The kids continue to give Brett a hard time but this time he fights back. Casey finds a song that her father wrote when she was five. Jesse is going to sue as he and Alf will never see eye to eye.


Jesse and Paula decide that they are better off as friends. Casey must decide whether to stay in Summer Bay or move to the Big Apple. Brett humiliates Casey in front of the whole class.


Chloe suffers from morning sickness and struggles through her exam. Casey decides she wants to move to New York. Fisher reprimands the kids for giving Brett a hard time. Lachlan gets a call from the children’s hospital.


Jesse is devastated when Rachel doesn’t recognise him with his new haircut. Tiegan is sold on the idea of a travelling theatre group performing their HSC text. Travis and Rebecca enjoy life together in their new house.


Alf decides he’s going to buy arcade games for the surf club in an attempt to gain more revenue. Terri asks Chloe if Lachlan is the father of her baby. Fisher allows Marat/Sade to be performed at the school.


Vinnie is back in town and working at the Surf Club. Alf is alarmed at what effect the play could have on the young minds of Summer Bay. Jesse has a day out with Rachel and Duncan.


There are heated debates at the P & C meetings regarding the performance of Marat/Sade. Rachel is frightened of something, but Jesse has a hard time working out what it is.


Kylie applies for the job at the Surf Club. Terri tells Lachlan she loves him but he can’t return the words. Casey and Aaron plot their revenge.


Lachlan knows something is going on when Chloe breaks down. Brett is inundated with phone calls when the kids put his car in the paper for a ridiculously low price. Kylie and Rachel move in with Jesse.


Aaron throws a farewell party for Casey and for those who’ve finished the HSC. Chloe decides she has to tell Lachlan the truth. Rebecca holds Travis back from interfering in Chloe’s business.


Lachlan finds out about Chloe’s pregnancy and assumes that Jesse is the father. Travis and Rebecca find someone’s memorabilia under the floor boards of their new house. Joey accidentally glues his hands to his school bag.


Lachlan finds out he is the father of Chloe’s baby. Brett’s assessor comes to school and the kids behave like perfect angels. Travis and Rebecca find Mrs. Kelly, and she tells them her life story.


Justine and Vinnie are still on together and Pippa doesn’t like it one little bit. Terri and Lachlan break up. Brett finally works out that the kids put his car in the paper.


Vinnie stashes his stereo at the Ross house. The kids glue Brett to his class chair. Sally decides to go away with Tim for Christmas.


Parents and guardians are called into Fisher’s office when Brett is glued to his chair. When Casey leaves Summer Bay, she leaves Fisher feeling hurt with a comment she makes. Pippa tells Vinnie what she thinks of him.


Marilyn tells Chloe that if she’s thinking of putting her baby up for adoption, she and Donald are interested. Vinnie purposely stuffs up his job interview at the Bait Shop. Justine’s mum invites her back home for Christmas, but she decides to stay home with Pippa instead.


Joey’s money making scheme fails. Vinnie finds out that Hai got the job at the Bait Shop and isn’t happy about it. Marilyn decides she wants the operation.


Marilyn speaks to Lachlan about the risks involved in having the operation. Travis and Rebecca organise their secret wedding. Lachlan and Chloe finally fall into each other’s arms and share a kiss.


Chloe and Lachlan share some honest words about their relationship. Lachlan is surprised to find his mother in Summer Bay and at her attitude to her grandchild. Vinnie buys Justine an expensive ring to try and impress her.


It’s a nice day for a white wedding! Diana puts her foot down… Chloe’s just not the right girl for her son. Ian returns to Summer Bay as he’s really missed Pippa.