BTTB Member News (September - October)

Welcome to the Member News section of the third edition of the Interactive Corner. This section is all about what the members of your forum are up to! A lot has been going on in the month of September. Let's find out what some our members have been up to...

College and University starts for members living in the UK and Ireland. Good luck with everybody starting that new chapter in their lives. It's an exciting time and we hope you enjoy it. Don't go too wild!

Tanya (Miss Tan Tan) now works as office admin. No more serving Weak Decaf Soy Latte's! Congrats Tanya. Change is sometimes for the better. We hope you enjoy your new job. And we heard you got an early birthday present... a "HUGGGGE" Supernatural poster. Happy Birthday to you!

Guys and Gals are getting hot under the collar in the Who Floats Your Boat? thread on the forum. There are lots of interesting crushes and fixations! Check it out! It sure is interesting!

Twilight fans on the forum are happy to hear that the release date of the movie has been brought forward.

Tasha is excited about the C word already. We don't like to mention it in the month of September. But for all of you who are curios about what the C word is.... CHRISTMAS! Yes, now you are frightened.

Our very own Skykat is now in Australia. From there she will travel to New Zealand and then on to Fiji. Sounds like an amazing trip, Kat. Take care and enjoy the rest of your very long trip!