BTTB Quiz - June 2010 Answers

1. What is the name of Colleen's friend whom we have heard of on many occasions but have never seen on screen? Madge Wilkins
2. What are the names of the four Walkers who appeared in 2009? Sid, Jody, Dexter and Indigo
3. Which former H&A actor is now the Mentalist? Simon Baker
4. What are the names of the three Diners that have been seen on the show since the first episode? The Bayside Diner, the Beachside Diner and the Pier Diner
5. How many sets of twins who are/were regulars have there been on H&A? 3 (Kirsty/Jade, Matilda/Henry, Sally/Miles)

1. In what episode did Roo give birth to Martha? Episode 167
2. Where did Martha use to live with her adoptive family? On a farm in Cobargo
3. What is her phobia? She is scared of heights.
4. Martha fell pregnant twice. Who were the fathers of those babies? Ash Nader and Roman Harris
5. With what money did she buy the farm? She used Jack's life insurance money.

1. What sports was he good at when he first came to the Bay? He was a great swimmer.
2. Robbie took him on a trip, which was originally planned for Robbie and Tasha. Where did they end up? In a nudist camp
3. Where did Rachel first "meet" him? He was lying unconscious on the hospital car park.
4. Where did he and Kit conceive their son? In the bush, after the chopper crash
5. Before he found out about Kit's pregnancy, Kim had already thought he had fathered two other children. What were those children's names? Charlie and Noah

1. Which Summer Bay resident is a recovering alcoholic? Irene Roberts
2. What event did Carly get roped into after Celia caught her stealing alcohol? A school play
3. To commemorate which event did Steven's uncle Phillip bought a bottle of champagne? The one year anniversary of the loss of Steven's parents
4. Which teenage girl was found passed out on the beach and falsely accused a boy, who had helped her, of having taken advantage of her? Annie Campbell
5. After a night of drinking to forget their troubles, who woke up on the beach and met a young girl with wet hair? Miles

In which year did this happen?
1. Leah found out she was HIV negative? 2000
2. The formal was ruined by a car accident and a fire? 2008
3. Chloe visited Lachie in America? 1998
4. The Summer Bay residents celebrated Pippa's christening? 2004
5. The Fletchers celebrated their first Christmas in Summer Bay? 1988

Answers should be PM'ed to Quizmaster and entries close on the 4th of July.