Charlie grimaced at the thought of being that huge again "Yes buddy I am"

Brax chuckled at Charlie's tone

"And then we to have a baby? Asked Caleb and Brax nodded "Yea" he smiled at Caleb before looking down at Hope who hadn't spoken for a while "You ok, sweetie?"

Hope looked up at him, then at Charlie then back at Brax "We have to get a new baby?" she asked

Brax glanced at Charlie before looking back down at Hope "The baby is already in your mummy's tummy sweetie. Don't you want a baby brother or sister?"

Hope sat as if in thought before saying "A baby brother" then she shook her head "No baby sister. I no want one of them" she looked to Charlie "You to make the baby a boy" she said

Charlie sighed and smiled lightly "I don't have a choice sweetie. If it's a girl I can't change that, but a baby sister wold be cool, you get to teach her everything you know. You'd be the best big sister"

Hope shook her head as she leaned closer into Brax "I no want a baby sister. It too be a boy"

"I no care. I be the bestest brother" Caleb nodded, affirming his words "The bestest in the world" he smiled brightly and Brax and Charlie were relieved that at least he seemed to have taken to the idea

"You'll be a great big brother" said Charlie and Brax nodded before adding

"The bestest"

Caleb grinned

"And you too. You'll be the bestest sister" added Brax but Hope simply said

"Only if it a boy. No girl" she crossed her arm over her chest and Brax and Charlie glanced at one another

"So that went well" said Brax and Charlie looked up at him her eyebrows cocked

"Errr… you forgetting the little fact that your daughter refuses for this baby to be anything but male"

Brax chuckled "Oh now she's my daughter"

Charlie hit him lightly on the chest "Babe seriously though. There is every chance this baby is gonna be a boy as there is every chance that it will be a girl"

"I would have thought she would have wanted a girl over a boy" said Brax and Charlie nodded against his chest

"Yeah me too"

Brax held her to him "She'll come around. You know how specific she can be about what she wants. I know it's still a while away but once she sees bud here, I'm sure the fact it's a boy or a girl won't bother her"

Charlie sighed "If you say so" she exhaled as Brax switched of the lamp on his side before tucking her back against him "At least Caleb seemed excited"

"Yea, but let's face it, he's always gonna be the easy one to please out of the both of them"

Charlie chuckled "True. Definitely takes after me" she giggled and squirmed as Brax tickled her side lightly

Martha squealed and both Jack and Heath ran into the living room

"What, what's wrong?" Jack looked around frantically "Is it the baby?" his eyes landed on Martha in a panic and the girls couldn't help but chuckle

"Sorry babe, I just got a little excited" Martha nudged Charlie with a huge grin on her face and Jack placed his hand against his chest, his heart rate slowly coming back down to normal

"You scared the crap out of me" he spoke "What in the world could have got you so excited you would scream like that"

Brax walked out of the kitchen and grinned "You told them then" before he had even got his words out Bianca stood to her feet and pulled him into a hug

"Congratulations" she smiled at him before going back to sit beside Charlie

Martha smiled up at him "I would get up and hug you too, but it took me long enough to get seated" she rubbed her bump and smiled up at him "Congratulation though, I'm so happy for you guys"

"Thanks" said Brax and Heath and Jack both stood clearly confused by what was going on

"So is anyone gonna tell us what's going on here, or we just supposed to guess?" asked Heath

Brax smiled at Charlie before looking at Heath and Brax "We're pregnant" he said, his smile growing

Jack and Heath turned to Charlie before looking back at Brax "You guys are having another baby" said Jack and Brax nodded

"Congrats man" He and Brax hugged in the way men did and Heath laughed

"Congrats" added Heath he too hugging Brax. He looked at Charlie with a grin "More babies?" Heath chuckled "Any sane person would run after the two you both got dealt with last time" he chuckled to himself and hissed as Jack hit him upside the head

"Ow" he frowned as the girls laughed. Glaring quickly at Jack he turned back to Charlie, his head cocked slightly "So how many did big guy here shoot in this time" he grinned "Three, four?"

Charlie rolled her eyes "Just the one"

Heath looked at Brax and shook his head mockingly "You're slacking but then again I guess with old age your swimmers aren't so fast no more" he laughed at his own joke and quickly ducked as Brax went to hit him

"Na but seriously I am happy for you guys"

"Awww" Bianca frowned "I'm feeling left out now. You're both pregnant"

At her words Heaths eyes widened and Jack and Brax chuckled

Looking up at him Bianca rolled her eyes "Don't worry babe, I'm not going to go home and try and convince you to get me pregnant" Heath visibly relaxed "In fact for the way you just reacted you won't be getting the chance to get me pregnant at all for the rest of the week"

Everyone laughed and Heath frowned "That's not fair" he protested like a child "You just caught me off guard that's all"

Bianca nodded "Still not happening" she sang before turning back to Charlie "How far along are you?"

"Close to fourteen weeks" answered Charlie "And before you start asking why we didn't tell you before we really just wanted to wait till the twelfth week so we could know if I had placenta previa or not"

"And do you"? The question came from Heath, worry on his features

Charlie smiled and Brax spoke "no she doesn't"

Everyone let out a breath, all relieved

"Thanks God" said Bianca "So this is gonna be a smooth pregnancy"

"That's the plan" answered Charlie "I haven't had any morning sickness yet" she placed her hands on her still flat stomach "So far bud here has been generous"

"Have you told mum?" asked Heath and Brax nodded

"Yea. Told her last night when she dropped the twins off" said Brax

Four weeks later

Brax's eyes widened as he picked up Charlie's suitcase from the bed "Charlie what have you got packed in this thing" he lowered the suitcase to the floor and looked up as she walked out of their bathroom

"Clothes" she replied and Brax cocked an eyebrow

"What items of clothing do you have that weigh so much" he groaned "We're only going for a week babe. It feels like you have enough packed in there, to last you the rest of the year"

"I have to be prepared Brax. Plus I don't know what I will feel like wearing once we get there so I prefer to have plenty of options"

Brax scoffed "Plenty being the operative word" his eye caught the small suitcase behind her and the travel bag "Err what are those?"

Charlie turned back and bit into her bottom lip before looking back at Brax "My other things"

"Other things?" Brax asked in disbelief "What could you possibly need that you haven't packed in here already" he tapped the suitcase at his own feet and Charlie rolled her eyes

"One is for shoes and the other is for underwear"

Brax chuckled "You have a whole bag for underwear?" and Charlie nodded

She stepped to him and wrapped her arms around his neck "I figured I would pack a few different ones" she grinned up at him suggestively "If you get what I mean"

All reason to complain forgotten, Brax grinned at her "I think I get you"

Charlie nodded and placed a chasten kiss on his lips "Good. Now stop complaining or you won't get to see me in any of them" she looked around the room "Where are your things?"

Brax cocked an eyebrow and nodded to the little suitcase beside their bedroom door "Unlike you, I didn't pack up my whole wardrobe"

Charlie hit him lightly on the chest before stepping back and slipping her feet into her sandals "We should get a move on. Bianca text before and said they are all packed and ready so are Jack and Martha. So they're all waiting on us"

Brax nodded and followed her out of their room

"Guys come on Get your things in the car" Brax shouted through the house. Everyone was going away together for the week. Casey, Ruby, April and Dex also joining once learning they would have a cabin all to themselves away from the adults

"Brax don't forget to call Cheryl before we head off" said Charlie as she placed her travelling bag in the boot of the car and walked back into the house

"Hope, Caleb" she called and both twins came running out of their room

"We ready" said Hope as her and Caleb bounced about, both clearly excited about their mini holiday

"We to go swimming and surfing" said Caleb and Charlie sighed. Brax and the twins had cornered her into letting Brax buy them their very first boogie boards and both Hope and Caleb had been talking about surfing since then none stop

"We're ready" said Casey and Ruby as they walked out of their room Casey pulling two suitcases along with him and Ruby pulling a small one

Walking back into the house Brax chuckled "Let me guess "Those are Ruby's" he said to Casey and Casey chuckled

"Yea. And this is after she took some things out"

"You told me to pack essentials and that's what I did" Ruby rolled her eyes at Casey and Casey scoffed

"Yea somehow I think your idea of essentials and mine are two completely different things"

Charlie and Brax laughed at the two of them

"Right come on guys. We need to get going"

Loading everything into the car. Casey and Ruby clipped Hope and Caleb into their booster seats as Brax locked the front door of the house and everyone took their seat in the car

Pulling out his phone Brax dialled Cheryl's number and smiled as she picked up "Hy mum. Just wanted to let you know we're leaving now"

Cheryl nodded "Ok. Say hello to the kids for me and you guys enjoy yourself, you deserve a break"

Brax nodded "Will do. And you sure you don't want to come with us, we can still book an extra cabin?"

Cheryl shook her head despite the fact he couldn't see her "No you guys go enjoy yourselves, I'll see you all when you get back"

"Ok" Brax sighed "Guess we'll see you in a week"

"Bye" said Cheryl

"Bye" replied Brax before putting his phone down

"She sound ok?" asked Casey and Brax nodded

"Yea. Think she's just glad to get a week to herself" he said with a smile but couldn't help but worry about Cheryl. Looking at the twins through the rear view mirror he smiled "Right let's get moving"

Hope squealed excitedly and Caleb squirmed with a smile "We to surf soon" he grinned and Charlie groaned causing Ruby, Casey and Brax to laugh as Brax pulled out of the driveway

"Babe stop worrying. They're Braxton's, we're naturals on water"

"If I even see so much as a scratch on them Brax I will go pregnant lady kind of crazy on you"

Brax chuckled "Got it" lacing his hands in hers he brought it to his lips and placed a soft kiss on her knuckles

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you guys for he reviews. Wishing you all a Happy new year :)


Hope squealed excitedly and Caleb squirmed with a smile "We to surf soon" he grinned and Charlie groaned causing Ruby, Casey and Brax to laugh as Brax pulled out of the driveway

"Babe stops worrying. They're Braxton's, we're naturals on water"

"If I even see so much as a scratch on them Brax I will go pregnant lady kinds crazy on you"

Brax chuckled "Got it" lacing his hands in hers he brought it to his lips and placed a soft kiss on her knuckles

Caleb, Hope, and Abigail ran into the house almost tripping over their own feet as they ran straight to their mothers

Hopes eyes widened "We stand up mummy, we stand up" she jumped up and down clapping her hands together

"It be the bestest" added Caleb and Abigail nodded in agreement.

Bianca pulled Abigail to her as Charlie pulled both Caleb and Hope to her, both mothers surveying their children's body

"What you doing?" Hope creased her eyebrows at Charlie

"Checking that you're in one piece" replied Charlie as she continued her examination

Brax, Heath and Jack walked into the house with Reece and Sophia with them

Heath and Brax rolled their eyes at Charlie and Bianca "You won't find a scratch on any of them" said Brax he propped his surf board along with Hope and Caleb's boogie board on the patio outside, before walking back into the house

Charlie glanced up at him "Well we were just making sure" Hope and Caleb seemed relieved to be out of her grasp but it seemed their excitement over their first attempt at surfing was too much for them to contain

"You should have seen me mummy" said Caleb

"And me" added Hope

"I see you guys had loads of fun" said Bianca and Abigail nodded her head

"It the best" said Abigail "We stay on the board and no fall" she almost squeal and Bianca, Martha and Charlie rolled their eyes

"Why couldn't any of them take after us" huffed Martha he legs stretched out in front of her, her hands resting on her rounded belly "It would be nice to have someone to sunbath with"

Jack chuckled as he stepped to her, placing a light kiss on her lips "It's because they know we men are awesome"

Martha pursed her lips "Yea well this child is mine ok. You have Sophia to do all the surfing with so I want one for me"

Everyone chuckled and Sophia spoke

"Surfing is cool mum"

Martha rolled her eyes "Please shopping is cool"

Brax shook his head as he walked over to Charlie and placed a kiss on her temple

"No sign of the kids yet?" he spoke referring to Casey, Ruby, April and Dex

"Nope. Think they're gonna be doing their own thing while we're here" as she spoke All four of them walked in "Oh, looks like I spoke to soon"

"We need food" murmured Ruby as she bypassed the adults and walked straight into the kitchen, followed by Casey, April and Dex

"Good morning to you too sweetie" Charlie called out and laughed as Ruby replied

"It's not good till I've eaten"

The adults laughed and Jack helped Martha to her feet "We're gonna head off to our cabin. But we still meeting for lunch at 2?" he questioned

"Yea" replied Brax

Charlie turned to the twins "Right, let's get you both cleaned up"

"But we clean, we just be in the water" protested Caleb and Charlie rolled her eyes

"Really? You don't mind swimming in the ocean but the thought of a bath as the both of you retracting"

Hope and Caleb looked at her, not understanding what she had said "Never mind. You both still have to have a bath. Now come on"

"We're gonna head off to so we'll see you guys at 2" said Bianca

"See you then" replied Charlie as Bianca and Heath walked out of the cabin with Reece and Abi in tow

"How about you go get rid of those rodents in our kitchen and I'll give these two a bath?" said Brax

Charlie nodded "Sounds like a plan"

"Have any of you stopped eating at all today?" Bianca glanced at Casey, Ruby, April and Dex who were all yet stuffing their face with more food

"Ummm… all the food here just tastes so much better" Dex spoke with a mouthful and April scrunched her nose

"Yea, swallow before speaking babe, that's not an attractive look"

Bianca shook her head as she walked past the four of them and over to everyone else who were by the pool or in the pool.

"Finally you're here" Charlie looked up at Bianca "What took you so long, we were starting to think you and Heath weren't gonna turn up"

Bianca glanced back and grinned as Heath winked at her before he dived into the pool causing the kids to squeal. Turning back to the girls she cleared her throat "If you must know me and my husband were having some one on one time" she winked and sat down on the sun lounger next to Charlie and Martha and Charlie laughed

"No wonder April refused to share a cabin with you guys" said Martha and Bianca scoffed

"Please. I have a feeling its more to do with what she wants to get up to with Dex, than what me and Heath get up to that's keeping her away from our Cabin"

"Brax no"

The girls turned thier heads at the sound of Ruby's screech and they all laughed as Brax swung her over his shoulder

"Brax" Ruby hit his back, her legs flapping through her giggles "You wouldn't dare" she squealed and Brax grinned

"Oh but I would" keeping a tight hold on her he jumped into the pool and resurfaced with laughter

Charlie laughed loudly along with the other as Ruby pushed her wet hair out of her face

"I can't believe you did that" spoke Ruby her eyes boring a hole into Brax's head

Holding his hand up Brax chuckled once before speaking "In all honestly, my foot slipped" Seeing Ruby advance to him he knew she could be as mischievous as her mother and sister. Thinking quickly he swan over to Hope and held her out in front of him as she squealed "You wouldn't hurt me in front of the kids would you. Hope tell her not to hurt daddy"

Hope glanced over her shoulder at her dad and then turned to Ruby before grinning "Please don't hurt daddy"

Ruby narrowed her eyes "Fine but I'll get you later" she turned as if to get out of the pool but the moment Brax placed Hope down, Ruby turned and grinned

"Get him" she shouted and Hope, Caleb, Abi, Sophia, Reece and Ruby all jumped on him sending his head under the water

Everyone burst into laughter as Brax re-emerged "Six against one. That's not fair"

"High five guys" Ruby gave each of the kids a high five before turning to Brax her smile sweet

"Awww sorry we all slipped" she giggled but soon squealed as Dex and Casey jumped into the pool, Casey pulling her under with him

Charlie laughed and shook her head "I'm not sure which of the two is more of a kid. Ruby or Brax"

Martha and Bianca smiled and spoke simultaneously "Brax"

"This is nice isn't it?" Charlie smiled up at Brax as they walked hand in hand down the street lined with shops

Brax nodded "Yea. I think we really needed this time away. And I think Hope and Caleb even Ruby will be classing us as the coolest parents ever, for a while"

Charlie chuckled "I don't doubt it" she stopped at an antic shop, her eyes trained on a charm bracelet. But seeing the price tag she quickly deterred her gaze. Tugging on her hand, Brax pulled her towards the entrance of the shop

"What you doing?" her brows creased together

"Figured we could have a look inside. Might find something you like and maybe get something for Ruby too"

Charlie rolled her eyes "Nothing for Ruby. At this rate we're gonna have to have an extension added to hers and Casey room with the amount of gifts you supply her with"

Brax chuckled and pulled her into the shop anyway "I don't think a little jewellery will require an extension babe" he watched her eye travel back to the bracelet she had been eyeing in the window before she looked away "Plus some of this stuff seems half decent, you might as well have a look around"

Charlie smiled, she couldn't lie that the countless things she could see did peek her interest "Ok, but I'm not buying anything and neither are you"

Brax saluted and chuckled as she hit him lightly on the chest "Yes mam" he winked at her as she let go of his hand and walked deeper into the shop, her eyes wondering around everywhere

Knowing he wouldn't have long before she reappeared again, Brax made a quick move to the counter "Excuse me" he called the grey haired lady that had her back turned to him

"Oh sorry" she turned and walked to the counter "Just trying to sort out a few bits and bob " she smiled warmly "How may I help you?"

Brax leant back on the heel of his foot making sure Charlie wasn't making her way back yet. Seeing she was still looking around the store he turned back to the woman "I actually wanted to buy that charm bracelet displayed at the window" he turned around and pointed to the one he was interested in

"Oh, that is a very fine piece of jewellery. For someone special?" she asked and Brax nodded

"Yea my wife but I err… I don't want her to know I'm getting it and she's right over there" he pointed to the woman's left. She nodded a smile still placed

"Just give me a tic" and with that she walked from around the counter and to the display a lot quicker than he though a woman of her age should be able to move. Returning to the counter she placed it in a silver ribbon bag for him before placing it in a small black velvet box

"Do you want me to wrap it?" she asked and Brax shook his head

"Na that's fine thanks" giving her his card, he looked for Charlie making sure she wasn't yet returning as he pressed in his pin

"All done" the woman spoke and Brax smiled putting his card back into his wallet and picking up the velvet box and placing in his front pocket

"Thank you" he smiled

"No problem at all. Your wife is a very lucky woman" she spoke and Brax smiled

"Na I'm the lucky one"

"And it would pay you to remember that often" Charlie emerged at his side with a smile. She smiled at the old lady before looking up at Brax

"You need to get me out of here before I'm tempted to buy half the shop"

Brax chuckled as well as the woman behind the counter

"Well I wouldn't want you emptying our bank account now would I" he smiled, lacing his fingers through hers "Bye" he smiled at the old lady who winked at him discreetly

"Bye now" she smiled at both Brax and Charlie as they made their way out of the store. Charlie frowned as she saw the bracelet she had been eyeing a while ago was no longer there

"Did someone else come into the store while we were there?

Brax nodded and cleared his throat "Ya but she didn't stay long. She brought a bracelet I think and then left"

"Oh" Charlie nodded

"Why?" asked Brax, clearing his throat to stop the grin wanting to play on his face

"No reason" she replied before smiling up at him

Brax shook his head and pulled her to him, his arm winding around her waist as they continued along the busy street

Two days later

"Reece slow down" Bianca sighed as Reece stuffed his face with food "You would think we never feed him" she muttered and Charlie laughed as Heath gave Reece a proud pat on the back

"Leave the boy be. He's a growing boy like me" Heath grinned through a mouth full of food

They had all gathered round for a barbeque at the back of Heath and Bianca's Cabin which had the biggest space

Bianca rolled her eyes at Heath "Yeah well if this boy doesn't stop eating he's gonna be growing round instead of tall"

"Hy, I ate like that when I was young and I have a banging bod as you girls would say" Heath winked and the girls laughed

"Trust me that is most definitely not what we're thinking when we look at you" said Martha and everyone laughed and Heath frowned

"Aww poor baby. I think you've got a banging bod" said Bianca as she placed her hand on his check and gave him a quick kiss

Heath grinned "Well later I'll show you a few magic tricks this bod can do" he winked and everyone besides the kids groaned

"Keep that kind of talk behind closed doors pleased. The mental image going through my mind right now is disturbing" said Charlie and Heath scoffed

"And that is why I didn't want to share a cabin with you guys" said April her nose turned up

Shoving a fork full of food into his mouth Heath cocked an eyebrow "Who do you think you're fooling. The only reason you guys wanted a cabin away from us is so you could get your freak on without any interruptions"

The kids giggled and the adults looked down at them

"Aunt April is a freak" laughed Abi and the adults let out an audible sigh glad that's what the kids had just taken from what Heath had said

April eyes widened with a blush rising to her cheeks. Dex coughing loudly into his drink and Bianca squealed

"Heath" she hit him on the chest and Heath frowned rubbing the spot with his hand

"What. I was just saying what we already know"

Bianca turned her nose up "Don't mean I or anyone at this table what to know about it"

Heath frowned "But we already know that's what they're…"

"Heath please for the love of everything good in this world stop talking" Bianca pinned him with a look and he quickly kept quiet

"Well I was just saying" he muttered passing a sly grin April's way

April growled at him and mouthed "I hate you" her cheeks still flushed

"Aww April you're blushing" Casey chuckled and Brax pointed him with a look

"Really? Do you want us to start on you too because you and Ruby were also both pretty adamant about not saying a cabin with me and Charlie"

Casey kept quiet and quickly averted his gaze

"Nope" Ruby spoke passing Casey a warning look. No way did she want to be a victim of Heath or Brax's taunting "he has nothing at all to say"

"Good" Brax grinned and Charlie shook her head at him

Brax smiled as he walked into his and Charlie's room. His smile widening as he spotted her in the bathroom, stood in nothing but his shirt

"Kids asleep?" she asked as she rinsed out her mouth and Brax nodded as he sat on the edge of the bed

"Yea. And it only took two stories and a song this time"

Since coming down for the holiday the twins had been so wound up that Charlie and Brax had, had to coax them to sleep with numerous stories and songs each night

Charlie chuckled "I'm a little worried we won't be able to get them to leave when this week is over. I keep having visions of Hope locking herself in that room and singing "We shall not be moved"

Brax laughed, pulling his top over his head and dumping it on the bed beside him. Turing off the bathroom light Charlie walked into the room and smiled as she looked down at Brax

"It's been a great few days, hasn't it?" she asked

Brax smiled and stretched an arm out for her to take. Placing her hand in his, Charlie smiled as Brax pulled her to him, his face coming to her stomach. Her smile widened and she brushed her hand through his hair as he leaned forward and placed a kiss on her tiny barley there bump

Pulling away, Brax kept his hands on her waist as looked up at her "It's been an amazing few days" his thumb running a soft circle on her back

"You know what would make this day a lot better?" said Charlie, a bright glint in her eye

Brax cocked an eyebrow "Na. Why don't you tell me?"

Charlie cocked her head to the side and slowly spread her legs to either side of his. Lowering herself onto his till she was straddling him. She bit back a smile at the look on Brax's face and before he could say a word she pulled his top she had on over her hand, dropping it to where his was

"How about I show you instead" she bit into her bottom lips as Brax sucked in a jagged breath, His gaze stilling on her bare chest that had grown a little larger as of late, till it trailed its way back to her face

"I love pregnancy on you" he grinned before pulling her into a deep kiss

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the comments. Enjoy :)


Charlie cocked her head to the side and slowly spread her legs to either side of his. Lowering herself onto him till she was straddling him. She bit back a smile at the look on Brax's face and before he could say a word she pulled his top she had on over her head, dropping it to where his was

"How about I show you instead" she bit into her bottom lip as Brax sucked in a jagged breath, his gaze stilling on her bare chest that had grown a little larger as of late till it trailed its way back to her face

"I love pregnancy on you" he grinned before pulling her into a deep kiss

"Uhh Brax, close the curtains" Charlie groaned and turned around. Even with her eyes closed the morning light seemed to be making its way through her lids. "Brax?" she stretched her arm out only for it to fall flat on the bed

Not turning around she opened one eye, followed by the other "Brax?" she called quietly, her voice still groggy with sleep. Stretching along with a yawn, she rolled onto her back, looking over at their bathroom. Seeing it slightly open and no sight of Brax, she pushed herself up ready to get out of bed. Hearing the door creak, she sat still and smiled as Brax walked into the room, tray in hand

"You're awake" he smiled at her, walking over to her side and placing the tray down on her lap "Morning" leaning in he gave her a kiss

"Umm, morning" Charlie's smile widened as she looked down at the bowl of fruit along with croissants, a muffin and orange juice he had on the tray "You spoil me way too much. You didn't have to do this" she turned her smile to him

"Oh" Brax shrugged "In that case, I'll just take it back then" he went to pick up the tray but Charlie swatted his hand away and Brax chuckled. Both of them turned their gazes to the door as it creaked and a smile lit their faces as Hope's curls edged through the door her eyes searching the room, closely followed by Caleb's head

"Hy cheeky monkeys" said Charlie "You just waking up?" she asked as the twins walked into the room, their little feet taking the to the bed

Caleb shook his head "No we brush our teef and eat alweady. Daddy made chocolate chip pancakes" he placed his hand on the bed "See" he flashed his teeth at his mother and Charlie laughed

"Oh yea I see, all clean" she looked to Brax "Why didn't I get any pancakes?"

"Sorry babe no more flour"

"Daddy I can't get up" Brax and Charlie turned their attention to Hope, who was trying to climb up onto the bed. Chuckling, Brax stood and gave her a boost. He picked Caleb up and placed him onto the bed also before getting in himself

"So what do you two want to do today" asked Brax. He smiles when as expected, Hopes curled into him

"We to go surfing again" said Hope and Caleb nodded

"Yea we only been one many times. We to go again" Caleb nodded his head in conviction at his own words

Brax smiled and looked up at Charlie who rolled her eyes "Well it's up to mommy" he said and winked

Charlie shot him a look before looking down at the twins. She couldn't help but laugh at the doe eyed look on both their faces. Sighing she gave in without a fight "Fine. But later we have to do something that mummy can do to"

Hope and Caleb nodded vigorously not wanting her to change her mind

"You to pick ok?" said Caleb, hoping this would appease his mother and Brax chuckled

Taking a bite of her fruit salad Charlie nodded "Deal" she pursed her lips as she saw both Caleb and Hope eyes her muffin. Taking the muffin from the tray, she placed the tray down on the table on her side and turned to the twins

"You know I would share my muffin with you, but it's not good to eat muffins before you surf" she sighed dramatically and Brax shook in head in obvious amusement at her antics "Oh well. Guess I'll just have to eat it all by myself" she broke a bit off and pooped it into her mouth "That tastes so nice"

"We no to surf for long so we to help you" said Hope, her eyes trailing the muffin

Wanting to egg them on a little longer but not being able to deny their wide eyed expression, she cut a piece off the muffin "Well I guess since you're not going to be surfing right the minute" she passed the piece to Caleb before cutting another piece off for Hope. She and Brax watched as they shoved the whole thing in their mouth, their chubby cheeks rising with a smile

A yawn was heard from Hope and Charlie could see her lids lowering

"What time did they get up?" she asked Brax

"A little past six" Brax sighed

Charlie shook her head "How about we try and get a little more sleep before we have you two surfing. We wouldn't want you falling asleep on the boards would we?" neither Hope nor Caleb answered. Obviously still tired they both lay down on the bed, curling into their parents

Brax looked over at Charlie above their heads and smiled "How long do you think they'll sleep for?"

Charlie chuckled "I think we have about an hour maybe two if we're lucky"

Bianca cocked an eyebrow before turning to Martha and Charlie "Is it me or are Casey and Ruby not speaking to each other?"

Charlie nodded as she squinted in their direction "Na it's not just you. They have hardly said two words to each other since they came out of their cabin and Casey didn't come round to our Cabin with Ruby or the others this morning" she shrugged "knowing Case and Rubes, they'd have made up by tonight"

"How are they coping? You know… after the miscarriage?" asked Martha

"Good" answered Charlie "As you know it was hard on the both of them at first but they seem to be in a good place at the moment"

"That's good. They're only young they should be out there enjoying themselves" said Martha just as April and Ruby walked over

"We're gonna go into town mum" said Ruby

"You looking to get something?" Charlie asked and Ruby shook her head

"No I just want to get out for a bit" said Ruby "We won't be long. Promise"

Charlie glanced behind Ruby's shoulder to Casey who seemed annoyed about something but she wasn't going to comment on it "Ok" she nodded her head "But make sure one of you… in fact both of you take your phone's with you. I don't want you guys getting lost and not being able to contact anyone"

Ruby and April nodded "We will"

"And no talking to strangers" shouted Bianca and Ruby and April rolled their eyes

Watching them walk away Martha chuckled as Dex and Casey also watched them go

Three days later

The girls smiled up as Jack, Heath and Brax approached, their boards secured under their arms. They had opted to go for a surf without the kids this time and had, had to sneak off while the girls kept the kids busy

"How was the surf?" asked Charlie and the guys smiled

"Great. The waves down here are something else" answered Heath as he and the others placed the board's against the cabin wall before walking over to them

Bending down to give Charlie a kiss, Brax stopped midway as a loud gasp caught all their attention. Looking up he was met with the stern look on Hope's and Abigail's face and the surprise in Caleb's, Reece's and Sophia

"You went without us" said Sophia, her arms crossed over her chest

Jack chuckled lightly "What are you talking about?" he asked trying to feign ignorance. How could a seven year old girl be so scary?

"We sawed you with your boggie boards" said Hope. Pointing to the incriminating evidence

Charlie, Martha and Bianca, pressed their lips together trying to stop from laughing as they watched to see how the guys would get themselves out of this one

"Yea we sawed" added Caleb and Jack, Brax and Heath stood in front of five kids unsure how to defend themselves

"We err…" Brax cleared his throat trying to stop the laugh bubbling in his throat at the look on their faces "We went to get them clean" he squinted his eyes at his own excuse but Heath and Jack quickly nodded their heads in confirmation

"Yeah we didn't go surfing. We just took our surf boards for a clean" said Heath and the kids stood with disbelieving eyes

"Then why your shorts and your hair wet?" asked Reece and the guys groaned as the girls watched on in delight

"Well…" Jack started and cleared his throat "The guy that was cleaning our boards was taking too long so we went for a quick swim while we waited" they stood in front of their miniature jury waiting for their conviction

"We even rushed back so we could take you guys out for some ice cream after dinner" added Heath and the girls rolled their eyes, knowing that little addition of information was enough to get some of the kids to completely forget what they were previously talking about

"I to get two flavours?" asked Caleb and the men sighed

"You can all get two flavours"

Hope's and Abigail's eyes lit up while Sophia and Reece tried to shrug it off like they weren't interested, but the adults knew otherwise. Watching as they all retracted while discussing what two flavours of ice cream they would be getting, the guys turned to the girls who immediately burst out laughing

"I have never seen grown men look so fearful before" laughed Martha

"Please, they are scarier than the mafia" said Heath as he plunked himself down beside Bianca "Hy" he winked before pulling her in for a kiss

Charlie smiled as Brax sat beside her and pulled her to him "Babe" she giggled "You're getting me wet"

Martha chuckled "That's what she said" she grinned as Charlie and Bianca laughed

"And they say we're dirty minded" said Jack

"Please if what we saw at the beach was anything to go by, I say women are far from pure" said Heath and the girls frowned

"Why? What happened at the beach" asked Bianca and Jack and Heath turned to Brax

"Why don't you ask the stud here" said Heath, nodded his head towards Brax who was shaking his head clearly not as amused as Jack and Heath

Charlie looked up at Brax "What they talking about?"

"Yeah Brax, what we talking about" Jack wiggled his eyebrows a grin playing on his face

"Ignore these two immature idiots babe"

Heath and Jack laughed "please don't get defensive, you should be happy that girls are still attracted to your sorry ass" said Heath and Charlie cocked an eyebrow

"Girl, what girl?"

"Oh no not girl, Charlie. Girls" said Heath "And smoking girls at that" he winced as Bianca hit his bare chest

"Babe, you are smoking and beautiful all in on. A little violent but beautiful all the same" he chuckled and kissed her before she could say another word

"There were a few girls down the beach watching us surf"

"More like watching Brax surf. I thought one of the three was gonna strip from him just to get his attention" said Jack and Brax scowled at him before looked down at Charlie who was still encased in his arms

"He's exaggerating. They were just looking for some attention. Attention they didn't get might I add"

"Oh you have nothing to worry about. He was a gentleman and quickly made it clear he was married although that didn't seem to stop the blonde" laughed Heath and Jack joined in

"Really guys?" Brax glared at them and smiled down at Charlie

"As long as they knew you were taken" said Charlie and Brax leant into her and placed a slow kiss on her lips

"Uhhh kids about" said Bianca and Brax pulled away from the kiss

"Don't worry I made it perfectly clear"

Charlie smiled and placed a quick kiss on his lips before turning back to the others.

"So things were a little awkward tonight between Ruby and Casey don't you think? Brax asked as he walked out of the bathroom

Charlie stood in front of the mirror and nodded her head "Yeah. But she won't tell me what they're arguing about so we should probably just leave them to it. We'll probably wake to them both kissing in the morning"

Brax nodded "Yeah" he looked at Charlie and frowned. She had been quiet during dinner and come to think of it she had been quiet since the beach discussion that afternoon "You ok?" he walked to her and stopped behind her

"Yeah. Just tired" Charlie turned and gave him a smile before walking past him into the bathroom.

Watching her as she went, Brax frowned, she definitely wasn't alright. Deciding to give her some space even if it was till she came back into the room, he pulled his shirt from over his head, dropping it on the chair in front of the dresser, before undoing his jeans and stepping out of them.

Walking back into the room, Charlie pulled one of Brax's t shirts from her suitcase and stepped out of her dress, before pulling the t shirt over her head. Watching her, Brax sat on the edge of the bed, his brows creased together as he tried to figure out what could have caused her change in mood. He watched her as she climbed into the bed and gave him a small smile

"You not sleeping?" she asked, as she pulled the duvet over her stomach

Brax nodded and climbed into the bed. He watched as she turned the lamp on her side of the bed off. Not wanting her to go to bed the way she was, her turned to his side, propping himself up on one elbow "Hy" his index finger stroking her cheek as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Lay on her back, Charlie turned her head towards him

"Hy" she gave another small smile

"You gonna tell me what's wrong?" asked Brax, his thumb brushing the corner of her lips

Charlie shook her head "Nothing. I'm just tired"

Brax sighed "I know what tired Charlie looks like and this has got nothing to do with you being tired" he looked at her expectantly before speaking again "Did I do something or did someone else do something to upset you?" again Charlie shook her head

Looking at him she knew he wasn't going to let up but at the same time she knew she had nothing to be upset about, still she couldn't help the way she was feeling "It's stupid" she spoke quietly and Brax moved closer to her, his hand smoothing her hair away from her face

"If it's upsetting you it's not stupid" said Brax

Charlie sighed "I just…" she bit into the corner of her bottom lip, her gaze flickering away from him before they settled on him once more "I'm gonna be fat soon" Brax squinted his gaze unsure where that had come from but before he could speak Charlie continued "I'm gonna be round and fat and cranky"

Brax chuckled lightly "Babe. You're pregnant; you're supposed to get bigger to accommodate the baby"

Charlie rolled her eyes "I know that" she remained quiet for a moment, Brax's thumb stroking her cheek

"But what?" asked Brax

Charlie shook her head, thinking better of it "It doesn't matter" she looked away from him but Brax curled his hand under her chin, turning her face back to him

"It does matter" he stated firmly and waited for her to bring his gaze up to meet his

"I'm gonna be round and fat while you have pretty slim girls paying you attention" said Charlie. There she had said it

Brax frowned for a few seconds but the corner of his mouth tipped upwards as it dawned on him what she was talking about. He couldn't help but chuckle but he quickly cleared his throat as Charlie stared at him clearly not as amused by this as he was. Sighing lightly, he placed his hand around her waist, bringing her chest flush against his

"This is about the girls, Heath and Jack mentioned earlier" he stated. He shook his head "I have to admit I am a little trilled that you're jealous but…" he shook his head as Charlie went to speak "You have absolutely nothing to be jealous about"

"Yeah well you would say that. You're not the one who as to hear about people hitting on me"

Brax chuckled "It never bothered you before"

"Yeah well before I wasn't going to be as huge as a house"

"I meant before when you was pregnant with the twins" said Brax

Charlie shrugged "Yeah well with everything else that was going on I don't think I really had time to think about it. But it seems a stress free pregnancy as given me way too much time to obsess on it. Plus last time we couldn't have any sex so you didn't have to pretend to want to find the rounder version of me attractive"

He knew she really meant what she was saying but he couldn't help the grin playing on his face. Wanting to make it clear that she was delusional. He pressed into her gently until she lay on her back "Babe I can assure you…" he moved closer till her was hovering above her, supporting himself with his arms "Each day I spend with you…" he leaned forward and placed a kiss under one eye then the next "I find something new that I love about you.." a kiss on her nose "And something that makes you more sexy than any person should be allowed to be" a light kiss on the corner of her lips "Trust me when I say pregnant or not, round or not, I will always want you" to prove his point he pressed his hips to hers showing her his obvious arousal "And when you're pregnant…" resting on one arm he ran his free hand down her stomach till he reached the hem of his t-shirt she was wearing. Bringing his hands up slowly, he ran it up her thigh, stopping briefly at the edge of her knickers. He grinned as she drew in a breath, her blue eyes darkening as she kept her gaze locked on his. His hand continued to venture up till they stopped on her stomach "I find you just as sexy, if not more" he placed a kiss on her neck, his teeth lightly gliding against her skin "Not being able to touch you when you were pregnant with the twins was a nightmare" his hand ventured down, stopping again at the edge of her knickers

"Really?" asked Charlie, her breath hitching as Brax ran his thumb over her

Nodding Brax looked down at her "Yes, really. And I plan on showing you just how much I want you all the way throughout this pregnancy" His hand ventured up and cupped her bare breast under his t-shirt. Charlie arched her back, a soft moan escaping her lips "None of those girls or any other woman for that matter, has a thing on you" before she could say a thing he captured her lips in his in a deep, sensual kiss. Falling into the kiss, Charlie wrapped her arms around his back, her lags winding round his waist, her body pressing into his

She felt a shiver run through her body at the feel of his erection pressing into her, and marvelled at the way he still made he feel. Pulling away from the kiss, she littered his jaw with slow kisses before she allowed him pulled his t-shirt she had on over her head

She blushed under his intense gaze and leaned into his touch as he stroked her cheek with his thumb before he brought his lips back down to hers, showing her just how much he loved her

"I can't believe it's our last day" sighed Charlie. Her arms wrapped around Brax who was sat behind her, her back firmly pressed to his chest as they sat on a beach lounger by the pool, much in the same way that Bianca and Heath were sat and Jack and Martha as they all watched the kids playing by the pool "It feels like we only just got here"

Bianca and Martha nodded

"I know. I wish we could just stay here another week" added Martha as she rubbed her stomach "With this little one due soon I'm thinking this is the last sense of peace I'll be getting for a long while"

"You mean we" said Jack and Martha rolled her eyes

"Please. This baby's cries will not be affecting you during the night. You could sleep through a tsunami"

"Hy I got up to feed Sophia when she was little" protested Jack

"Yeah. And that was only after I would spend five minutes rolling you off the bed or threatening to withhold sex"

Heath and Brax laughed along with the girls

Jack shrugged "I still got up"

"Yeah well nothing to get a man moving than the thought of involuntary celibacy" laughed Heath and Bianca shook her head at him

"No I is right"

Hearing Abi's voice the adults turned to see what was going on

Hope, Abigail and Caleb ran towards them, eyes wide

"Mummy tells them I is right" said Abi

"Right about what?" asked Bianca, leaning forward slightly

"About babies" said Abi and Bianca and the rest frowned

"What about babies?"

"When you want to get pwegnant, you make a wish to the baby fairy and she puts the baby in your tummy" Abi nodded her head

Heath cleared his throat, along with Brax and Jack

"No you wrong" said Caleb

"Rweece said when daddy and mummy wrestle, daddy put the baby inside" Brax couched loudly as Jack and Heath's eyes widened "Yeah, Rweece say his fwiend told him"

"Is it true mummy?" Hope looked at Charlie and Charlie's jaw dropped

"Err…" she glanced at Brax before looking back at the three big pairs of eyes staring at her expectantly "Well…"

"But daddy no to wrestle you. He hurt you" said Hope, her eyes travelling down to her mother's stomach before looking back up at her

"No daddy would never hurt mummy" said Brax

"Then how does the baby get inside?" asked Caleb and Abigail crossed her arms over her chest

"I tolds you, it the baby fairy"

Seeing her story was the only one that seemed to offer an innocent explanation the adults nodded their heads

"Yep Abigail is right" said Brax "It's the baby fairy"

Abigail smiled but Hope and Reece stood with a crease of disbelief in their eyebrows. Brax groaned, trust his kids to be the curious ones

"But how do the baby fairy get it in her tummy?" asked Caleb and Charlie bit into the corner of her mouth, while the adults all looked at each other for help

"Well err…" Brax scratched the back of his head. He hadn't expected the birds and bees question for at least another ten to fifteen years. Deciding this wasn't for him he added "You know what, the women are best to answer that question because sometimes daddies aren't there when the fairy puts the baby in mummy's stomach"

Charlie's head snapped back at him her jaw dropped "Really Brax. Daddies aren't there. Really" she cocked an eyebrow and Brax shrugged as Heath and Jack laughed

"Well what am I supposed to say" he replied quietly before turning back to the kids who were now looking between Martha, Bianca and Charlie, waiting for answers

"How it get there mummy?" asked Hope and Charlie smiled lightly, thinking quickly

"Well the baby fairy leaves a little seed for mummy during the night and when mummy eats it, if it's a good seed it turns into a baby in the tummy"

Hope and Abigail's eyes widened in awe and Reece scrunched up his nose

"I want a baby seed" said Abi and Heath near enough bolted out from behind Bianca

"Errr no sweetie…" he glared at Brax and Jack who were chuckling "Baby seeds are only for old girls"

Charlie, Bianca and Martha turned to him, their eyebrows cocked and Heath swallowed loudly and chuckled sheepishly "And by old I mean adults ok, not old, old" he edged away from Bianca

"So daddies no do nothing?" asked Reece

And Charlie grinned and shook her head "Nope. Nothing at all. In fact sometimes mummy gets so bored while eating the seed that she falls asleep"

Brax's jaw dropped this time and Heath and Jack laughed loudly as Charlie smiled sweetly at Brax before turning back to the kids "Is there anything else you want to know?"

Shaking their heads, Caleb, Hope and Abi went back to their previous activity, finding something new to disagree on as Charlie settled back against Brax and sighed. Heath and Jack still laughing

"Fall asleep?" asked Brax looking down at Charlie

Heath snickered "Don't let it bother you Brax. I'm sure Charlie enjoys the sleep" he laughed again joined by Jack

Charlie looked up at Brax "What? You're the one who said the daddies have no involvement what so ever" she gave him a sly grin. She pouted her lips at him "Aww did I hurt your feelings?"

"Well my ego isn't exactly doing backflips at the moment"

"You know I can give you a few tips if you want" chuckled Heath

"Shut up" said Brax

"Aww babe…" Charlie chuckled as she turned to her side, her hands resting on his chest "You do just fine" she tried not to laugh as Brax's eyes widened

Heath and Jack chuckled loudly, clearly enjoying themselves at Brax's expense

"Yeah Brax. You do just fine" spoke Jack

Brax clicked his tongue and cleared his throat. A grin played on his face and he nodded "So I only did just fine when I…" he leaned in close and whispered something in her ears so the others wouldn't hear

Charlie took a deep breath, and felt a blush cover the whole of her body at his words. Her eyes widened at his words, her lips parting. Pulling back Brax examined her flushed face and his eyes twinkled

Martha and Bianca laughed "Yeah, by the look on your face, Charlie, I would say he does more than just fine" said Martha as she looked at Charlie who was trying to hide her face, in Brax's chest

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Pembie and JarlieFanEver for the comments. Enjoy :)


Brax clicked his tongue and cleared his throat. A grin played on his face and he nodded "So I only did just fine when I…" he leaned in close and whispered something in her ears so the others wouldn't hear

Charlie took a deep breath, and felt a blush cover the whole of her body at his words. Her eyes widened at his words, her lips parting. Pulling back Brax examined her flushed face and his eyes twinkled

Martha and Bianca laughed "Yeah, by the look on your face, Charlie, I would say he does more than just fine" said Martha as she looked at Charlie who was trying to hide her face, in Brax's chest

Brax and Charlie glanced at one another before turning back to Casey and Ruby who were putting their things in the boot of the car. Brax sighed and walked back into the cabin to get the rest of their things and Casey turned on his heels back to the cabin he shared with Ruby, April and Dex

Charlie watched him go before she turned her attention to Ruby "You still not wanting to talk about what's going on with you two. Even the twins asked if you guys were angry at each other this morning"

Ruby pushed her suitcase into the boot and shook her head "Still don't want to talk about it" with that reply she turned on her heels

Charlie sighed and shook her head as she walked back into the cabin. She frowned at how quiet it was "Where are the twins?" she asked Brax as he brought the twins things out to the hallway

"Outback" answered Brax "I think they feel the longer they stay out there the more chance they won't have to go back home with us" he chuckled lightly and Charlie shook her head

"At least tell me Hope hasn't chained herself to the property" said Charlie, as she walked to the back of the cabin and Brax laughed

"Na. At least she hadn't when I went to check on them"

Pushing open the patio door, Charlie smiled as she watched Hope and Caleb both sat on the steps their chins in their hands. "Hy you two" Charlie stopped behind them and cocked her head at the look on both their faces "Guys it's time to go"

Hope sighed dramatically, her green eyes sad "But we no stay long. It be to quick" she turned away from her mother, chin still in hand

"Aww, guys we can come back another time but me and your dad have to get back to work now"

Caleb shook his head "Why you no take long time off. Then we no have to go back home yet"

Charlie chuckled. Walking down the steps she sat behind the both of them and placed her hands on their back "Guys if we could, we would, but we can't take anymore time off. But…" she looked behind her as Brax walked out before turning back to the kids "We can come again next year or we can even go somewhere else for a holiday"

Hope and Caleb glanced at one another before turning to Charlie "We to come here again?" questioned Hope and Charlie nodded

"Yeah, if that's what you want"

"Plus when we get home I can take you both surfing on the beach with me" added Brax and that seemed to be the winning argument

"Weally?" asked Caleb and Brax nodded

"Yes really. But that won't happen if we don't get going now"

Hope and Caleb jumped to their feet

"You no to change your mind" said Caleb, looking at Brax sternly

Charlie chuckled along with Brax as he shook his head "No I won't change my mind. Now hurry" Smiling, Hope and Caleb bound through the patio door and through the cabin with Charlie and Brax behind them

"Good to know this whole surfing thing comes in handy every once in a while" said Charlie as Brax picked up Hope and Caleb's bags before walking out of the cabin

He cocked an eyebrow at seeing Ruby and Casey stood so far apart, paying no attention to one another "You find out what's up with those two yet?" He spoke quietly and Charlie shook her head

"No. Ruby won't tell me a thing and when I asked Casey if everything was alright this morning he replied with 'nothing'"

"We ready?" asked Ruby, ready to get on the road

Brax and Charlie chanced a quick glance at one another before Charlie nodded as Brax went to put the rest of the things in the boot

Opening the door Ruby clipped hHpe into her booster seat, Casey doing the same with Caleb before they got into the car

"Just give me a second, need to go give the keys back" said Brax

Charlie smiled. Although she had enjoyed the time away, she had to admit she had missed Summer Bay and was more than ready to get back to work

"I can't wait to see nana chewyl and we to tell her what we do" smiled Hope

Charlie chuckled "I'm sure she can't wait to see you guys too" she turned back around as Brax, entered the car

"Let's get going. Heath and Jack just left" he turned the engine on and turned the car around making his way down the driving track before turning onto the road.

"You call mum?" asked Casey and Brax nodded

"Yeah. She was at work so she couldn't talk but she'll be home by the time we get back"

Casey nodded and stared out the window. He sighed at how the week had ended. Chancing a quick glance in Ruby's direction he turned his gaze back to the road outside the window, he knew he had upset her but he wasn't going to risk putting her or himself through that again

"I'm gonna go see mum" said Casey, minutes after they had entered the house

Charlie looked up at Brax and sighed before she walked down the hall. Brax turned to Casey who was already approaching the door

"Case?" he called and Casey turned to face him, an eyebrow raised in question

"Yea?" he sighed impatiently as if knowing what Brax was going to ask

"What's going on with you and Rubes, and don't say nothing because even the twin have picked up on it" he cocked his head slightly waiting for Casey to reply

Clearing his throat, Casey shook his head and frowned as if annoyed that Brax could interfere. None the less he answered

"It's not nothing but it's not something I want to talk to you about" he turned to walk out the door but stopped and sighed, his head rolling back as Brax spoke again

"Then who do you want to talk to it about, because it's clear Ruby is upset about something."

Casey chuckled bitterly and turned to face Brax "I don't want to talk about it with anyone and honestly, I'm not a kid and I don't need you guys butting into my business" before Brax could say another word, Casey walked out the door not bothering to shut it behind him

Brax groaned and ran his hand through his hair before turning around as he heard a door close. Charlie walked out of their room and offered a small smile "Take it that didn't go to well"

Brax clicked his tongue and shook his head "No, not exactly"

He turned his attention to Hope and Caleb as they came sprinting out of there room

"We finish" Hope declared, a wide smile on her face

Brax and Charlie frowned

"Finished what exactly?" asked Charlie, her hands on her hips as she prepared herself for whatever disaster they had out leashed in their room

"We put evewything away" said Caleb. Clearly pleased with himself

Charlie glanced at Brax and pursed her lips as she imagined what their idea of putting their things away wold look like

"We to go surfing now?" asked Caleb and Charlie rolled her eyes. f course they hadn't forgotten that little detail

"Actually we cant today but we'l l go tomorrow I promise. Daddy's got a few things he needs to sort out"

Hope crossed her arm over her chest and Caleb frowned

"You pwomised. You say you no change your mind" said Hope

Brax sighed and bent down to their level "I know and I'm sorry. But.." he stuck his pinky finger out "I pinky swear we can go tomorrow morning" he waited and smiled when Hope wrapped her pinky finger around his

He looked at Caleb and held out his other pinky "How about it buddy?"

Caleb watched him for a moment before wrapping his pinky around Brax's "You no to break it" said Caleb and Brax shook his head

"No I wont" smiling he stood to his feet

"You go try speak to Casey and I'll sort whatever these two have done out before I try and tackle Ruby" she spoke and Brax nodded

"Ok" leaning forward he placed a kiss on her temple "I won't be long" he spoke and went to walk out the door before turning around as Hope spoke

"I to kiss too" she said and Charlie rolled her eyes while Brax chuckled

"Sorry sweetie, how could I forget your kiss" stepping forward he bent down to her level and Hope smiled before giving him a kiss "There. Is that better?" he asked and Hope nodded with a little grin

"How bout you mister?" he asked as he turned to Caleb "Do I get one from you?"

Caleb nodded and gave Brax a quick kiss before looking up at Charlie "Mum you to come see" he pulled on her hand and Charlie nodded

"Yea I'm coming" she looked to Brax "I'll see you later"

Nodding Brax stood to his feet and left through the back door. Remembering Casey had said he had wanted to go see Cheryl, her house was the first place he was going to look

Cheryl blew out a breath and opened the door, a smile on her face "Hy" she held her hand out and pulled Casey into a quick hug, careful not to hug him to hard, more so for her own sake. Pulling back she stepped away from the door, letting him in "How was it? Bet it was good to get away from the Bay for a while

Casey shrugged as he sat down on her couch "It was alright I guess" not wanting to talk about it he smiled at Cheryl

"Bet you missed me loads though" he grinned "No mouth to feed"

Cheryl shook her head and chuckled "I'll have you know that's a good thing. I know you boys use me for food and nothing else"

Casey chuckled "Well your grandkids use you for sweets and you don't seem to mind"

Cheryl swatted him on the arm before she walked into the kitchen "Well they're allowed" walking back out the kitchen moments later she exhaled and sat down on the couch across from Case,y a knowing look on her face

"So you gonna tell me what's up with you or are you gonna make a grown woman play the guessing game"

Casey shifted in his seat and reached for the remote before switching the channel over "Nothing's wrong. Can't I come and see how you're doing after being gone a week"

Cheryl smiled lightly "Exactly it was a week Casey, not a year. Plus you haven't even so much as looked in the direction of the kitchen since you came through the front door. And if you're not thinking about food then I have every right to be worried"

Casey shook his head "It's nothing"

Cheryl remained quiet for a while before she spoke again "Would this nothing have to do with Ruby. The only time you ever mope around this much is when you guys are having a little disagreement" Casey sighed but didn't answer her. As Cheryl went to speak again she turned to the door as a knock sounded. Not moving she glared at the door, her eyes slightly wider than they had been

"You gonna get that?" Casey asked. He frowned at the look on her face, but before he could properly analysis it her expression changed and she smiled as she stood to her feet

"I'm popular today, aren't I"

Casey noticed how her steps were slow as she made her way to the front door. Another knock came just as Cheryl opened the door

She let out a sigh of relief as she smiled "Two of my boys in one day" she walked into the house as Brax stepped in and closed the door behind him

Casey groaned as Brax looked down at him before he turned his attention back to the TV, hoping Brax wouldn't try and get him talking in front of their mum

Cheryl looked at Casey before looking at Brax "I see you tried getting him to talk too"

Brax nodded "Yea. But he's being stubborn" he sighed before directing his attention to his mum

"Hope you didn't miss me too much" he grinned and Cheryl shook her head at him

"Trust me when I say apart from the kids and the girls, I hardly noticed you boys were gone"

Brax chuckled "Lies" he walked into the kitchen and Cheryl laughed

"Well at least the week away hasn't changed all of you" she chanced a glance at Casey but he ignored her comment, his gaze fixed on the screen in front of him

"You should have brought Hope and Caleb with you" she said to Brax as he walked back into the living room "I've missed my grand kids"

Brax rolled his eyes "Just not us"

"Hy" Charlie pushed the door open slightly to see Ruby lay on the bed, a book in hand "Ok if I come in?"

Ruby looked up from her book and bit into her bottom lip before nodding "Yea" she said placing the book down and sitting up on the bed

Walking into the room Charlie sat on the edge of the bed and turned so she was facing Ruby "I know you don't want us interfering in whatever is going on with you and Case, but you're both obviously upset about something and we're just a little worried because you guys never stay angry at each other for this long"

They both sat in silence for a while and Charlie had almost given up on getting anything out of Ruby, when she tucked her hands under her legs and shrugged

"I don't think it's something you're gonna want me talking to you about" said Ruby

Charlie frowned "You can talk to me about anything" she sighed "Granted there might be some things that you may feel awkward talking to your mum about but unless you're about to tell me you told Casey that you're into skinning puppies then I think I can keep an open mind"

Ruby chuckled "Don't worry, puppies are safe in my presence"

Charlie nodded with a smile "Good. So you gonna tell me what's got you two avoiding each other like the plague"

Ruby lowered her head and Charlie could tell she wasn't all that comfortable talking to her about it but she also felt Ruby needed to talk to someone

Exhaling Ruby looked up at Charlie "Since err the…" she cleared her throat "Sine the miscarriage we haven't…" she paused and looked at Charlie "We haven't slept together"

Charlie nodded, she could see why this was an uncomfortable topic for Ruby but still, she waited for her to carry on

"Casey hasn't tried to… you know" Ruby widened her eyes a little and Charlie nodded

"Well before, I was glad because I wasn't ready for that yet not after what happened. And plus I was still bleeding a little so no sleeping together was good. But then when we were out at the cabin I thought that we could maybe…" Ruby sighed as she fiddled with her fingers "I thought we could try and I thought he would want to. I mean it's been over a month" she looked up at Charlie "It would kill most guys to have to wait that long" she shook her head and sighed "But apparently not Casey. The first time I suggested it he said he was tired and it had been a log day. I didn't think anything of it. But then I tried again and he just shut me down" she pursed her lips "I thought he hadn't tried anything because he wasn't sure I was ready but he doesn't even want that with me at all" she shook her head and sighed

"I know you think I'm just being stupid getting upset over…"

Charlie shook her head and interrupted her "I don't think you're being stupid. You're my daughter but you're also and adult and I get that you want to feel close to him"

"So why doesn't he want the same thing? Asked Ruby "Every time I asked him, he just says he doesn't want to talk about it and that he just didn't feel like it. I just feel…" Ruby stopped talking, her gaze going back down to her fingers

"You just feel what?" asked Charlie

Ruby bit the corner of her bottom lip "I just feel like maybe after what happened he doesn't want to be with me anymore. Maybe he doesn't see me the way he used to"

Charlie sighed and moved closer to Ruby. Placing her hand over hers she shook her head "I can't pretend to know what might be going on with Casey but if there's one thing I am certain of, it's that he loves you just as much as he always has. Are you forgetting how hard he took it when you told him you needed some time alone after the miscarriage? He called me or Brax everyday just to check on you"

Ruby shrugged "Yea well he's had a lot of time to think about things since then"

"I don't think you believe he loves you any less than I do"

Ruby's shoulders slouched "I don't want to but what if that's the case, and he's just buying his time till he can get out if this"

"I don't think that is the case. But you do know how these Braxton men can be, you can't beat anything out of them; they have to be willing to let you in at their own time"

"But what if I'm right and he doesn't want to be with me anymore?"

Charlie squeezed Ruby hands "Then we'll deal with it in true Buckton style"

Ruby smiled "Thanks"

Charlie leaned forward and placed a kiss on her temple "You don't have to thank me. I'm your mum; this is what I'm here for"

Walking into the house, Brax smiled as he saw Charlie sat on the couch "Hy babe" he closed the door behind him before placing his keys in the bowl on the dining table and walking around the couch

"Hy" Charlie smiled up at him, as he sat beside her, instantly pulling her into his arms "You've been gone a while"

Brax nodded "Yea sorry. Popped into the restaurant after I left mums and kind got stuck there"

"How is Cheryl?" asked Charlie as she placed her arms around Brax's

"Ok I guess"

"And Case? Did you get a chance to speak to him?"

Brax shook his head "Na. He wouldn't tell me a thing and I didn't really want to badger him too much while mum was there" Charlie nodded "You get anywhere with Ruby?"

"Yea, but she kind of made me promise not to tell you"

Brax frowned "Why?"

Charlie shrugged "I think she's a little embarrassed about it and before you even think about it no, you cannot go ask her yourself"

Brax sighed "I should no what's wring with her"

"Yea, but she didn't even want to tell me. Trust me I don't think you want to know either"

Brax sighed "Fine. You get the twins to bed ok?"

Charlie nodded "Yea. I think the lack of sleep over the past week finally caught up with them. They were both dozing off by six"

Brax chuckled "At least we know they won't disturb us tonight"

"Mum I'm gonna head off" Casey rinsed off the plate he had used and dried it before placing it in its place

Cheryl nodded "Ok. And speak to Ruby about whatever is going on with you two. I don't like seeing you upset"

"I'm not upset" protested Casey and Cheryl sighed

"Fine but still speak to her. Even if you're not upset. She might be" she leaned over the table to pick up the cup Casey had used but quickly turned around as she heard Casey gasp loudly

"What the hell is that on your back?"

Cheryl's face grew warm as she tugged on the shirt she was wearing. Quickly composing herself she waved a hand at him as she walked past him "Oh that, it was nothing. I fell at work a few days ago and it left a nasty bruise"

Casey blinked rapidly as he stared at her "You fell at work?" he asked. If ever there was an obvious lie this was it "Fell doing what exactly? You work behind a desk must of the day, so what was you doing that you fell?

Cheryl sighed "Casey stop making a big deal out of it ok. I was making some coffee and some idiot had spilled water on the floor and not cleaned it up and unfortunately I suffered the consequence"

Casey shook his head "I don't believe you" he stepped forward and took hold of her hand before she could pull away. Quickly lifting up the sleeves of the shirt she was wearing he sucked in a breath "I swear if you don't tell me how you got these right now I'm calling Brax" he dug his phone out of his pocket before Cheryl stopped him

"Don't" she took the phone from his hand and placed it down on the table

"It was Mick wasn't it. He hasn't left?"

"Casey I'm sorting it ok" Cheryl spoke with a voice that scared Casey

"What do you mean? You're sorting it?" he glanced around the living room as if something would tip him off. Not finding anything out of the ordinary, his gaze landed on Cheryl "What do you mean by your sorting it mum"

Cheryl sighed "You have nothing to worry about ok. I'm fixing it"

Casey felt queasy and unsure why, he found himself pacing down the hall and into her room ignoring Cheryl as she called after him. He hadn't been unsure what he was looking for ,but as he peered down at the bags at the corner of her room, a memory he hadn't known of came back to him

"Hy Case", Brax looked down at his brother

"Uh", Casey dropped the toy he had been playing with and turned his attention to Brax.

"Would you like to go over to Ruby's house and have sleep over's for a while, you get to play with her whenever you want and you can even watch some TV".

Casey nodded his head enthusiastically "YH... is you and Heath coming? Casey asked

"No but me and Heath will come and visit you whenever you want and if you want to come and sleep over here you can", Brax looked down at his brothers as he pondered on what Brax had said

"Okay", Casey nodded "but can I go tomowow?"

"Casey" Cheryl called his name as she rested her hand on his arm, but before it could settle Casey shrugged her off and spun around to face her

"You're leaving?"

"I don't have a choice Casey" Cheryl pursed her lips

A bitter look crossed Casey's face before he shook his head angrily. Not saying a word he pushed past Cheryl

"Casey wait" Cheryl called after him, following his steps but Casey refused to stop.

Pulling open the front door, he slammed it behind him with aggression that stopped Cheryl and made her jump. She sighed and pursed her lips as a tear rolled down her cheek. She was doing this for him, for all of them

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you guys for the comments. Been trying to post this chapter for ages today but kept getting interrupted lol. Anyway, hope you enjoy reading this one as much as I enjoyed writing it :)


"I don't have a choice Casey" Cheryl pursed her lips

A bitter look crossed Casey's face before he shook his head angrily. Not saying a word he pushed past Cheryl

"Casey wait" Cheryl called after him, following his steps but Casey refused to stop.

Pulling open the front door, he slammed it behind him with aggression that stopped Cheryl and made her jump. She sighed and pursed her lips as a tear rolled own her cheek. She was doing this for him, for all of them

"Casey?" Cheryl, ducked her head around the kitchen wall hoping it would be Casey, who had walked into the house. She didn't want to leave things the way they were

She sucked in a breath and cleared her throat, as she saw Mick, stood beside the couch, one leg crossed over the other, a smile she wanted to wipe off with a slap plastered on is face

"Don't look to excited to see me" he teased; cocking his head slightly as he took her in. His brows narrowed "You look like you've been crying"

Cheryl shook her head, and lowered her gaze "No" she answered as she turned her back on him and walked back into the kitchen " Just had a long day and I'm tired"

Mick nodded, following behind her "You all packed. Because this time Tuesday, you'll be coming back with me" the firmness of his voice left no room for a discussion and held plenty warning if she chose to keep fighting him

Cheryl nodded but kept her back to him as she made a show of drying some dishes "I get it Mick. And yes, I'm all packed"

Nodding, Mick cracked his neck "Good. So… he stood directly behind her "What caused that boy of yours to leave in such a state?" his voice was filled with taunt

Cheryl clenched her teeth together and let out a breath, she hadn't even been aware he had been keeping watch on her house, but yet she wasn't surprised

"You've been watching me?" she asked, more so to avoid having to answer the question

Mick chuckled and leaned further into her "I like to keep close watch on my investments. You should know that. Plus after you ran from me four years ago I would not want to give you a chance to do that again now, would I"

Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath Cheryl turned around "Why?" she asked; her voice weaker than she had ever heard it "Why is it so important for me to come back with you? What do you want me for?" even she could identify the pleading in her voice as she spoke

Mick exhaled as if bored and frustrated "Because you're mine. Nobody leaves me, ever" he flashed a quick smile "Plus we had some good times, remember. No reason for you to be stuck in this good for nothing town when you could be living it up with me"

Cheryl wanted to laugh in his face but knew making him angry was the last thing she wanted. At their age, there was no living it up. She liked her life the way it was but Mick, had made it clear that if she didn't do as he asked, he would simply take his anger out on her family

"Now you remember the plan right?" asked Mick and Cheryl nodded. She pursed her lips and cleared her throat to stop herself from crying. She felt like she had only just found herself, only just found her family and now she was going to have to give it all up, and it was all her fault

"I'll get tomorrow and Monday to say my goodbyes and we're leaving the day after" she spoke and Mick nodded and blew out a breath, a smile crossing his features

"I just love it when a good plan comes together" he winked at her before backing away, allowing Cheryl take in some much needed deep breaths

"I'll be seeing you soon" he called out as he walked out of the kitchen. Opening the front door he stopped and turned to Cheryl, who now stood by the dining table, her arms wrapped around herself "Remember what I said about telling your boys. They try to stop this and I'll just have to take care of them myself" the smile on his face, never wavered

Cheryl nodded once "I get it"

"Good. Sleep tight" with a wink, Mick closed the door behind him

Brax frowned, as he walked into the living room only to find Casey asleep on the couch, clearly still in his clothes from the night before. Sighing loudly, he shook his head before stopping behind the couch. Bending over the couch, he brought both hands out and clapped loudly in front of Casey's face

"What the…" Casey shot up with a startled look, before blowing out a breath as he saw Brax stood watching him "What the hell did you do that for?"

Brax cocked an eyebrow and shrugged "Well if you slept in your bed rather than on my couch, you could have avoided such a wake-up call"

Casey rubbed at his eyes, before swinging his legs down to the ground "Whatever" he slouched over, resting his elbows on his thighs and ran his hand through his hair "What time is it?"

"Time you and Ruby sort out whatever is going on with you"

Ignoring Brax, Casey stood to his feet and walked into the kitchen. Opening the fridge he pulled out a bottle of water and turned on his heels but stopped in front of Brax, who was blocking the exit

"What the hell is going on with you?" asked Brax. "You know you can talk to me right?"

Casey chuckled bitterly "The only person you need to be talking to is mum. I'd get to it quick too" he shrugged past Brax but stopped as Ruby walked out of their room.

He watched as she picked up her bag from the dining table and dropped her phone inside "I'm off out" she directed the statement to Brax, completely ignoring Casey, before walking out the front door

Watching her go, Casey groaned and entered their room. Locking the door behind him before Brax, could have a go at him

Brax blew out a breath and shook his head as Charlie walked out of their room "Things are really bad between those two" he stated

"Ruby and Casey?" asked Charlie, and Brax nodded as he pulled her to him and placed a kiss on her temple


"Trust me. They'll work it out and if not, then…" Charlie really hoped it wouldn't come to that "If not we'll be here for them in whatever way they need but honestly, I don't think it's gonna come to that"

"Umm. We can hope" replied Brax. Pulling away from Charlie, he moved around the kitchen and proceeded to take out two mugs out of the cupboard

"I can't believe the twins are still asleep" said Charlie, as she leaned against the counter watching Brax, as he made himself some coffee and her some tea. She frowned at the cup of tea, wishing she could just have a little sip of Brax's coffee

Brax chuckled "They've got plenty sleep to make up for considering they hardly slept through the night while we were away"

"Yea. I guess so" Charlie pushed a strand hair behind her ear "I can't wait to get back to work"

Brax grinned "Bored of me already?"

Charlie chuckled. Stepping forward she wrapped her arms around his waist, placing a kiss on his shoulder "I could never get bored of you"

"Good" Brax turned around in her arms, wrapping his arms around her waist "Because I was thinking, seeing as we're gonna be back to our normal routine as of tomorrow, maybe mum could have the twins for the night and me and you could just chill, maybe waste a little time " he winked and Charlie laughed

"You know what…" she wrapped her arms around his neck "I think that's a great idea" she pulled him down to her for a kiss

"Na uh, I woke first so I to watch my dowa explora" Hopes's voice came booming down the hall way

No. I to watch bob the bwuilder" argued Caleb

Charlie and Brax pulled away from the kiss with a groan "A night alone is definitely needed" said Charlie, before she picked up her cup of tea and walked into the living room, to find Hope and Caleb, fighting over the remote

"Finish up your food, nana Cheryl will be here to pick you up soon" Charlie stood from the dining table her now empty plate in her hand, before walking into the kitchen

Placing her dishes in the sink she opened up the tap but froze as the slightest of pain shot through her stomach. Standing straight, she frowned and ran her hand over her stomach, before taking a deep breath.

"You ok?" Charlie glanced back at Brax as he walked into the kitchen

"Yea" she nodded before beginning to wash the dishes "Just felt a little cramp. That's all"

Brax frowned and stepped forward. His arms winding around her waist, his hands resting on her stomach "Should we go to the hospital?" Charlie could hear the worry laced in his voice

"No" she shook her head "I'm fine. It lasted a second. And it's not unusual to get cramps during pregnancy"

"Yea, but…"

Charlie squeezed his hands "Brax I promise I am fine. If I feel like it might be a problem I promise I will tell you straight away and even let you drag me down to the hospital"

Brax exhaled but nodded "Promise?"

"Yea I promise" Charlie smiled as he placed a kiss on her cheek.

Hearing a knock on the back door, both Charlie and Brax turned to see Cheryl walk into the house

"Hi Cheryl" Charlie rinsed off her plate and placed it down on the counter

"Hy" Cheryl smiled and laughed as the twins came barreling into the kitchen

"Nana Chweyl" Hope wrapped her arms around one leg, while Caleb took the other

"Oh I've missed the both of you too" She ran her hands through their hair "I hope you all packed and ready"

Hope and Caleb nodded their heads eagerly, still not letting go of her legs

"Uhuh" answered Hope "We too tell you evewything we did"

Cheryl chuckled "And I can't wait to hear all about it" she glanced into the living room

"Ruby and Casey, not home?" she asked and Brax shook his head

"Na. Both avoiding each other" he replied

"I'll just go get their things for you" said Charlie, before she left

"Casey and Ruby will sort themselves out. They always do" said Cheryl

"Yea" answered, Brax. He leaned against the counter and squinted at Cheryl "Casey said something this morning about me talking to you. Do you know what he might have meant by that?"

Cheryl's gaze shifted around the kitchen, before finally landing on Brax "I gave him a grilling about Ruby. Don't think he appreciated it much"

Brax nodded but couldn't figure out why he felt it was more than that. Before he could ask any more questions, Charlie walked into the kitchen, Hope and Caleb's over night bag in her hand. Running to her, Hope and Caleb peeled their bags from her hand before rushing back over to Cheryl. Charlie chuckled

"Good to know spending the night away from us is so hard for them" she joked

Cheryl laughed "They just know they gonna get spoilt rotten for the rest of the day"

Brax rolled his eyes "Just please bring them back with at least a few of their teeth still intact"

Cheryl winked "I'll try my best" looking down at the twins she smiled "Come on you two"

"Hy Ruby, call me when you get this ok. I'm sorry" Casey cut the line and sighed. That was the fifth time he had called her and still, no answer.

Turning the corner to the surf club, he stopped in his track as he saw Mick, stood talking to a guy he hadn't seen before. Balling his fists together, he recalled the bags Cheryl had packed and he hadn't had to ask. He knew somehow it had something to do with Mick

Before he could think about what he was doing, Casey stepped forward till he reached Mick. Grabbing Mick's shoulder, he turned him around to face him

Mick opened his mouth to speak but stopped the words from forming as he realised who it was. He cocked his head to the side, gritting his teeth before clicking his tongue. He turned back to the guy he had been talking to

"I'll be expecting my payment by nine tonight… Latest"

The guy nodded meekly, before scurrying off. Turing back to Casey, Mick's eyed him before smiling "So..." he rocked back on the heel of his boots "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

Casey's balled fists, tightened. His nails digging into his palm "What the hell do you with my mum?" he took a step forward, his chest only inches from Micks. Obviously not one to scare easily or be intimidated, Mick just stood still smiling that smile that had Casey's anger doubling by the second

"Not sure what you mean boy" Mick chuckled, amused at the situation

"Leave her alone" Casey's nostrils flared. No way was this creep going to scare Cheryl into going anywhere with him "I won't tell you again you psycho" Casey inched his face closer "If you honestly think she's going anywhere with you, you've got another thing coming. i dont know what the hell you think you have on her" If Casey hadn't known or sure before, the smug look on Micks face in that moment told him that Mick was indeed behind Cheryl wanting to leave the bay

Mick cleared his throat "Funny. You obviously think she has a choice in this"

Casey hissed. He had known that Cheryl, leaving didn't add up but hearing it from Micks mouth had him reeling. How dare he try and force her into something she doesn't want

"And if you think you can pressure her into leaving then you obviously know nothing about the lengths me and my brothers will go to, to keep her here" taking a deep breath he stepped back, before he put his fist through Mick' face "If you know what's good for you, you'll leave her alone and crawl back into whatever hole you crawled out of"

Casey turned on his heels and Mick sneered at him, his jaw clenching together "Fine, have it your way" he whispered before walking away

Ruby stood watching the interaction between Casey and Mick. Watching Casey step forward she inched forward slowly to intervene but blew out a breath has Casey backed away. Her gaze stilled on Mick, Watching him as he watched Casey retracting. The look on his face caused a cold shiver to run down her spine.

"What the hell was that about?" she muttered to herself as she watched Mick turn and walk away. Stepping out of the corner she had been watching from, she followed in Casey's footsteps

"Case" she called after him, just as he was about to enter the surf club

Turning around, Casey blew out a breath as he saw Ruby walking towards him. He shook his hands by his side, trying to elevate himself of the anger coursing through him

"Hy" he offered her a weak smile, his mind still on Mick. He needed to tell Brax and Heath that he was still around; maybe they could talk some sense into their mother "Rubes can we talk later, I…"

Ruby interjected "What were you talking to Mick about?"

Casey shook his head "Nothing"

Ruby cocked her head, one eyebrow raised "Really? Because it didn't look like nothing from where I was stood"

Casey sighed "Ruby, it's nothing for you to worry about" he glanced behind him

Ruby stared at him; knowing she wouldn't get a straight answer to her question "I got your messages. You wanted to talk?"

Casey nodded "Yea but err… not now. I've got something important to do"

Ruby shook her head and smiled sadly "Right, unlike talking to me about what's going on with us" she sighed and turned to walk away

"No Ruby, that's not what I meant" Casey took hold of her arm but Ruby simply shrugged him off

"Forget it Casey. I wouldn't want to keep you from your something important" she wiped under her eyes before walking away, towards the beach

Casey groaned and rolled his head back

Digging her phone out of her pocket, Ruby went to dial Brax's number but stopped as she saw Heath walking towards her

"Hy" Heath smiled

"Hy" Ruby replied before glancing back at the surf club "I err… I think there's something you need to know"

"Sophia, how many times do I have to tell you not to leave the table till you clear up after yourself" Martha huffed out a breath as Sophia dashed back into the living room

"Sorry, I was gonna do it but my phone was ringing" she answered as she cleared up her empty plate and cup

Jack looked up from the couch and frowned as Martha's brows pinched together, her hands running a circular motion, over her round stomach "You ok?" he placed the remote down on the coffee table and went to stand but Martha waved her hand in dismissal

"Yea. I think I might go take a bath"

Jack nodded and stood to his feet "How about you just relax and let me go run the water for you"

Martha rolled her eyes, she wasn't sure why but she had felt especially irritated since waking up that morning "No I can do it" she went to move but stilled, her eyes widened with pain, her right hand shooting to her stomach while her the other held on the edge of the couch

"Arrrrr…" she screamed, and Jack instantly jumped to her side, near enough knocking her over

"Babe you ok? What's wrong?" his gaze shifting rapidly between her face and stomach

Martha was breathing heavily, her teeth gritting together before she relaxed again. She looked up at Jack; her irritated mood was starting to make sense "Babe I err… I think the babies coming" she blew out a breath

"OH MY GOD" screeched Sophia and Jack and Martha both turned to her "The babies coming"

Martha chuckled "That's what I said" she grimaced again as another contraction hit. Grabbing hold of Jacks hand she squeezed as hard as she could, trying to breathe through the pain

"****…" Jack hissed, more so for the pain shooting through his hand. Trying to pry his hand from Martha's he stopped as she stared at him with a look that could put a man five foot under. Looking down at his hand that was still enveloped in hers, he winced. He wouldn't be using that hand for a good few days

"I thought you weren't due for another two weeks. We… I…" Jack stammered, trying to get his thoughts together

"Well how about I just tell the baby that. I'm sure he or she will just jump right back in there and give you your extra two weeks"

Sophia giggled but Jack couldn't mutter up the courage. Wasn't he meant to be calm about this, they already had one kid. "No I just mean I..." Jack winced in pain in time with Martha as another contraction hit

"Oh my..." Martha pinched her eyes together, blowing out big breaths, her knees bent slightly

"Babe you ok? asked Jack once the contraction had passed

Martha nodded, still taking and blowing out deep breaths

"You think you could just let me swap my hands, I..." the look on Martha's face quickly shut him up

"Jack, if you don't get me to the hospital now, I'm gonna pull a Bianca and have this baby right here" she stared at him "Only this time Charlie, won't be here, so you'll have to do the delivering"

Jacks eyes went wide and he swallowed, before turning to Sophia "Sophia, you know where we kept the bag with everything we need?"

Sophia nodded eagerly "Ok, go grad it"

Sophia was running down the hall before he had finished his sentence. Jack went to move from Martha;s side but she grabbed hold of his hand "Where are you going?" she asked

"Just to get the car keys" he smiled; pushing Martha's fallen hair from her face "I love you" he placed a lingering kiss on her lips. Before going to grab the car keys

"Brax, he might be calling about something important" said Charlie as Brax declined another of Heath's calls

"Please. How important can it be" Brax put his phone on silent before pulling Charlie back into him "Plus, there is no way I'm gonna have him interrupting us while we have a free house"

Charlie giggled "Babe a full house has never stopped you before"

Brax grinned "True, but it does confine us to the bedroom. Right now I was thinking we could maybe try christening the house all over again" he snaked his hands up her thighs

"Brax" Charlie giggled again as he buried his head in the crook of her neck "Ruby or even Casey could walk in any minute"

Brax shook his head "Ruby already called saying she is staying at April's tonight and I've locked the doors from the inside. So even if Casey tries to get in, we'll have a little warning first"

Charlie went to speak but frowned as a sharp but quick flutter shot through her stomach. Exhaling, she ignored it and wrapped her arms around Brax's neck but the movement only caused the pain to sharpen, this time lasting longer

"Brax…" she breathed in pain, her eyes widening

Brax pulled back, his gaze darting from her face to her stomach "Charlie what's wrong?"

"I think we need to go to the hospital" she pursued her lips willing her tears to stay at bay. She could see fear etch itself into Brax's eyes. He nodded and sprang from his seat in search of the car keys

'It was nothing' she told herself. She was just worried for nothing. She was sure the doctors would tell her just that

Cheryl frowned at the banging on the door. Quickly standing to her feet she swung the door open, thankful it wasn't Mick. He had promised her the night alone

"Heath" she took in his demeanour "What's wrong?"

Heath glanced past her and smiled as the twins looked at him

"Uncle Heaf" Hope smiled "You to come watch planes with us"

Heath smiled "Not tonight kiddo" he turned back to Cheryl "Is Casey telling the truth?" he kept his voice low as he walked into the house. Walking past the twins he ruffled their hair before walking into the kitchen, waiting for Cheryl to join him

"What are you talking about?" she asked. Although she had a pretty good idea what he was referring to

"Don't play stupid mum. It doesn't suit you. Are you planning on leaving?"

Cheryl's whole body sagged, she didn't want this "I know what you must be thinking but I promise this is for the best. I never should have come back here"

Heath sucked in a breath "So what? You were just going to leave without saying goodbye?" he crossed his arms over his chest "That's why you wanted to take Abi and Reece out tomorrow isn't it. You're saying goodbye to them before you leave. But hy, never mind showing the same courtesy to your own sons"

Cheryl stepped forward "Heath there is more to this than you boys know"

Heath shook his head "No we know. Ruby saw Casey with Mick near the surf club this afternoon and when I asked him about it he told me about your packed bags and Mick seeming pretty sure of his self"

Cheryl glanced back at the twins, before turning to Heath. There was no point lying. Maybe if they truly knew what was at stake they would let her go without a fuss

"He gave me an ultimatum" she spoke

Heath's brows pinched together in question "What was it?"

Cheryl pursed her lips "Either I go back to the city with him and cut all contact with all of you or…" she exhaled a deep breath "He would come after you… all of you" she shook her head "I'm going with him Heath, you cant atop me. Then at least you boys can go back to your lives"

Heath had uncrossed his arms and was holding on to the edge of the counter with a death grip "He threaten you and… us?" he clicked his tongue "First off, you're not going anywhere" he pushed himself away from the counter and dug his phone out of his pocket "Lock the door after I leave and don't answer it unless you get a call saying it's me or Brax"

Cheryl frowned "Heath, what are you talking about. I am going. There's no…"

"No you're not" interjected Heath. He dialled Brax's number for what felt like the millionth time that day "Brax will you call me back when you get this. It's important" Heath walked out of the kitchen and to the front door. Hope and Caleb too engrossed in their film to notice him

"Heath what are you going to do?" asked Cheryl

"Just stay here ok" he pulled the front door open

Cheryl grabbed hold of his arm, her eyes wide "Heath whatever you are thinking, don't. You leave me to deal with him ok? All he wants is for me to move to the city with him, and all this will be over"

Heath shook his head "And what do we tell Reece and Abi when they ask of you? What do Brax and Charlie tell the twins when they ask if they can spend the night at nana Cheryls?"

"They're kids. They'll be fine"

"Heath shook his head "No they won't. Plus that life you want us to get back to...you're a part of it now, and I'm not willing to let that go" not allowing Cheryl say another word he walked away and hopped into his car before dialling Brax's number again

"Ruby" Casey called her name as he approached her. Watching as she turned to face him, he wanted nothing more than to pull her to him and just hold her

Standing to her feet, Ruby dusted the sand from her dress before picking up her sandals "I was leaving" she spoke

Casey grabbed hold of her hand before she could walk away "I'm sorry" he spoke softly, hoping she wouldn't just shrug him off and walk away "I didn't mean to imply before that you and me aren't important because we are" he sighed in relief as she looked up at him "You're important to me Rubes. More than anything"

Ruby peered at him, confused and unsure what was happening with them "Then why don't I feel that way anymore. Why do I feel like being around me is the last thing you want?"

Casey flexed his jaw, taking a tentative step closer to her, still holding her hand "I'm so sorry if I've made you feel that way. My heads just been all over the place lately. I didn't mean to put that on you"

Ruby shook her head "It's more than that Casey. I feel like…" she blew out a breath "I feel like after the miscarriage you look at me differently"

Casey closed his eyes. It didn't matter how long it had been he couldn't get the image of blood out of his mind. HER BLOOD. He opened his eyes only to meet hers peering at him with intensity "That's not true" he replied

Pulling her hand out of his hold, Ruby dug her hands into the pocket of the cardigan she had on "Yes it is. I practically threw myself at you last week and you seemed more preoccupied with sleeping and hanging out with Dex than you did with me"

"Rubes I just…" Casey paused unsure what to say or how to say what he wanted to say "I don't think we're ready for…"

Ruby interjected "For what…Casey. Sex?" she questioned with a frustrated expression "Because I am sure it's an activity that we have engaged in plenty times"

Casey sighed "I know that, I just…" again he stopped talking and Ruby lowered her gaze

"It doesn't matter Case" she paced up the beach, Casey close behind her. Passing the parking lot and reaching the cross roads she stopped to Casey's plea and turned to face him "I keep telling myself that I'm over reacting but right now, it's not even about sex. It's about you not being open with me". She wiped away the tear that escaped "You're standing a few feet away from me and yet I feel so far away from you. I…" she cleared her throat as Casey just stood looking at her dumbfounded. He hadn't been aware she had felt like this

"I'm staying at April's tonight so you won't have to sleep on the couch" she walked away from him, crossing the road and Casey dropped his head back

"Rubes" Casey stepped forward "Let's just talk ok" he started crossing the road "Let me explain this to you properly. The way I should have before"

Ruby turned to face him and was about to speak before a sound caught her attention. Her eyes widened at the sped of the car and she whipped her head back to Casey

"CASEY" she screamed. Her feet moved of their own accord, her arms pushing him out of the way but her feet not quick enough to safe herself

Everything around Casey seemed to slow down. Her screaming his name, the sound of the car making contact, her body crashing against the windscreen before it dropped lifeless on the other side of the road. Crawling to his feet, Casey felt the very breath leave his lungs, his legs shaking as if they would cave beneath him

"RUBY" he shouted, his voice echoing through the wind

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