6-7 Points: 2010 Most Popular Character

This is the biggest update in terms of characters revealed, preluding a very small next update.

44=. Tasha Hunter (7 points)

There seems to have been a slightly recurring theme throughout the revealing of the poll results. Character from mid 00's; did well in initial polls. Now not quite as popular as they have moderate success in Hollywood and Tasha is another whose time has passed along with, it seems, the more bizarre quarters of her fans.

44=. Angel Parrish (7 points)

Angel was huge in the 90's and well she's not now, and it's not because she's been following the Atkins Diet. Sort of a bit like Angel, with the free type spirit she entered the show with, tragedy thrown her way, teenage pregnancy actress heading off for success in the States. Except Angel was 10 times bigger than Tasha.

44=. Colleen Smart (7 points)

And if Lyn Collingwood is to follow in the footsteps of those above, she better get her skates on, though one doubts we'll see her strutting her stuff alongside Michael Douglas in the next blockbuster, walking along Santa Monica with a tiny dog in her handbag. Colleen's popularity however has slipped, a sign that the joke has become tired?

44=. Xavier Austin (7 points)

A character that's been a grower on me. When he first arrived I thought he was dire. Now, well, merely tolerable.

44=. Hugo Austin (7 points)

So, the show managed to produce two equally popular, or is that unpopular brothers. Hugo's storyline characterised a dire 2009 for the show, in which in the words of Angie Russell he will inextricably linked to. About the 10th Summer Bay-er to go into witness protection in the past few years, now he's back, what will happen?

44=. Dani Sutherland (7 points)

I sometimes think it's a shame that Dani wasn't more liked because of the heinous crime of not liking your sister marrying your rapist and her princess phase, which at it's worst lasted to the end of 2000, was always thrown back at her when she was slightly upset that she was raped or that her boyfriend had made her arch-enemy pregnant or that Rhys had bought the wrong type of milk.

44=. Lynn Davenport (7 points)

Remember a few updates ago, I was talking about how it would be interesting to see how the originals fared, well, Lynn is almost the archtypal original, having not been seen for about 4900 episodes, yet she still makes a bigger splash than would have been expected by someone who was on the show for such a short and did so little so long ago. Oh, and we haven't found Helena Bozich however. Helena, if you're out there, let us know!

44=. Angelo Rosetta (7 points)

Some bummer gave Angelo one point and stopped me cracking Magnificent Seven jokes, since there's now eight of him. The woman of this lot so far have tended to be victims, but Angelo has a sort of heroic villian, shooting Jack, but coming back to save Martha.

52=. Melody Jones (6 points)

If Hugo made 2009 bad, Melody was a lot of what was good about about 2008. Without wanting to run Celeste down, she's not the kind of girl the show usually employs, but the stories of her troubles throughout the year were great, though I got the feeling towards the end that it was perhaps just going on a bit too long and that the spark had gone.

52=. Paris Burnett (6 points)

Ever so slightly dull school headmaster that filled in the gap between Fisher and Hyde. Generally did very little apart from the school headmaster type of things and have a romance with Irene, both of which ended abruptly when his neices and nephews were left as oprhans. Presumably it was the end of his contract, but it was random.

52=. Shane Parrish (6 points)

Less popular, less exciting, less well acted half of the Shane/Angel partnership, but that still means he was half of the Shane/Angel storyline and since Shane and Angel are relatively close together in poll, they appear to have kept a relative amount of their fandom, though bizarrely no view voted for both.

52=. Liam Murphy (6 points)


52=. Beth Hunter (6 points)

Beth was once so popular. The next Pippa we all proclaimed. Alas we were wrong, as they decided to give one of the shows more capable actresses no storylines leaving her to cope with cameo appearances each week until eventually they wrote her out being flattened by a truck,

52=. Chloe Richards (6 points)

Only Carly would have made this page more complete in the young kid turns up, gets raped, has young child, goes to USA, becomes super-rich, though Kristy falls at that last bit, beyond her blink and you'll miss it appearance in Star Wars.