Donations FAQ

If you enjoy Back to the Bay, and have a little money to spare, how about donating to Back to the Bay. Donating is quick and easy, and is powered by Paypal, so your transaction is completely safe.

How much do you recommend I donate?

That's completely up to you, and depends on how much you think we deserve and how much you're willing to give. If you don't have much money to spare, that's absolutely fine, and even the smallest donation will be appreciated. Of course, donations are not required, and we will not think any less of you if you hit the back button and continue to use the site for free. Back to the Bay has always been free, and will remain so.

What will you do with my money?

Any money we make through the Donations scheme will be ploughed straight back into the website. Here are just some examples of what your money may be spent on:
  • Hosting for the website and forum
  • Licences for software, such as Invision Power Board
  • Advertising
  • Competition prizes

Back to the Bay is growing all the time, so the range of things your donations could be used for may also grow. Don't worry, your money will always go towards the site, it will never go into our own pockets.

What do I get if I donate?

The satisfaction of helping keep Back to the Bay alive, and of contributing towards making the site a better place for yourself and our thousands of other visitors from across the globe.

What will you do if I don't donate?

Beat you with sticks! No, just kidding. Seriously, donating is completely and utterly optional. We won't think any less of you if you don't.

Ok, you've convinced me. How do I donate?

Donating couldn't be (much) easier. If you have a Paypal account you're set to go. Just click the donate button below and follow the instructions.