The Task

Each year we try to give you something different to do. This year you will all have to start your task in exactly the same way, but how you all you develop it, and what you do with your scene, be it as tragedy, comedy, a tear jerker, high drama, or whatever, is entirely up to you. What we would like you to do is to choose two, or three, but no more than three, characters from Home and Away and write ONE scene using the following opening line. You can choose any characters you like, and can write a scene and tell us any story that you wish but you must use this opening line:

"What makes you think you can get away with this?"

Your scene should last no more than 90 - 100 seconds which is the standard length of a scene on Home and Away and should aim to end on a dramatic high note, with a cliffhanger.

You should also provide an introduction to your scene, in no more than 100 words, telling us the context or the lead up to your scene, and also a completed copy of the entry form below.

Full Name:
BTTB Username:
Email address:
Home address:
Date of Birth:
Title of scene submitted:

Please email your entries to before 12:00GMT on Friday 24th April 2009.

Don't forget that the writer's job is to drive the scene forward on to the next scene and keep the viewers enthralled and the ratings beating the opposition out of sight. Just as you would be reaching for the remote if you were getting bored, so too are readers of your scene, not to mention our judges who are going to be nodding off into their cocoa if you don't keep them interested. So we need you to think about creating genuine emotions and tension or comedy. Don't be afraid to really go for it, big time. Be fearless. If you care about it, then we will too. Get writing, and good luck.